The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 22, 1972, SECOND SECTION, Page PAGE 7, Image 19

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    trained in the use of firearms before they
are permitted to carry guns while on
A strict policy on the use of firearms
was adopted for campus police in 1969.
The policy says a firearm may be used
only in "preventing a dangerous felony
such as murder, arson, rape or robbery."
It also can be used when an officer is
trying to make an arrest and the
individual "puts up an obstinate and
dangerous resistance" which puts the
officer's life or another person's life in
At no time are campus police
supposed to fire at someone simply
fleeing from arrest nor can they fire
warning shots.
The policy also stipulates that
"unnecessary display of firearms is
prohibited." A gun is not to be removed
from the holster unless the "life of the
officer or another innocent person is
Gade said there has been no occasion
for a campus policeman to draw or fire a
firearm in the three years he's been in
Several years ago when students raised
the question of why campus police carry
firearms, Gade said he spoke to a large
group in front of Love Library and found
many didn't understand the reasons.
"It was not to shoot the students, but
to protect them," he stressed.
The mere presence of campus police
carrying guns may serve as a deterrent for
someone planning to commit a crime,
Gade said.
photos by Gail Folda
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Gade.. .firearms are "not to shoot students, but to protect them"
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