Co U (ft monday, november 6, 1 972 lincoln, nebraska vol. 96, no. 37 Students divide on UNL quality by Bart Becker Only 55 per cent of the 243 randomly selected students responding to the Daily Nebraskan Super Poll indicated they have been satisfied with the education they have received at UNL. Twenty-eight per cent indicated they were not satisfied with their education and 17 per cent were undecided. The poll results also indicated the less experience a student had with UNL, the more satisfied that student was with the education received. Sixty-two per cent of the freshman respondents indicated satisfaction with their UNL education. Twenty per cent answered negatively and 18 per cent were undecided. The 54 sophomores who answered the question indicated a similar satisfaction with their education. Again, 62 per cent said they were pleased with their education. Ten students, or 19 per cent, answered in the negative, with an equal number undecided. By the third year, however, some dissatisfaction apparently begins to creep into a student's life. Only 56 per cent of the responding juniors expressed satisfaction with the education they've received here. Equal percentages of 22 per cent showed dissatisfaction or indecision about the quality of their education. Less than half of the responding seniors, 48 per cent, answered they were satisfied with their education. Twenty-seven, or 40 per cent answered they were not satisfied, with 12 per cent still undecided. When asked "how would you rate the University of Nebraska-Lincoln academically?", 58 per cent gave a favorable response. The possible answers were excellent, good, fair, poor or undecided. While only seven per cent rated UNL excellent, 51 per cent (126 respondents) gave UNL a good academic rating. The University got a fair rating from 35 per cent or those surveyed. Four per cent judged it poor and three per cent were undecided. As with the question of the quality of education individually, the University's academic rating fell as the : students' spent more time in the system. Eleven per cent of the freshmen gave it an excellent rating. Sixty-eight per cent rated UNL good academically, while 13 per cent gave it a fair rating. Only two per cent thought it poor with six per cent undecided. An even higher percentage of sophomores (12 per cent) gave UNL an excellent academic rating. Fifty-four per cent thought it good and 31 per cent rated it fair. Three per cent of the sophomores were undecided. Nine per cent of the responding juniors gave UNL the top rating. Fifty-four and 33 per cent rated it good and fair, respectively. Two per cent gave it a poor rating, and two per cent were undecided. The seniors again appeared the most disapproving of UNL academic quality. Only three per cent of the seniors rated UNL excellent academically. Thirty-six per cent called it good and 42 per cent labeled it fair. But 16 per cent rated UNL poor academically. Three per cent were undecided. The performance of the Board of Regents over the last year also took it on the chin from the student respondents. Respondents were asked to rate the board's performance over the last year excellent, good, fair, poor or undecided. Only four students, less than one per cent, judged the board's performance excellent. And only 17 per cent thought the Regents had done a good job. The largest number of respondents, 35 per cent, gave a fair rating to the Regents, while 26 per cent judged their performance poor. The largest percentage of freshman were undecided. Forty-six per cent indicated indecision. Only two per cent gave the board an excellent rating, with 21 per cent and 23 per cent giving it good and fair ratings, respectively. Eight per cent of the freshmen gave the board a poor rating. Forty-two per cent of the sophomores gave the Regents a fair rating. Twenty-five per cent gave them poor while only 12 per cent judged their performance good. Twenty per cent were undecided and only one student gave the Regents an excellent rating. Fifteen juniors (33 per cent) judged the board's performance poor and 43 per cent gave it a fair rating. Only 1 5 per cent thought the Regents had done a good job and none qave them an excellent rating. The seniors were not quite as harsh. however. One per cent felt the board had done an excellent job. Eighteen per cent favored it with a good rating and 32 per cent each gave it a fair and a poor. Eighteen per cent of the seniors were still uncertain about the Regents' r penormance. ' ' ' w1 m ) -v .... t - - " ' h-. photo by Dan Ladely Volunteers offer rides to polls The Student Volunteer Bureau will provide rides for those who need transportation to the polling places Tuesday. Students who need a ride should call 472-2484. Polling places will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Those needing to find out which voting precinct they are in and where their polling place is can contact the County Election Commissioner's Office, 475-5611. Indians to receive full funding by Sara Schwieder Administrators said Friday that all 20 currently enrolled Indian students at UNL will receive full funding next semester. "We are going to see that all the Indian students on this campus are going to be funded next semester," according to Harry Canon, Dean of Student Development. Canon said the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) funded 14 of the 20 currently enrolled Indian students for the full year. A $17 million cut in the BIA'f budget will not affect students who have already received full-year funds, Canon said in an interview Friday. Canon said he didn't know what the financial situation of 26 or 27 UNO Indian students was. Two American Indian students have regular low-income packages that continue through the end of second semester, Canon said. Only four of the 20 currently enrolled Indian students do not have money for next semester, and they will be funded from University resrouces, he said. "University resources includes money Trom PACE (a low-income scholarship fund financed voluntarily by students), tuition waivers, work-study programs and loans in addition to federal money available from the Health, Education and Welfare Department (HEW)-that is, if HEW is voted a budget at all for 1973. President Nixon vetoed the HEW budget last week. Canon and Ken Bader, vice chancellor of Student Affairs, both said the $10 application fee for admittance to the University will be waived for all low-income students. In addition, American Indian students no longer need the "parental confidential statement" form to apply for financial assistance. Instead, they will fill out a simpler BIA form. "Low income" is determined by a slip signed by the applicant's high school counselor. Canon said the Office of Student Development is trying to streamline the paperwork process for Indian students. Friday's interview followed a meeting of the administration and the Special Services staff who had been reported in Thursday's Daily Nebraskaan to be in disagreement about financing for UNL's Indian students. Indian student adviser John Arbuckle said in Thnrcrla' ctnrw that he thounht manv Indian students were not going to get funds for next semester and would have to drop out, while Financial Aids people said they had money for almost all Indian students. "We had an internal breakdown in Student Affairs," Canon said. "We determined where some things got confused. When you're new to the campus, the procedures are not always clear." Arbuckle also mentioned last week that some new Indian students had applied to the University but cannot attend because there is no funding for them. "We don't have additional funds to admit more low-income students next semester," Canon affirmed. But he also added that there is a good chance that next fall some of them may be funded by the University. He also stressed the University's efforts to recruit Indian and other minority students. "We've got to beam our efforts toward Nebraska's citizens for help in financing low-income students," Bader commented. Canon said the University has tried to help the Legislature understand that there are a large number of students limited by financial problems, but tnat state funds are "still inadequate.