The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 18, 1972, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
ascoti NO UIIC ALLOWED Without TIE. MEAT (IS ANOTHER MAN'S POISON) m2 MAN'S hit a-TlW--Jlflfac 2 1 1 V I stuff J sl X, Ij Vf V , Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska f iVj . """"Nl ' ' V '' ' ' "; -" i Union, two working days prior to Jf'B&l ,4CVl ' -''' ..-"" ;. ,'i iesired data of publication,, for I 4L, "y S. J ll'" I tion in Short Stuff. Item mutt I wT i" I submitted in writing and will be I hJ V L Xf-0,; jL ' printed a maximum of two days. I sJP f Vk f ' - General meeting announcements I st -O ' fV ' will be used in Up and Coming. i 'fSaiiil S fi l7 J The Arts and Sciences I . V. 3 ' llMi 1 k Advisory Board will hold .Qj U W j.-A Q j;. vV interviews for associate board V J!f a t - . ar,l If 1 '!Tmmjrmt 1 i. I aea 9 I Kriwet . . . Ferdinand KRIWET, German film maker, writer and mixed media artist, spoke Tuesday to a group of UNL students and faculty members at the Andrews Hall Library. KRIWET's works currently are being shown at Sheldon Art Gallery. He has presented exhibitions in Germany, Holland, Austria, France arid the United States. He tofd the group he attempts to involve the person afceing or listening to his work in the work itself. By doing so, he said, a person develops new perceptions of the world and can therefore look at its problems in a different light. He is currently working on a radio text. Campaign '72, in which he said he is recording his perceptions of the presidential race. He said he is not reporting the campaign, but only trying to make a documentary about the contest for the German people. KRIWET was sponsored by the Union Special Films Committee. members, Thursday, from 7-8 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Room to be posted. UNL Gay Action Group will sponsor a Gay Open House, every Thursday, 8-10 p.m. at United Ministries in Higher Education, 333 North 14th. , TONIC (Tutors of Nebraska Indian Children) needs tutors for students from kindergarten through high school on the Winnebago Indian reservation Thursday evenings. For more information, call Mary Firdlay, 466-6378. 2'V pv v. ' mm"' V 1 u 4 7-1 . i ;..V. ' . . J ' 5 l t mm, m,!tmmn mm aVw :, m1nii.-:mrij..cfX L : LARGEST-' SELECTION OF TWELVE STRING GUITARS IN LINCOLN j o GUILD o GIBSON o EPIPHONE Open till 8:30 THOMSEN 2641 Lincoln, No N Mon. thru Fri. IMC CO. . 48 St. ebraska Wednesday 11:45 a.m. U. A. A. D. -Nebraska Union 12 p.m. -Dean George-Union 12 p.m. -University of Nebraska Office Personnel Association 12:30 p.m. Counseling Center career planning workshop-Union 12:30 p.m. -Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship-Union 1 p.m. -Student Affairs student tnterns-Union 2 p.m. -Student Affairs staff development planning Union 2 p.m. -Department of Civil Engineering-Union 3 p.m. All University Fund executive Union 3:30 p.m. Institution of Latin American Studies film "Brazil"-Union 3:30 p . m . B u i Iders-Fted Coats-Union 3:30 p.m. All University Fund-Union 3:30 p.m. Latter Dy Saint Student Organization Union 3:30 p.m. Builders-College Days-Union 4 p.m. Union Program Council interviews-Union 4 p.m. ASUN senate meeting-Union 4:30 p.m. Union Planning Committee-Union 5:30 p . m . E ng i neeri ng Toastmasters-Union 5:30 p.m. Kappa Kappa Psi-Union 6 p.m. Red Cross-Union 6:30 p.m. ASUN Human Rights-Union 6:30 p.m. Builders-executive-Union 7 p.m. -ASUN Legal R ghts-Union 7 p.m. Towne Club-Union 7 p.m. Slavic Club-Tutoring-Union 7 p.m. Inter Fraternity Council-Union 7 p.m. Builders-Union 7 p.m. Psychology Center parent discussion group-Union 7:30 p.m. Slavic Club-Union 7:30 p.m. -Student Veterans Organization-Union 7:30 p.m. University 4-H Volunteer -Orientation-Union 7 : To" p . m . - A S U N E n v i Wfoiln mental Task Force-Recycling Committee-Union 7 : 3" 0' p . m . M counselbri'Onion a t h r nebraskan Editor-in-chief: Jim Ibl i Grav. Managina EditcvTom Lansworth. News taitor: Handy Beam. East Campus Editor: John Russnogle. News Staff. Reporters: Bart Becker, Steve Arvanette. Michael (O.J.) Nelson, Debbie Fairley, A.J. McClanahan,.iara Schwieder, Shelly Kalkowski, Bob Shanahan, Chris Harper, Jane Owens, Adella Wacker, Ron Clingenpeel. News assistant: Mary LeeHdRft. Fine arts staff : Larry Kubert, Carolyn Hull. Sports editor: Jim Johnston. Sports writers: Kim Ball, Steve Kadel. Magazine coordinator: Bill Ganzel. Photography chief: Dan Ladely, Photographers: Bill Ganzel, Gail Folda. Night news editor: Stove Stressor. Senior editors: Cheryl Westcott, Dave Downing. Copy editors: Mary Voboril, John Lyman. Circulation: Kelly Nash, Jim Sheridan, Charlie Johnson. Staff artist: Greg Scott. Editorial assistant: Vicki Horton, Columnists: Michele Coyle, John Vihstadt. Subscriptions: John McNeil. Dispatch: Larry Grill, Business Staff. Coordinator: Jerri Hauuler. Ad manager Bill Carver. Assistant ad manager: Jeff Aden. Accountant representatives: Robert Flood, Vicki Bagrowskl, Craig McWilliams, Mary Dorenback. Terrl Adrian, Mitch Mohanna, Larry Swanson, Doreen Droge, Kris Collins, Barbara Chaney, Susan Lanik. Account artist: Sarah Start. Receptionist: Kathy Cook. The Daily Nebraskan is written, edited and managed by students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and is editorially Independent of the University faculty, administration and student body. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the CSl. subcommittee on publications Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday throughout the school year, except and holidays and vacations. Second class pottage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 ddre,,; Tn Ds"y Nebraskan34 Nebraska UnionLincoln, Nebr. 68508. Telephone 4024722588. ALL DONUTS ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL. Some donuts are tastier than others. Fresher than others. And come in more flavors and forms than others. Like our donuts. They're just a "little more equal" in all these ways. opyiistar 5i2iostre 01 DOtOUatT 488-5H8 im'WMxm Discover ,he Wor,d on Your j StliltbltKATStA j Sails each September & February 1 Combine accredited study with - educational stoos in Africa Aus tralasia and the Orient. Over 5000 students from 450 campuses have already experienced this interna tional program. A wide range of financial aid is available. Write now for free catalog: I ! 1 WCA, Chapman College, Box CC40, Orange, Cal. 92666 page 2 daily nebraskan Wednesday, October 18, 1972