1 3 w 1 4 krrrr. 'I page 14 The Emancipation of Harold J. Lessor Longing to see you I walked down to the train depot. But you weren't there. You have deserted me again, friend. It was night and the cold air stung my face. I pulled my blue muffler tighter, but it did not help. You have deserted me again. I went over to a phone booth on the corner, fished in my pocket for a dime, and dialed your number. After the eighth ring I put the receiver back into its cradle. Out on the street it was still cold. In all my 36 years I've never asked much from you, at least not so much as you couldn't give. To be proud of me when I did good; to love me because I try; perhaps to tell the truth which isn't so hard. Or is it. We used to tell each other the truth back when it was easy. That was years ago. Now t have no job, I make no money. I am no ffory.lt s not easy now. Is that why you're not around anymore. When you went away to New York I was happy for you. It s nice to have a friend who's successful, even if I'm back here in Wyoming smoking hand-rolled cigarettes. Of course you re not home. You haven't been for a long time. And even if I knew your number in New York I wouldn't call. You see, you re safe. Don't worry. ' Steve Kadel n i. j : 4- (S EARTH FINDINGS I tore up mother earth to Find the End Fate of Damned Dead. But, I knew the grave would offer more than bones and earthen rags. this wormy earth is good to man I must admit. For all I've found is one corroded soul encased in frozen (straining) sweat. Joe Prentiss Dan Ladely Damn these awkward bones, My dance too boldly taken Flames of love burn a road so bjpacL A friend h lostaad shaken! A i , . ' L So lonely when the heat trwKtarthfs -Obscures the warmth that's latent. I heard your name from the heavenly host But then I happened to lean to close. , Almost hoping Two uncrossed strangers' hands Two uncrossed lovers' hands . Wishing as a pivot stands And the voice says Let yourself be free. Kelly Nash "'"-" 11 -mu.,.,WM. .. m.-,u...,,Ml. .... .....,u. M.... ........... .,..,.,. I ' ' ' t i I J M - ' ' ,1! ' mini Ted Kirk -if, ".-,,:. I .. . . ' . ' r.4 V ' is Dan Ladely a drop in the hat of a bottomless part of the great hill in the sky that never can see down into the sideways going round every once in awhile turning but always never knowing which way you're going? steve buettow daily nebraskan friday, 6ctobd, 172