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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1972)
. . . and what's being clone about it The problems came to a head when U N L Housing Operations Coordinator Dick Strait (above right) met with the dorm residents. The students listened to Strait's proposals (right) and then began listing their complaints and suggestions (above). by John Russnogle Urinals still s til nd in the women's i est moms. Toothpaste fieees solid overnight in wmtoi. Rain seeps in through windows mistakenly built flush with the outside wall instead of tecessed, Windows in the men's lestiooms have been bioken and not leplaced foi over a yeai . As a lesult. "a lot of (joys aie fieeing." An adnnnistiatoi has labeled the pioblems "relatively simple, but uniecognied and unattended." The plat e is Bun F edde dormitory complex on F: a s t Campus; the administi atoi is Dick Stiait, cooidinalot of UNL Housing Opeiations. Altei seveial yeais of fiustiation, letti.'i wilting and noncommittal icphes, the situation came to a bead this fall when Last Campus doim lesidents invited Stiait to discuss the pioblems. They met Sept. ?6th in Bun Hall lounge. "We might as well stait this meeting off friendly," Strait began, but the students weie not set for a social tea. Stiait said he thought them had been a senous communication gap belween East Campus doimitoiy students and the Housing Office. The response Fie received that night seemed to indicate tin; gap was quite a bit widei than he imagined. Stiait admitted he was heating about most of tin; pioblems foi the fiist lime. He said he "couldn't aigue the fact that the repaus should have' been made a long time ago." Tiie failuie to make the repairs Stiait attributed to human ei roi and not malicious intent. Students told Stiait they even would piovide the woik force foi some lepaus if it would get repairs done faster. Stiait was leluctant to accept the offer, saying then.' probably would be a conflict with the University Job Pool if the studenls did the woik themselves. The Housing Office was aware of some of tin; problems and Strait was able to tepoi t some pi ogiess. According to Stiait, no one knows how to operate the heating contiols in the East Campus doims. Jut be told the' students that new contiols, like the ones in all City Campus doi mi lor ies would bo installed by November. Also, many bioken windows now have been icplaeed. - A "" " N' n . .. ,inn - -- -i- - .sdUU Most of the pioblems with the doimitories stem from "building tho dormitories to hold a maximum number of students for minimum cost," accoiding to Strait. In some cases doois, which are supposed to act as a substructure support for the wall, aie actually being held up by the wall. Stiait said the Housing Office has a stereotype of East Campus students, but quickly added it was a "positive