PAGE 4 SUMMER NEBRASKAN - MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1972 Nil ' f oUU ( V 1 , !p,t "a . f i '"V rS,,,,-i.,.',(i'"'S J-.-" Boys and basketball 4 ,-sT "4 0 o I They may not be ready to challenge Wilt Chamberlain yet, but the 320 boys attending this year's basketball clinics are learning some basketball. Ten-year-olds through seniors in high school from Nebraska, South Dakota and Kansas are improving their basketball skills at four week-long sessions from June 4 to July 1. II II III The basketball clinics are designed to create interest in the sport and develop basketball talent in the state, according to Coach Henry Iba, NU athletic department. The only requirement for a boy to participate is that he must enjoy playing basketball, Iba said. Taught by Nebraska high school coaches and former NU players, the boys practice basketball fundamentals and team play. Picture Story By Mike Gettino NU School of Journalism 1 f r i ".- r --t. .... 0 tl ii