Committee chairmen set goals by Jane Owens Students interested in the behind-the-scenes functioning of student government can catch a good glimpse of it through committee work, according to three ASUN committee chairmen contacted this week. The Legislative Liaison Committee, . according to chairman Bob O'Neal, wants to improve relations between UNL students, the Legislature and the people of Nebraska. O'Neal said his committee will sponsor dinner visits with state senators at campus living units. Committee members will also be talking to state senators and legislative committees about the University budget and other issues of student concern, O'Neal said. Dave Zeek, chairman of the Center for Educational Change (CEC), said his committee is making plans "to effect change in the University's academic structure by working with the administration and faculty." Providing paper recycling barrels and asking the Special Business Services office to consider purchasing recycled paper are two projects of the Environmental Task Force. Chairman Bill Freudenburg said the committee will strive to educate people on environmental issues, improve the University environment and limit harmful environmental activities. Informing students about their legal positions in various matters is the primary function of the Legal Rights Committee, according to chairman Frosty Anderson. Committee members do most of the legal research themselves or in consultation with UNL law students, although the committee's budget provides for a lawyer. The committee will also be working with the University ombudsman. One area to be investigated this year is the students' right to have access to their high school files, Anderson said. Students interested in serving on an ASUN committee, should sign up outside the ASUN office or contact the committee chairman. Meetings are held in the Nebraska Union. Cinema 1: 'The Graduate" 1,3,5, 7,9 p.m. Cinema 2: "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex" 1:05, 3:05, 5:05, 7:05,9:05 p.m. CooperLincoln: "Kansas City Bombers" 7:45, 9:30 p.m. Embassy: "The Adult Version of Jeckyll and Hyde" 11:35 a.m., 1:15, 2:55, 6:15, 7:55, 9:35. 11:15 p.m. Joyo: "Joe Kidd" 7, 9 "Jazz Festival" 8:30 p.m. State: "Money Talks" 1, 2:30, 4:18, 6:06, 7:45, 9:15 p.m. Stuart: 'The Other" 1:30, 3:30, 5:30,7:30,9:30 p.m. Union Weekend Films: "Little Big Man" 7,9 p.m. Varsity: "Boxcar Bertha" 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m. mm Home cooked meals and delicious pit-barbecued chicken. Carry out service, too. 435-9303 27 th & r Custom monogram lettering on T -shirts, Sweatshirts, Jackets. . .Greek Nebraskan National Emblem 10th &Q 5 A B0SI IS A ROSE IS A GSFT OF LGE KRAMER GREENHOUSES corsage. 10th & Van Dorn phone 435-6830 charge it open Sundays . ) free delivery l i : "jf y And we're close to the problems faced by today's college students. You've got enough to worry about without adding money hassles to the list. At the National Bank of Commerce, you'll take ad vantage of NBC's full service banking. ..checking, longer hours, truly friendly people, and even sav ings plans for that unexpected dollar or two you might want to earn top interest on. Take the short walk to 13th and O and see what the closest bank to campus has to offer you. rJATE0:JAL BANK 07 OK!SSR MEMBER FDIC friday, September 15, 1972 daily nebraskan page 7