The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 29, 1973, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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A dispute between the University Health Center (UHC) anc
UNL Campus Security was reported Thursday night by UHC
Director Dr. Sam Fuenning during the UHC medical staff's
annual meeting at the Nebraska Center.
Fuenning said that University police have "begun bringing
in students from the dormitory who were ill. Then they would
call us for reports on the student's medical condition. This is
not acceptable for anyone brought over routinely, but the
Campus Security officers were very insistent that they have
these reports."
Doctors are required by law to report acts of violence to
the police, but any other patient records are legally
confidential. ,
"Nothing is released (of a student's records) other than
those legally required," Fuenning told the medical staff.
Fuenning said he requested a legal opinion from University
attorneys. They supported his position, he said, "but
University police refuse to accept the interpretation."
"This is still a problem and has been a problem of cortftant
harassment by the police for information they were not
entitled to," Fuenning said.
"The police made no distinction between a case of
violence," Fuenning said. "They request a report for every
case they bring over to UHC."
Afternoon classes canceled
Thief steals $1,100
from book exchange
"We're still working on it. We have a couple of good
suspects." said Campus Security Detective Al Broadstone
regarding the theft of approximately $1100 from the ASUN
Student Book Exchange. The theft reportedly occurred
sometime between 5 p.m. last Monday and 1 p.m. the next
day, he said. , , . iU
A gray cash box, containing $800 in checks and the
remaining $300 in currency and coin, was taken from the
south conference room of the Nebraska Union, the report said.
Both the room and the box were locked, according to
Checks were made out to the ASUN Student Book
Exchange. So far, none of the checks have shown up, he
John Dyson, chairman of the ASUN student services
committee, which sponsors the book exchange, said ASUN is
still discussing means of paying the students whose books were
sold. He said he is trying to determine whether the losses are
covered by insurance.
Dyson said the money had been kept in the room for three
days prior to the theft.
"We weren't aware of the lack of security and the ability of
anyone to get a key to the room," he added.
cancelled Monday
of the peace in
announcement by
Classes at UNL will be
afternoon in observance
Vietnam, according to an
Chancellor James Zumberge.
Classes will be cancelled beginning at 2 p.m.
on East Campus and 2:30 p.m. on City Campus
today. Evening and extension classes will meet
as usual today.
In recognition of the peace agreement, a
special convocation sponsored by ASUN and
the University Convocations Committee will be
held at 2:30 p.m. in the Centennial Room of
the Nebraska Union.
It was incorrectly reported in the Jan. 19
Daily Nebraskan that E.F. Frolik, dean of the
UNL College of Agriculture, was on vacation.
Frolik is in Vietnam at the request of the U.S.
Agency for International Development.
Dick Fleming, assistant director of the UNL
public relations department, said the program
would start with folk music featuring Steve
Hansen and Terry Schmitt.
Aid applications due
Students needing financial aid for the
1973-74 school year should apply by Feb. 1 at
the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aids,
1 12 Administration Bldg.
According to Jack Ritchie, assistant director
of the Financial Aids office, students should
come to the office to apply for the type of aid
they need and to pick up a parents' confidential
statement (PCS) form.
The students and their parents should
complete the PCS form and send it to the
address specified. There the information will be
compiled and returned to the University.
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cbily nobfpskon
EdltoMn-Chlef : Tom Lamworth. Managing Editor: Cheryl Westcott.
News Editor: Michael (O.J.) Nelson.
Special Editor: Jim Gray. Sports Editor: Dave Sittler. Photography
Chief: Gail Folda. Night News Editor: Ron Clingenpeel.
Staff writers: Tim Anderson, Steve Arvanette, H.J. Cummins, A.J.
McClanahan, Dennis Onnen, Jane Owens, Sara Schwieder, Nancy Stohs,
Ruth Ulrich, Mary Voboril, Adella K. Wacker. Entertainment writers:
Bart Becker, Carolyn Hull, Larry Kubert. Photographer: Dan Ladely.
Sports writers: Kim Ball, Andy Riggs. News Assistant: Mary Holdt,
Copy Editors: Randy Beam, Chris Harper, Bob Shanahan, Nancy Wilt.
Dispatch: Larry Grill. Staff Aritst: Greg Scott. Colunists: John
Vihstadt, Bob Russell, Shelly Kalkowski.
Business Coordinator; Jerri Haussler. Advertising Manager: Bill
Carver. Receptionist: Kathy Cook. Advertising representatives: Jeff
Aden, Terrl Adrian, Bob Flood, Kris Collins, Vicki Bagrowski. Larrv
Swanson, Mitch Mohanna, Craig McWilliams. Advertising artist: Sarah
Start. Subscriptions: John McNeil. Circulation Staff: Jim Sheridan,
Charlie Johnson, Jim Hallferg.
The Daily Nebraskan is written, edited and managed by students at .
the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. It is editorially independent of the
University faculty, administration and student body.
The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday throughout the fall and ,
spring semesters except holidays and vacations.
Copyright 1973, The Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted!
without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, excepting j
material covered by another copyright.
Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska.
Address: The Daily Nebraskan34 Nebraska Union14th & R
StreetsLincoln, Nebr. 68508. Telephone: 4024705588. i
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page 2
daily nebraskan
monday, january 29, 1973