The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 13, 1972, Image 13

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It hasn't been easy. Establishing that rowing boathouse north of Nebraska Hall on 16th St.
team, that is. Not too many students even Since the team was formed two years ago, it
know that UNL has a crew team. So Allan has entered two national crew events and five
May bee, crew coach, is telling folks about it inter-collegiate regattas. Approximately 35
at an open house from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the students are now members of the team.
( Yogurt yields
Yogurt has enjoyed a reputation as a
health food for quite some time, andnow
UNL studies are revealing more evidence in
its favor. N V,
Yogurt and a similar fermented milk "
product, acidophilus milk, both contain
natural antibiotics effective against a wide
variety of disease-causing organisms. In
addition, yogurt has been shown to reduce
the rowth of tumor cells in mice.
Khem Shahani, UNL professor of food
science and technology, has recently been
granted a patent for his method of preparing
an antibiotic found in acidophilus milk. He
said he also plans to apply for a patent for
preparing another antibiotic found in
His studies have shown that
broad-spectrum antibiotics are produced by
the microorganisms in both yogurt and
acidophilus milk, he said. "Acidophilin" was
the name given to the antibrotic associated
with acidophilus milk (the one for which the
patent was approved), while the yogurt
antibiotic has been named "Bulgarican."
Yogurt also has been found to inhibit the
growth of tumor cells in mice
"This may nbt be applicable to all cancers
or to all bioloaical svstfmsinrinHin
. man' " k.
, lie aiu.
WRH to rename;
Neihardt top choice
If the proper authoriteis approve, Women's Residence Hall
(WRH) will soon become Neihardt Hall, in honor of Nebraska
poet-laureate John G. Heihardt.
Last week residents of WRH voted to change the
dormitory's name. Their choice was one of four options,
including People's Residence, Ketha Hall and Women's
Residence Hall. Neihardt Hall received a pluralty of 32 percent
of the vote.
Carolyn Grice, WRH president, said the next step is to get
Neihardt's approval. Grice said the proposal hopefully will be
ready for the Regent's February meeting. -
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Use our special final exum coupons to keep your mind
functioning at peak efficiency with the best food at the best prices
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i 2 sloppy joes .55
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A place to study
The Harvest Itooin will be open nightly from 6:30 p.m. til
closing for studying during final exam week December 18-22
All the free coffee you cun drink
page 14
daily nebraskan
Wednesday, december 13, 1972