WEDNESDAY, JULY 12. 1972 SUMMER NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 jf ft O HV: , o (A " L 'Doc' featured at Pops Trumpeter Doc Severinsen, musical director of Johnny Carson's "Tonight Show," appears with Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops Orchestra this week on two additional broadcasts of "Evening at the Pops." The repeat performances will be broadcast on the Nebraska ETV Network Thursday at 10:30 p.m. and Sunday at 9 p.m. Also on Sunday, Sens. Henry M. Jackson, D-Wash., and Frank Church, D-ldaho, will discuss the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) agreements on William F. Buckley Jr.'s "Firing Line." The show will be broadcast at 7 p.m. on the Nebraska ETV Network. The Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committees are conducting hearings on the Treaty of Moscow and an accompanying executive agreement limiting Soviet and American nuclear missiles. Jackson, a member of the Armed Services Committee and a staunch supporter of national security, opposes Senate ratification of the SALT agreements. Church, a Foreign Relations Committee mumber, has endorsed the agreements. IT ETV programs for July 12-17 WEDNESDAY, JULY 12 6:00 THE AMERICAN WEST (Color) Jack Smith hoiti thlt travel teriei that vltita famous hiitorical itet. 6:30 CONVENTION SPECIAL (Color) 7:00 A PUBLIC AFFAIRELECTION '72 (Color) Veteran, broadcast journalists Sander Vanocur and Robert MacNell look at the issue, the voters, and the candidates of the 1972 presidential campaign. 7:30 FILM ODYSSEY "Classic Shorts I" features a program of international short films Including Important early work by directors like Truffaut and Richard Lester. This begins a second showing of last season's "Film Odyssey." 9:00 AGENCY FOR ALL SEASONS, PART III (Color) This is the third part of a special series of programs on the State Department of Agriculture. It deals with agricultural development and the subject of wheat. Produced by the public affairs unit of the Nebraska ETV Network. 10:00 CONVENTION SPECIAL UP-DATE (Color) (5-mlnutes) 10:03 HATHA YOGA (Color) Tonight's positions: "Tree, Eagle, Shoulder Stand and others." 10:30 FIRING LINE (Color) Repeats from July 9, 7 p.m. THURSDAY, JULY 13 6:00 TV CLASSROOM (Color) Discussion series: "Training and Preparation of Staff." 6:30 THE FRENCH CHEF (Color) Repeats from July 9, 6:30 p.m. 7:00 THE JAZZ SET (Color) Ballad and blues singer Irene Raid performs with the Jiggs Chase Quartet. 8:00 HOLLYWOOD TELEVISION THEATRE (Colorl Bob Dishy and Fred Gwynne are among the stars of "The Police," a black comedysatlre about a fictitious country in which absolute law and order prevails. 9:00 WORLD PRESS (Color) Experts analyze news coverage In world's leading newspapers. 9:30 THIRTY MINUTES WITH (Color) Newswoman Elizabeth Drew interviews prominent public figures. 10:00 HATHAYOGA (Color) Tonight's positions: "Hare Head Stand and Revolving Triangle." 10:30 EVENING AT POPS (Color) Repeats from July 11, 7:30 p.m. Doc Severinsen, musical director of Johnny Carson's "Tonight Show," Is the special guest of Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops Orchestra. FRIDAY, JULY 14 6. 00 HOUSE AND HOME (Color) Repeats from July 1 3, 7 p.m. 6:30 OFF THE RECORD Representatives of three large record companies discuss the duties of the "A and R man" (artist and repertoire). 7:00 THE OLEANNA TRAIL (Color) Performers spotlighted are The Penny whistlers and Glnny, Pitcher. 7:30 UNIVERSITY NEWS News events from the four University of Nebraska campuses are reported. 8:00 OUR STREET (Color) Slick's doubts about his acceptance by the family prompt him to go on an acid trip. 8:30 WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (Color) Moderator Robert MacNeil and newsmen Peter Lisagor, Charles Corddy and Neil MacNeil discuss top news stories. 9:00 MAGGIE AND THE BEAUTIFUL MACHINE (Color) Repeats from 3 p.m. 9:30 SPACE BETWEEN WORDS (Colorl "School" documents the efforts of .a young London school teacher to bridge communications blocks permeating school systems. 10:00 THE DEVOUT YOUNG (Color) This new four part series by PBS studies the Jesus movement. Tonight, "The Way In and the Way Out," explores the roots of the movement, SATURDAY, JULY 15 6:00 HODGEPODGE LODGE (Color) Repeats from July 14, 1 :30 p.m. 6:30 THE SESSION (Color) "The Ship" is tonight's program. 7:00 DOIN' IT (Color) Repeats from July 11, 8:30 p.m. 7:30 SOUL (Color) Trumpeter Hugh Masekela and his seven man group combine American blues with South African Rhythms. 8:30 GOLDEN VOYAGE (Color) "Trek Through Turkey" Is tonight's adventure. 9:00 JEAN SHEPHERD'S AMERICA (Color) Storyteller Shepherd spins some tall tales while fishing in Maine. 9:30 THE DAVID SUSSKIND SHOW (Color) Topic: "Nice white neople scream - blacks stay out of our neighborhood." SUNDAY, JULY 16 6:00 THE ELECTRIC COMPANY (Color) 6:30 THE FRENCH CHEF (Color) Julia Child prepares, zucchini, "A Vegeteble for All Occasions." 7:00 FIRING LINE (Color) Wlffiam F . Buckley, Jr. exchanges views with a prominent quest. 