The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1972, Image 1

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thursday, October 1 9, 1 972
lincoln, nebraska vol. 96, no. 27
ASUN budget
would establish
activity committee
The Daily Nebraskan will take a detailed look at
the categories of the proposed ASUN budget before it
is dealt with by the Senate at next week's meeting.
The ASUN Senate Wednesday received its
executive proposed budget for 1972-73. The Senators
will study the request for a week before voting
whether to accept it. It will then move on for final
approval by the Board of Regents.
The total budget request $41,134.41 as compared
with $38,899.97 budgeted last year.
The document says "the executives of ASUN
realize the usefulness of comparative data in judging
one year's budget from the last ... if a comparison
between this budget and last year's budget is
attempted, one will find that many of last year's
programs have been placed in new program areas,
come have been eliminated and others added."
The document indicated the direction taken in
formulating this year's budget proposal was to
"update, redefine and research the current needs of
the students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln."
However, the comparison with last year's budget is
inevitable. The new budget's most conspicuous cuts
were in the areas of Free University, human rights,
and student services. The biggest hikes went to
communications, the Legislative Liason committee,
the general fund and the establishment of a Student
Organization and Activities Fund, a Cultural Affairs
committee and to ombudsman support.
Most important is establishment of the Student
Organizations and Activities committee, with a
budget of $5,500.
The $5,500 request would make funds available to
recognized student organizations and activities to
suDDort their activities until alternative means of
funding can be found.
Groups and activities will be obligated to forward
detailed expenditure requests to fully inform the
Senate of the validity of the request. The distribution
of money from the fund will be monitored through a
special Senate committee.
Many activities formerly funded under the Human
Rights Commitee now will have to go through the
new set-up to receive funds.
Another big boost went to the Communications
Committee. That committee's budget skyrocketed
from $550 a year ago to a proposed $3,917.50.
However, the communications budget anticipates that
committee will handle all publicity for other
The switch apparently would take the burden of
publicity off several committees including Human
Rights, Environmental Task Force, Free University,
the electoral commission, the Legal Rights,
Legislative Liason and Student Services.
In other Senate business Wednesday, a resolution
to sanction a lettuce boycott was passed 22 to 4 with
four abstentions. The Senate voted for the sanction
by dormitories and housing units "in an attempt to
begin the direction of purchasing to include only
United Farm Workers lettuce."
Also passed, 29 to 0 with one Senator abstaining,
was a resolution to name an ad hoc committee to
revise and finalize the ASUN Student Fee Proposal
for Senate approval. This committee will also present
the plan to the Administrative Task Force for its use
and consideration. Mark Molacek is chairman of the
ad hoc committee.
. N
Interim not cancelled
Students normally are looking ahead to vacations,
but this is ridiculous.
The Daily Nebraskan has been plagued with
inquiries about the length of the 1973-74 winter
interim. Apparently some students believe that the
four week vacation period is to be cancelled.
"Let's squelch this rumor," said Gerald Bowker,
UNL vice chancellor for academic affairs. Bowker
said Wednesday that the interim would be shortened
by two days, but not cancelled. Interim will be Dec.
21, 1973 to Jan. 14, 1974.
"It's going to be about three days shorter," he
said, "but there will still be about four weeks for any
classes which might be held. In the past most (classes)
didn't last the full four weeks anyway."
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by Bart Becker
The success of the Big Red provides
a lot of income to a lot of people, and
at least one UNL student is getting his
share of the pie. The student, who
necessarily remains anonymous,
figures to make about $150 this season
selling his own and other students'
He said he sold 15 season tickets
before the home season started-after
the opening game loss to UCLA-for
about $50 to $80. The going rate for
tickets which are sold each game is
about $25 to $50.
The enterprising ticket hawker got
his start as a UNL freshman. A friend
sold his ticket for him and split the
$15 profit. He quickly realized that he
could tell it himself and get the whole
Last year he and three friends
pooled their tickets to offer a four-seat
block to prospective buyers. A deal for
all the tickets with an Omaha
insurance man-for $100 a ticket-fell
through before the season began.
So they sold their ducats week by
week with pretty good success. The
only major drawback for ticket sales
or prices is the weather.
"One game last year, my partner
was left standing outside the stadium
in the rain holding 35 student tickets,"
he said. "As it gets colder, less people
are going to the games."
He now collects and dispenses other
students' tickets weekly. He offers a
standing guarantee of nine dollars, or
less if the ticket sells for less. His
profits come from a 10 per cent
commission on every sale of $10 or
"There is active competition in the
University," he said. 'There are a large
number of people with tickets who
need money. The natural thing to do is
to sell the tickets."
He said the threat of ticket
confiscation can be shrugged off. He
said confiscated tickets are returned
with an "official scolding."
An additional boon to the student
ticket dealer was an administrative
goof-up on this year's ticket sabs.
"It was possible to buy two
tickets," he said. "You could have
bought a ticket last spring, picked it
up, then claimed to have lost your I.D.
By getting a new I.D. it became
possible to get another ticket in the
general sales."
He said he's heard rumors of
corruption among the ticket takers.
For instance, he said one ticket taker
was reportedly confiscating tickets and
then reselling them.
Because the cold weather
effectively slows down the ticket
trade, the student offered "a piece of
advice to the good readers of the Daily
"Go to the last game. It's going to
be cold anyway and ticket prices will
go way down." y