The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 20, 1972, SECOND SECTION, Image 23
Are you a UNITARIAN without knowing it? Do you feel religion should free each man to think through his beliefs for himself? Do you believe man's understandir.;; of truth is continually expanded through reason as experience accu mulates? Do you believe men are capable of ethical living without the stimulus ol eternal judgment? Do you believe in the practical appli cation of brotherhood in all social relations? IJ so, then you are professing UNITARIAN belie js ' ""Mali tniTCoupon wth H5c toTJnitarian Church ofLin"coi 6300 'A' Street Lincoln Please send me booklets on Unitarianism Name 1 I becoming more open and he expects an upswing in the number of homosexual VD cases in the next few years. A University Health Service community health nurse, Celeste Knipmeyer, refused to estimate the number of homosexuals who are treated for VDat UHS. "Homosexuals do come in here," she said, "but I can't tell how many. When they come in they are usually infected in either the mouth or the rectum." An infection of the rectum is difficult to detect, she said. The chancre, a boil-like blemish that appears when a person has VD, usually forms inside the rectum in such cases. Since the chancre is not visible and there is little pain the disease is more difficult to detect, she explained. Both Knipmeyer and Jensen said most male homosexuals who come in for treatment are the active partner in the relationship. When that person is diagnosed he normally tells his passive partner and other contacts, they said. Soreness in the rectal area is one sign of venereal disease, said Jensen. Another sign, Knipmeyer said, is a sore throat. Poes your clocEt wb "Spring1-1 Fewer? Seiko Re-watch Weekend Sale Come see Dr. Mike & Nurse Jan , 8th floor Stuart Bldg. Specializing in watch replacements and other assorted niceties Hours 1-6 Mon, 10-6 Tues-Fri, 10-1 Sat or by appt. 435-7276 851 STUART BUILDING - LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 68508