The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1972, Image 1

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    Wednesday, October 11, 1972
lincoln, nebraska vol. 96, no. 22
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Eleanor identity troubles
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Eleanor McGovern
UNL voter drive
will end today
An estimated 650 UNL students have
registered to vote since a campus voter
registration drive started Monday.
Today is the last day students can register on
campus prior to the Nov. 7 general election.
Otherwise, students have until Oct. 27 to
register, but must do so at the election
commissioner's Office in the City-County
Building at 10th and J Streets.
Bill Lock, co-chairman for the drive, said he
hopes more than 1,000 students will register
before the booths in the Nebraska Union south
lounge close at 4 p.m. today.
by Chris Harper
Eleanor McGovern jumps on her French
1 0-speed bicycle each morning at 8: 1 5 a.m. and
rides to her first class. .
Sen. George McGovern's wife? No. The
bicycle rider peddles down 17th Street in
Lincoln. This Eleanor hails from Omaha and is
a UNL art education major.
Nebraska's Eleanor said she isn't certain if
she's related to South Dakota's Eleanor, but
added that she supports the Democratic
nominee for president.
Born in 1952, Eleanor entered the world the
same year George entered politics as a
Democratic party organizer in South Dakota.
The UNL artist said her interest in politics is
limited, although she has worked in the
McGovern campaign and for legislative
candidate Bonnie Hibler.
"A woman with no name" is how Eleanor's
problem might be described. "No one will
believe that my name is really Eleanor
McGovern," she said.
"People think I'm kidding when I say I'm
Eleanor McGovern. I hope there's another Pat
Nixon in this world," she said.
Last week Eleanor renewed her driver's
license. After completing the written
examination, she asked for her new license.
"He didn't believe I was Eleanor McGovern.
He asked, 'Come on, what's your real name?' I
showed him my old license and he said, 'Oh, I
guess your name really is Eleanor McGovern.',"
A driver's license hasn't been her only name
recognition problem. Last May after the
Nebraska primary, which McGovern won, her
parents' mailbox in Omaha was egged, Eleanor
"My mom and dad always get phonecalls
asking if George is home," she added.
Disbelief, eggs and phonecalls have posed
problems, but the name also has its advantages,
Eleanor said.
"It was great to see my name on the cover of
Time magazine last week and to see it flash on
the television screen during the Democratic
"At least all my professors remember my
name," Eleanor said. "On the other hand, when
you meet someone else, they always laugh and
it usually elicits a political discussion."
In the final analysis, however, Eleanor said
she belives the bad points outweigh the good.
"I always wished I had another name, but
now I really do," Eleanor said.
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photo by Gail Folda
Thumbs up . . . from the curb only.
Council authorizes
hitchhiking from curb
An ordinance allowing hitchhiking from the curb was
unanimously adopted Monday by the Lincoln City Council.
A last-minute amendment by Councilman Bob Sikyta
prohibits persons under 16 years old from soliciting rides.
"As a parent," Sikyta explained, "I don't think we would
be setting too damn good an example by letting nine-year-old
kids go out and hitchhike. I think it would be fair to make the
legal age for driving the age limit on this."
The new ordinance states that a hitchhiker must not stand
in the roadway where he could obsttuct traffic. Likewise, the
driver may not obstruct traffic when stopping to pick up
Responding to a question from Councilman Harry Peterson,
City Attorney Dick Wood advised that should problems arise
from hitchhiking in congested areas in the future, the council
could ban the practice in those areas.
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Plans set for black center
photo by Gall Folds
A Cultural Center for UNL black students
will be established on campus, Chancellor
James Zumborge announced Tuesday.
In a speech to the Faculty Senate,
Zumberge revealed plans for the Center after
blasting Regent Robert Prokop's plan for a
minimum classroom teaching load for
faculty members.
After the meeting, Zumberge said the
jral Center would help minority
students adjust to the University.
"When a minority student comes to an all
white, middle class environment like the
campus," Zumberge said, "one would have
to consider him disadvantaged,"
The center will assist black students in
campus cultural and social adjustment,
Zumberge said.
The center will help black students
overcome his disadvantage in several ways,
according to Zumberge. He said the center
will be used for programs which will help the
student adjust culturally and socially. It also
vvill offer a medium for cultural exchange
' I aid in the University recruiting black
'tu dents, he said.
The center will be located in a building
just north of Nebraska Hall, at 1012 N. 16
fjt. The building, which is owned by the
University, is now vacant.
The center will be financed by a $12,000
gift from a Foundation donor, and with a
three-year annual $5,500 gift from
discretionary funds administered by UNL
Athletic Director Bob Devaney. No tax
dollars arc involved.
Similar centers have been established at
other universities, Zumberge said. He
dismissed charges that the center would be
de facto segregation and promote
He said it is not intended to bo a
"separate but equal facility, but instead a
means through which students can make
their way through the University."
During his speech, the chancellor
criticized an academic workload plan
proposed by Regent Robert Prokop.
He said Prokop's plan "smacks of
production line, piecemeal work." He said
the majority of the Board of Regents is not
in favor of the proposal.
Prokop's proposal is based on the
so-called "Texas Plan." The Texas Plan is a
statistical profile of how each professor
spends his work hours. Prokop's plan would
require each instructor to spend 12 hours a
week teaching. Under the plan, waivers
could bo granted for faculty members doing
The University has received a $40,000
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