5 fLJP BREAKFAST page 8 3) HURRY ENDS THURS.I 'X)NT. DAILY FROM 11:45 THERE IS SOMETHING IN THIS FILM FOR EVERYONE! I STREET IEAS0RES Lcorri to Avoid Crises xr: 32mr?fiem ? real, jazav humor. mWi IDT OF TlPO GRAPHICAL "if r'o ONLV kajouW I 0OAM TtWlTViM.U6e "Win g J iamond wedding ensembles for the Christmas bride who is about to start her own traditions. imann TWO LOCATIONS 1 1 29 "0" - GATEWAY MALL "Ji 3i '-v - B UiiilSlllIi,,IiQaM Ml o o TOURS COLLEGE DAYS RED COATS UNIVERSITY PROJECTION CALENDAR AND DIRECTORY STUDENT-FACULTY RELATIONS AND SCHOLARSHIPS ee. It S5 li.m. 7W n. . JUL icicle op no nppHen&ion foiBi in Suit 345 of tbe Union BIG BOY FAMILY RESTAURANT LUNCH DINNER T02 UNIVERSITY OF WEBOASKA STUDENTS FACULTY SUBJECTS JO'S DIG BOY FAMILY RESTAURANTS QUIOC SERVICE GOOD FOOD FAMILY PRICES ORDERS TO GO (Phono In end pick up) LINCOLN Vine and 27th (475-4112) Two locations in Omaha 8241 W. Center 2955 Farnam liMIIFMilLIHE The "Baggie" LooK Is swlngln'on strong. And Lee has 'em. A dash of old times for new times. Full Cut Leas. Big Cuffs. Nostalgic Lee and the new me. GREEN NAVY AND YELLOW CORDUROY $15. "for the latest in styles.. .for Guys and Gals... shop the store that is more than a JEANS store TOR n U"vr l! C IN THE NEW GLASS MENAGERIE 1 2TH AND Q STREET daily nebraskan monday, december 4, 1972 wCv,4v,(.-ir--,,4A .lit. &.JL..AA A AAA A. A A. A A A A A A A A A A dAAA,A,ttmt4