C-rS WQ BEGINNING HICV1" MEAT (IS ANOTHER MANS POISON) i$z MAN'S ' IJWf I, 'Complaint' dismissed Review by Larry Kubert Where Woody Allen's Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex, But Were Afraid to Ask succeeds, Ernest Lehman's production of Portnoy's Complaint fails. Miserably. . ' : Remaining loyal to Phillip Roth's book, the movie traces Alex Portnoy's maturation through life, . complete with momism, masturbation and playing "super stud." Most of the dialogue seems to have been written for the typical dirty old man and the actors avoid any opportunities to19!ry and improve the scenes. Dick Benjamin as Portnoy and Karen Black, the over-sexed Monkey, both occasionally succeed and pull a couple of scenes out of the mire in which the film is imbedded. Particularly good are a funny scene that has Portnoy and the Monkey checking into a New England inn for the weekend and an argument that the two have in a New York City park. However, these are overshadowed by a multitude of bad scenes, especially the four at the end: Portnoy's leaving of Monkey, his side trip to Israel, a confrontation with God and the closing scene with his psychiatrist. Overall, Black delivers a better performance than Benjamin, who comes across like a whining puppy. But then, if she had been stuck with the lines Benjamin was, maybe she wouldn't have looked any better. Lee Grant, as Alex's mother, does a fine job. Although a cliche performance as the "nice Jewish momma", she is entertaining. Throughout the film, Portnoy remains a confused, immature little boy. He thinks of girls, a,nd Monkey in particular, as nothing more than hot little pieces of flesh to satisfy himself with. , He begins to mentally fall apart because of the Monkey's supposed suicide, not because he is feeling guilty, but because he thinks God has made him impotegldftjcuse of her death. Too bad-thrijf Irn. should have been sterilized. ,3b I ' " ' '"""f II I TICK ETS lr-J", rI 1 M??Lr And, K i Iff ONSALEIj J 1 jT A pfnIN CONCERT '"?'"'. d, IX cT.iith 'ati teriro j 11 iffJx J Continuous 11:30 AM DailV 1 PRICES: $4.00 - $5.00 - $6.00 g--- " ' H teati reserved I I f I ticket ovolloble ot Perhfng Audforlum box office. I II Regents consider minimum workload The University of Nebraska Board of Regents was presented a statistical profile of University teaching workloads Sunday by University Vice President Merk Hobson. In a report to the board, Hobson discussed the "Texas Plan," an approximate picture of how UNL and UNO history teachers allot their teaching time. Hobson said teachers in the two departments carry higher loads than what the Texas Plan recommends. The plan, used last year at the University of Texas, established a minimum faculty workload of four unit courses or about 12 hours each week of student-professor contact. UNL history teachers averaged 4.1 units the first semester and 4.9 the second; UNO teachers carried an average of 4.7 units the first semester and 4.5 the second. The report on the Texas Plan came after Regent Robert Prokop, Papillion, indicated interest in including a minimum workload standard in University bylaws. The Board asked Hobson to continue to define University workloads, but did not move, to' include the concept of the Texas Plan in the bylaws. Housing position offered A former housing director at the University of Georgia has been offered a similar position at UNL, according to Ely Meyerson, student affairs dean of administration. Meyerson said Tuesday that Richard Armstrong, who now coordinates a scholarship program in North Carolina, had verbally accepted the offer. If Armstrona moves intn the nosition he will fill a vacancy created by Meyerson, who was promoted. I Fly Away to Russia and London over interim - Dec. 27 - Jan. 17 Visit with Russian Professors - Stay in London homes travel, room, board SlWesley House j '432-01355 i I.Y.O. BREW YOUR OWN. IT'S THE NEWEST WAY OF CONCOCTING JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO DRINK. WE HAVE ALL THE NECESSARY SUPPLIES TO MAKE YOUR OWN VINTAGE RIGHT IN YOUR? OWN HOUSE OR APARTMENT. ' TRY THESE FINE VINTAGE MAKING KITS. Sparkling strawberry wine Delicious Passion Fruit wine Bubbling burgundy wine and Homebrew, BECOME A HOME BREWER AND ENJOY THE FRUITS OF YOUR WORK. ' ' Open 10:00 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mon. - Sat. Phone 475-7580 433 So. 1 3th near K ticket ovolloble ot Perhfng Audforlum box office. BfOndel', miller Poln (doujntownt Gateway). ITIUlcfOnd A Dirt Cr eOD U of N Student Union. South Ett nd. GUITAR CLASSES Call Now 432-7305 Learn tuning, music skills, chords, and songs. dound City A 144 So. 9th DOWNTnww f I mm MW MMta M gmtm um mm mm jmmm. Jftt - it! MbM from MROUMO THE MfdML . -m- mm- mm m m maarn mml mm nimr w m iwil j at Campus Bookstore AMERICAN GREETING CANDLES CLOTHES HALLMARK CARDS need WE GOT THE RIGHT ITEM, AT.THE RIGHT PLACE, AT THE RIGHT TIME, AT THE RIGHT PRICE 13th "R" The Most Convenient Corner Pencils Pens Paper page 6 daily nebraskan Wednesday, September 27, 1972