Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1972)
V chili j ai ELn cn 6. placed room 34 Payment vinon.y. No rLnTP0 minimum b run only if error U "V 5?Tf'.e"t8rY d dtte ntton the buslnew d.v .f, FOR SALE Irish Setter Dog. 1 year old. Best offer. Call 488 8307, evenings. Soars 23" Console TV. Excellent condition. $45.00 or best offer Call 435-2639 after 5:30 p.m. Audio Car 4 & 8 track tape player plus two flush mount speakers. $50.00 or best offer. Call 435-2639, after 5:30 p.m. RCA 8-track stereo, for home or portable use; tapes; case; $90 or best offer. Vann Prater, 7314 Selleck. Afghan pups at student prices. Call 488-7516, eves, and week ends. 1971 VW Superbeetle, AM-FM, new tires, red, clean. $1675. 475-1208 or see at 2224 U St. Vox Guitar & Amp. Also stereo components; AR-3A speakers; AR turntable; Oynaco Amp & Pre-Amp. Will sell complete or separately. All above are in excellent condition. 475-7177. 1966 Chevelle 4 door 283 V 8, automatic, new brakes, engine recently overhauled. 435-5972. Gifts for Mother and Dad. Cliff's 12th & O. HELP WANTED Basketball Referees; YMCA Church League. Pay good wages, $2.25 a game. Call Bob Grenfell 432-1251 at Downtown "Y". Leading Lincoln Merchant has Job Opportunity for student with car, working evenings. Excellent earnings. 466-6642. Need extra cash? Either part-time or full-time. Call: 475-0141 after 5:00. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT in Yellowstone and jql4 ' US National Parks. Booklet tells where and how to appVy- Send $2.00, Arnold Agency, A -2 06 East Main, Rexbujjf) j Idaho 83440. Money back guarantee. 3 Girls for Telephone wot It 10 to 15 hours per week. Hours are flexible ta. fit your schedule... Must have "access to private phone. For interview Phone 475-6751. Bus Boys. Two shifts available, 6Jf30 a.m.p:00i .P.f 90 p.m.-3:D0'a "rrf. fepply afperson. Village Inn Pancake House. 29th & "O". GOOF TYPIST, able bookkeeper, office skills, high ability, sincere, responsible. Versatile job activities in REAL ESTATE. Part or full time. 432-2772. I i y Lu 2104 aiO" St. Thursdays 6-9 POOL TABLES Special membership TV i 7 Amps, turntables, 8-track players, tape amps, or Sound City will give you 8 and 1 2 v. batteries (3-yr. guarantee) Tires Engine Rebuilding Dynamic Wheel Balancing Major and Minor Repairs t f434;4877 fc.i,r.iltrir-'11'1 thursday, October 1 9, 1 972 n,': ""'"' .1 i-uriw neip wanted. Hin:.y Dinky, 2535 'O' St. Experience not necessary. SERVICES "OR INFORMATION ABOUT ACTION (PEACE CORPSVISTA) On East CSfflDUS! A rminc umi r increase your practical skills and Africa. Asia nr I Atin A mar is a Contact: Dan Morgan, Rm, 152, Youth Wg., Nebr. Cntr. For Continuing Ed. Hours: Tuesday 10-1, Wed nesday 11-1, Thursday 9-1, OR CALL 472 2598. On City Campus: ine reace corps and Vista need persons of all majors and skills for service in over 56 countries and in 48 states. Contact June Schlegelmllch, Rm. 225, Nebraska Union, Placement Office. Hours: Monday 1-4, Tuesday 1-2, Wednesday 10 12 OR CALL 472-3145. COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY. WEDDINGS from $50 PORTRAITS-2 8 x 10 s and 4 wallets-$15. Stan 489-4910. TERM PAPERS Send for your descripti.-e. ;.p t -iv 128-page, mail order catnip .' quality termpapers. Enclose $1 03 to cover postage and handling WE ALSO 'A'Ri CUSTOM MADE PAPfP' Termpcper Arsenal, Inc 319 GLENROCK AVE , SUITf. 2 10S ANGELES, CALIF 3C"i; (213)477-8474 477 5493 ' "We need a lerai WATCH R f P A I R w ATru BANDS. CAMPUS R on k STORE at Yellow Door on East Side. Pregnant and distressed? Call a friend . . . Birthright 477-8021. PERSONAL Dear RENO Ghetto has lost pair of Big Red underwear. Rumor is they're on your head. Happy 31st on the 19th, BARN & JUL! Have a LUVY four day holiday & many more happy years together. D & J. ROOMMATE WANTBd1' Two graduate students want Male or Female share 3 bedroom house, 1837 E, $66mon. Call 475-0065 after 5:00. Wanted: 1 or 2 female roommates to share apartment close to campus. 475-5550. and DANCING for college students aecics, guitar whatever. fast repair service. 144 s. 9th ST. DOWNTOWN 432-7305 Brakes Tune-Ups Front Ends , Records Fourth Floor J I I ft ifclnl ods MISCELLANEOUS 'isix to seven weeks working to help others in Africa-info on ;' f V 44 . ml warn o 'if lViVr4rjY' CATALOUGE OF BEATLES Q MWXSi 1 I ,,S fcv f I I a J I i 1 I j- mrm m m rm mm mm m mm m mm j lUSlI Ull 1315 The bbHTLeo eocriAi II I r !. ft tmtriim i . )y ORIGINAL MOTION f7Sffl $ PICTURE SCORE Wjj ' now MFti.9Lr IJp' I ONLY N I J J 1 ?4 I :rrii:::'':'::l; T downtown I I L- Vi-ii LINCOLN I cany neDrasKan Operation Crossroads Africa. Overseas Opportunities Center. Afternoons in International ' House (WRH). Flair Jeans, button front, regular flair leg, Special $3.99pr. 32" Elephant Bell Flair $5.99pr. Gov't B-71 Snorkel Coat with 10 oz. bonded insulation, regular price: $42.50, Special: $33.50. Himalayan No. 1 or No. 2 back pack day bags. Special: $8.99. SURPLUS CENTER, 1000 WEST'O ST.. LINCOLN. . I,,,,,!,,,,. -.,,., M U , ! - SWISS SKI SPECIAL. KLOSTERS, SWITZERLAND. Jan. 5-12, 1973. $298 from New York, includes meals, accomodations, round trip air transportation and transfers. FIRST TOUR FULL! Call Jann Liberman at Schramm 477-5645. INTERIM TRIP TO RUSSIA and L,ondon. Visit Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev. Visit tourist sites plus many other seminar situations. Visit 3 Universities and talk with Professors. Stay in London homes. Sponsored by Wesley Foundation. 432-0355. page 7