Itanw must ba submitted to tha Daily Nabrastofi. 34 Nebraska On ton, two working day prior to lha dasfaad data of publication for Insartion In Short Stuff. Ittmi mutt ba sutomittad in writing. The ASUN Parking Appeals Committee will have its final meeting of the semester 7 p.m. Thursday in the Union. Those wishing to appeal a parking ticket may pick up an appeals form at the Campus Security Office before noon Thursday. The Art Auction at Centennial College scheduled for Saturday has been canceled. There will be an additional organizational meeting for students interested in David H iblers summer reading course English 155, at 3:30 pjn. Friday in 333-C Andrews. Dirk Grathoff of the Free University in Berlin, Germany, will speak in German on the reception of classical German literature in the Marxist literary criticism of the German Democratic Republic 8 pjn. Thursday in the Union. Grathoff will also speak at 10 a.m. Friday in 1107 Oldfather on the growing politization of the German University. The Art Lending Library will check in is art loaned this semester iMay 4 and 5 from 2-5 p.m. Pictures should be brought to 237 Union. RHA refrigerator pick up will be May 8,9. 10 from 3-5 pjm. and 6-8 pjm. in each residence complex. The RHA office wiS be open at these tinaH fur any questions. HP'S! 47 Thursday tO 5 at. an. Mebrfca Onion Indian Gtrtmaa Maafc 12:30 pjm. Uniorv Nebtaka firm Uoluaraity (MFU) fmm Sdhac Philosophy" 2 pjm. Lkvtom open rap wlfh Oaaa Ely Mayaraon. 2-5 a.w. U,1a Art Landing Ubraiy 3:30 fLMi. Union uHder CeUega or 5 ipjnik. Union-tcnoMia Taint Your iWasoar S:30 ptnu tnlon-bJ Ma Atptia Sinf c5i1a 6 VJm. Ifewon filabjwAa Unton cToard om. ttwtom-aWy iiacwthaj ' :30 fua. (MavWUF a 30 4a.m. Unton-Jten Talta anal Xopios Coamia'tlaa V30 Unloa-eioc onalsVidla Oufr 7 pjm. Aba Sa1 SMtft awaaana-Hyipan -mtA anaattnf . 7.-LUtea-CSl. 7 ci.m. UrtJfta-Oirlaflaa 7 xb. IMtoa-WWrw aw 7 pm. IMteoHUidlM Cut Shack 7:XI fMW. tirtton' wvaO mmatora ' 730 UwioaWat9W , 7&9 pjm. Unior-euyitM Tharapr ctuk - 0 pjn. Koioo Dapartuwn of . Moalara) La "Gtrk ' GrafifV prn. DrtleHfflf T' Your aaaow 4 pjjaj. Onion Young "lapMblkjwa fasanti cano'tdata dabaai 4 30 pjm. !Mtoft-lFU "flack MMakr PAGE 10 An open house win be held at the Cornhusker Co-op (705 N 23rd) from 2-4:30 p.m. Saturday. Interviews will be from 9-11 p.m. May 10 in 331 Union for a student summer job with the College of Arts and Sciences to evaluate and analyze data from John Robinson's survey of freshmen. Job description and applications are available at 331 Union (472-2581). ASUN is sponsoring a benefit for the Poorhouse Coalition with the Bill Haley and the Comets film, "Rock Around the Clock." After the film will be a sock hop with crowning of the Poison Ivy Queen and a dance contest. The gala affair, UNL's society event of the year, will be from 9-12 Friday at Henzlik Hall. The new telephone number for the information center. Window 2, street floor. Administration Building is 472-3G01. The CSL meeting 7 p.m. Thursday will concern various reports from standing committees and others and plans for summer and next year. The meeting will be in the Union. David Novelli of the Gak Ridge National Laboratory will speak on "Change in Isoaccepting Transfer RNA Species During Viral Infection and Cell Differation," at the Chemistry Department Seminar at 3:30 p.m. Friday in 104 Hamilton Hall. There will be a closed-circuit showing of the film. "Social Work" in the Union small auditorium 7 p.m. Monday. a An additonal section on elementary astronomy. astronomy 3 (now No. 103) will be offered next fall. Section 001: MWF 1:30-2:20 p.m. and Section 002: TT 10:30-1 1:45 am Certificates for Pi Mu Eps'lon (math honorary) may be picked up in 910 Oldfather accord i ng to Mary Sommermeyer. treasurer. Bird... "chirp.'" WBwiwHWfl aianmntfpn jf JJJ 2JJ JU n i In INI 1 1 J mm w mwsin m at. m. at n L41 inJS) i (AW ,..A w Jo 1' i i ll l lilJj iJ J U LTL. 1 fo mimyirnia 1urr timmiijij aLaiaWal1 V 4aBaaaBaaflt JliF Iw3 Vla a coisipletely isislas tvcc'icnd on Playboy's 1st. CoM 4S tovtes vos to lessaaof j aWtaffW aamiBtftjaffl aLfHatf gw4la MAiraMM4 llajllamaai -aa Playboys togandary jet (complete with Jet Bunnies), fawfia 7 friends. You leave Friday and iet from anywhere in the 4S continental slates to iiani or Las Vegas (you choose). Stay at a luxurious resort hotel and return Sunday afternoon. AS expense paid. Date and fome ot trtp to be determined by mutual agreement and availability of aircraft. Rather nava cash? Co3 45 c, yo S10m (But whether yon choose cash or carry as 1st prize, yout have a completely unigue ecperSenca.) 2adA2rd Mass: 1 sawek., &tl expertee paid holtday tor two at Playboy Cktf Hotel. Jamaica. WJL Incluoes 1 st Class air fare. feod. drink and fun (or cash equivalent. 4Sti fhnv 10th ftizaa: Dinner for four at nearest Playboy Club (c casheoinatenQ. y 1 adKiooa1 prtzM il atoo be nvaia(orcafiejuvatent) 45 Colt 45 Tiffany lamps 45 Colt 45 Thermos Uua 45 Cott 45 Transistor Radios 45 Cc4 45 T-cturts a total of 130 winners! To enter. KH in coupon beto or um a plain piece of paper or post card and anaJ io6f. Includa the words 1C11 4S Wat Laquor" from any psckae of Cott 45 or the words CoJt 45 Ma UquoT prireted in plstn block teCe on a plain fee of paper or post card. ttoptrchMne see rules bekMa for details. aMACamWTO: cstr f ttAtr uouoa if Ttitry, fflsniiyi ftffi yryffis : nn. - - 4SnK 4&(a aa ftfffll ' ."' MaaraajrM.4m a a 'aiii wt mbh ai a aa a 1 1 m3 saif ajAat ... S'lMCT .. . . ' tt ' . - ;.. .. 7r .. ay AWE;.. aJ&' "jl t a aama aHaai a aa m-. . . . .1 eaavaaai at aawMaj tauMWaM at aWtaaTiaBZai ST? 55? i""""" awivsoass, aataawaVaalaTSa aawwiiBiaa. t a wiiiuajata wnwia aumaia aa awmaaat mmmuit m aa H al anal m m aaaa aaaaaaa wm a r!.fryJ?!T'y irw ataaaat ZT!a?iS aaka4 .am af dt-- ia mm m m . . r itaa. m ataat taa aijrSSrB SrJTT' Tl ? idasMMtau aastHatoj t nsnaa, iadta 13 CS3 C HE THE DAILY tiEBRASKAH THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1972