doily mbroiBcini infteifiiifii(ni& J J' . ' ." .v I 4Wfl h7 .. hi.nwjipwur Getaway almost escapes V 14 (7 ,-1 pi Steve McQueen . . . stars in The Getaway. Review by Jim Gray Most often, the intelligentsia avoids adventure movies as if they were the bubonic plague or Rod McKuen. Consciously or unconsciously placing all action movies into the James Bond-John Wayne stereotype, they refuse to recognize any merit in a celluloid chase scene. In the case of Sam Peckinpah's latest effort, The Getaway, that could be a mistake. The Getaway is an adventure flick, there's no denying that. But it is a good adventure flick, and that's worth something. Initially, the movie has a lot going for it. Take, for example, its ample castSteve McQueen and Ali MacGraw in the leading roles, with Ben Johnson of the Last Picture Show, Sally Struthers (of All in the Family), Slim Pickens (ever-present character actor) and Al Lettieri (late of The Godfather) in fascinating smaller roles. The film also presents well-planned effects and cinematography and, even better, Walter Hill's glossy screenplay, taken from Jim Thompson's novel. And, of course Sam Peckinpah's direction doesn't hurt either. Taken together they almost manage to make Getaway an interesting, exciting and technically excellent adventure. Almost. Getaway revolves generally around a bank robbery which husband and wife, McQueen and MacGraw must pull off in exchange for McQueen's prison release. Complications arise' when the robbery leaves the bank guard and one robber dead and McQueen and MacGraw are double-crossed by a third robber (Lettieri). Plans generally go awry, with MacGraw killing the heavy (Johnson), and starting the duo on an incredible YrTthe course of the Getaway, Peckinpah takes them across the Texas landscape, conjuring up some most amazingly understandable, If exaggerated, vignettes of life in the United States. The scenes include a stop at a drive-in restaurant, a howlingly funny assault on a police car, a barbecued-ribs duel between Lettieri and oversexed housewife Struthers, and final getaways in garbage trucks display humor which usually goes unnoticed everyday Starkly contrasted with this humor, Peckinpah periodically chimes in with a bit of savage, well-planned violence which, while essentially unemotional, keeps the audience alert and interested. This seasoning heightens the effect of the action, making The Getaway a delightful escape and well-done adventure. In periodically interlocking sequences of violence and humor, Peckinpah's timinq is excellent. . The film's main problem, however, lies in the acting of the major roles. In the two roles which should have commanded a little more depth than the minor characters, MacGraw and McQueen come off incredibly flat. For MacGraw, it's back to Love Story, as she bursts forth with a zero-dimensional performance. And'McQueen, as usual, takes what could be a sensitive, moving role and turns out Sgt. Friday. Despite the two, Getaway is a damn good film. Peckinpah uses some trick effects and somehow makes it almost possible to overlook his stars' transgressions. Which makes him a helluva director. The Getaway is good adventure fare, nothing more. aTHEEs Hollywood & Vine a big dose of nostalgia Hollywood &yine has come to Lincoln, bringing with it a heavy dose of nostalgia. "' "' No, the Lincoln Street Department hasn't renamed the local thoroughfares a la Hollywood. Lincoln's Hollywood & Vine is a new two-theater complex in the Glass Menagerie shopping center at 12th and Q Streets. Owner Peter Frederick said he felt the Glass Menagerie is a good place to house theaters showing films of the classic, avant garde and foreign genres. "The shops are college oriented, close to campus and should help attract an audience interested in seeing old films," Frederick said. "With two theaters, we have a lot of versatility in being able to show varied films," he said. "We have the Bogart classics, such as Casa Blanca and The Maltese Falcon which we can alternate with something from W.C, Fields or Mae West," Frederick said. He added he also has booked some first run movies such as Jimi Hendrix's film Rainbow Bridge. Plans for the theaters had been in the works since February 1972. The owners employed a local architect to help overcome problems as the noisy bar across the hall. "The theaters had to be carefully designed to give the best sight lines, pictures, and sound available. We've installed the best equipment available. Our projectors have xenon lamps, which are the best light source for a steady, clear picture," Frederick said. Frederick, who called himself a film nut, has booked some of his favorite classics for future showings. Among them are Citizen Kane, directed by Orson Welles, and San Francisco, with Jeanette MacDonald and Clark Gable. Just because a show is old doesn't mean that renting costs will be less. According to Frederick, some older films have only two or three prints which are rented out. "We think Hollywood & Vine are unique and that there are enough people interested in the films and in going to a nice, intimate theater in Lincoln," Frederick said. "We've tried to put the best qualities of presentation together." doily nebraskan EdItor-ln-Chlef : Tom Lansworth. Managing Editor: Cheryl Westcott. New Editor: Michael (O.J.) Nelson, Special Editor: Jim Gray. Sports Editor: Dave Sittler. Photography Chief: Gall Folda. Night News Editor; Bon Cllngenpeel. The Daily Nebraskan is written, edited and managed by students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. It Is editorially Independent of the University faculty, administration and student body. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday throughout the fall and spring semesters except holidays and vacations. Copyright 1973, The Daily Nebraskan. The Daily Nebraskan reserves rights to all editorial material produced by its staff, excepting material covered by another copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska. Address: The Daily Nebraskan34 Nebraska Union1 4th & R StreetsLincoln, Nebr. 68508. Telephone: 4024722588. Every Week is Special of Team 7 Rocolvor, Speakers and Changer ROTEL RX200A Receiver .... $169.95 Pr. Of Atlantis I uaii mwe IUU OMVC Loudspeakers 2S99.90 BSR 310X Changer 54.95 If purchased separately $324.80 TEAM low $9flfl88 package price uu 1 E92 m A ;"- - ' SCOTCH 150 RECORDING TAPE (1800') REG. $4.96 Now$1.99 OX,,. CLA l V P KLtUKUIHU 1 AltUoUU; RLU. i3.13 IUVV ?l.9S Qg lOflQ QS WWWWI BKSWBsm jrfl jfJv S supply lasts 4352959 r ' 9.9 Mon., Thurs. 9-6 Tues., Wed., Fri. 9-5 Sat. convenient financing ULTIMATE IN ENTERTAINMENT AT LINCOLN'S NEWEST AND MOST UNIQUE THEATRES! n -C "classic" largely -il responsible for the m VfTiarijuana laws today.JT ( X, "Hilarious" . 1a , if fig 1 l&i INTMMMwrUM Special Matinee Prices Till 111 c- p r. m. Adults $1,50 rriilllll?i f y Comedy Special..'l f l M THIS COMEDY CLASSIC SHOWING NOW jrHWUTHUffPAV daily nebraskan Wednesday, january 24, 1973 . A, -. . I" r n .... ' 1 . page 2