8:00 MASTERPIECE THEATRE (Color) "Sharp Practice" is the second episode of the stirring BBC drama, "The Spoils of Poynton," 9:00 EVENING AT POPS (Color) Repeats from July 1 1 and 13. Doc Severinsen, musical director of Johnny Carson's "Tonight Show," is the special quest of Arthur Fiedler end the Boston Pops Orchestra 10 00 HATHAYOGA (Color) Tonight's positions: "Supine Pelvic, Sideways Sway and Yoga Mudra." 10:30 HOLLYWOOD TELEVISION THEATRE (Color) Bob Dishy and Fred Gwynne are among the stars of "The Police," a bleck comedy-satire about a fictitious country in which absolute lew and order prevails. Ice Age sky show at Meulier Planetarium "The lcc Age Astronomer" is the new sky show at the University of Nebraska State Museum'i Ralph M culler Planetarium. The program taken the audience back 26,000 years to a time when mammoth elephants roamed Nebraska. northern lights. Sky shows are given at 2:45 p.m. Monday through Friday and at 2:30 and 3 45 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Groups of 10 or more may make arrangements for special showings. Don't spend the rest of your lift thinking YOUR way il tha ONLY way I I I Overseas Opportunity Center Afternoons in International House Handmade Gift t The Whistle Stop 20th 6V 0 Old Depot 432-4708 1 The show present! early man! impression! of the sun, moon and constellation! as well as natural phenomena that terrified him, like thunderstorm! and the I WATCH REPAIR All makei and stylet Timux repaired. Watch Band! 13th & R Campui Bookitore "At The Yellow Back Door" LINCOLN FRIENDS MEETING worship in the quiet 10:30 am Sunday For information and rides call: 423-2355 A . M MM. AcwUdcicatea otootfom Custom Hair Styling ... Not Merely a Haircut f We Feature . . . e I I snampooi ana 'Grooming Aids Lower Lew I Nebraska Union Nebraska Union Barber Shop Walk in or ppointmnt 172-2469 renting an UN-"FURNISHED" APARTMENT?? RENT the furnishings you need at comfortable prices. interiors diversified 132 So. 13th 432-8851 E r .. Mt f ft "L " J" u 0 WSm JT .1 1 1 1 1 1 AW Zrl f ? vf V HEP counselors, teachers and students team. All staff members attend and yell encouragement to the girls softball participate in student activities. HEP offers dropouts chance to finish school Robert Leyva quit school in the eighth grade. But by the end of August, he plans to receive his certificate of General Educational Development (GED) and leave the University of Nebraska High School Equivalency. Program (HEP) to return to his native San Antonio, Texas. According to Gale Muller, HEP director, the program offers an opportunity for sons and daughters of low income, migrant farm workers to complete their high school education and develop maturity and social skills at the same time. There are 17 federally funded HEP programs at universities in the United States. At Nebraska, HEP was started four years ago, sponsored by the Nebraska Human Resources Research Foundation. Since then, some 225 students have graduated from HEP, Muller said. Most of them return to their hometowns for jobs or further education. According to Muller, it might take a student two months or two years to complete his GEL). The program is based on individualized study in reading, math and language usage. Three HEP teachers and several teacher aides and student teachers work with the students, Muller said. A HEP counselor also is assigned to each student. "These are University students who have a lot to invest in people with needs," Muller said. HEP counselor Rod Hernandez said counselors spend time with their students in activities outside the classroom, but activities may be related to classes, like tutoring, vocational placement advice or sometimes "just a swilt kick in the rear," Hernandez said. Muller emphasized HEP is a "total living-learning experience." The 40 HEP students live in University dorms, and a student council plans extracurricular activities in which counselors and stall members participate, too. "Sometimes their energy is a lot more abundant than ours," Muller said, "but it's important for them to develop authority over their own lives." Council - President Eeyva said he especially liked the chance to participate in the HEP sports programs. A new HEP program, Project Lincoln, is designed to help HEP graduates who remain in Lincoln instead of returning to their hometowns. The project is designed to help the HEP graduates lind jobs, begin post-high school special training programs and learn how to adjust to independent apartment I if e, Muller explained. "Building success stories around people" is the basis of HEP, Muller said, and 20-year-old Eeyva said he never would have thought that he could finish high school. But when he returns to San Antonio, he plans to become a hospital lab technician . . . and encourage others to enler HEP. FOR SALE 1971 HONDA far vale MODEL CB3B0 5,200 MILES EXCELLENT CONDITION PHONE: 489 5345 23 8 tracks and cassettes recorded from your records and tapes. Sound City Studios 144 S. 5th 432-730J ICE CREAM EMPORIUM Enjoy these old time treats! 17th & Van Dorn Open until 10 pm Closed Mon. WHY EVER CHOOSE LESS THAN THE BEST KAUFMAN JEWELERS 1332 "O" St. EXCLUSIVE KEEPSAKE IN LINCOLN SAVE More at DIVIDEND VALUABLE COUPON l SO 50 j ON YOUR NEXT PURCHASE OF i 8 GALLONS OR MORE 50 e OFF 50 I Limit 1 Per Customer Expires July 18, 1972 DIVIDEND BONDED GAS 16th and P Streets 48th and Vine Save1 2 C 1 1