page 8 I f S 9 "GO Y0VJH6 PLEDGE! SpS IB " "1 see Jim or Hal - 10 speed English Racers A Product of Raliegh Mfg. Over 100 In Stock STANDARD MOTOR IMPORTS 1731 "0" St. 432-4277 Student Discounts Not all City Campus fraternities have a full house and the co-ops downtown are having trouble filling up, too. But while these living units are having trouble with membership, their East Campus counterparts seem to be doing all right. East Campus fraternities have full memberships with the exception of Alpha Gamma Sigma. AGS member Dale Ekart says that's because their new house is so big it wi II be some time before they can fill it. Summer rush helped East Campus frats more than those on City Campus. FarmHouse needed only one member to fill its quota this fall and Alpha Gamma Rho didn't participate in rush week-they were already full. (. While there were houses on City Campus that didn't get as many visitors during rush week as they had vacancies, East Campus houses are actually over-flowing with members. Farmhouse, AGR and Ag Men, for example, have active members who live in apartments. The two East Campus co-ops, Ag Men and Love Hall, every year have more applicants than they can accommodate. Most of the present Ag Men heard about the co-op from friends or relatives. Each year they send out fewer and fewer letters advertising their co-op. But, despite the fact that the houses are affiliated with East Campus, many of their members are not. Seventy per cent of the members of AGS are City Campus majors. Ag Men is only 50 per cent agriculture majors, as is AGR. Forty per cent of FarmHouse's members have city majors. The exception is Love Hall which limits its members to home economics majors. As a result, some East Campus students may be forced to look for independent housing-housing which at times is simply not available. Whether from City or East Campus, the members of East Campus fraternities and co-ops list many reasons for living there. Some say they like the campus, or the way the fraternities "don't put on a show," or that they like the people. Whatever their reasons, they must be good-fraternity and co-op housing on East Campus is at a premium.