Monday 9:30 a.m. Nebraska Union Council on Student Life Committee on Health Center 1:30 p.m. Union Summer Orientation screening 3:30 p.m. Union Builders Tours 4:30 p.m. Union Tassels 6 p.m. Union Towne Club 6 p.m. Unior.-Kappa Kappa Psl 7 p.m. Union Prayer and Praise 7 p.m. Union Epsilon Chi 7 p.m. Union Nebraska Free University (NFU) "Education in the 21st Century" 7 p.m. Union NFU "Movemento" 7:30 p.m. Union math counselors 8 p.m. Union Afro-American Collegiate Society 8 p.m. Abel-Sandoz Speech by U.S. Senate candidate Wally Peterson 9:15 p.m. Union Kappa Psi Tuesday 10 a.m. County-City Building "Gordon Lippert" 5 p.m. Union Corn Cobs 8 p.m. Kimball Recital Hall-Brass Choir and Brass Ensemble Wednesday 3:3o, 7, 9 p.m. Sheldon "Lost Horizon" 1936 film about the journey to Shangri-la 4 p.m. Union ASUN Senate meeting 7 p.m. Raymond Lounge work shop on travel and study in Europe 9 p.m. Union Students for Wally Peterson meeting 9 p.rr.. Selleck Cafeteria workshop on travel and study in Europe Thursday 3:30 p.m. Union Hyde Park 7 p.m. Sandoz Main Lounge workshop on travel and study in Europe 9 p.m. Schram floor workshop on study in Europe Friday Weekend film: "Goodbye Mr. Chips" Saturday All day Lincoln Development. Weekend film: "Goodbye Chips" n, first travel and Walk for Mr. HEY! utt- V5TS ENDS SOON! MATINEES DAILY! FROM THE KILLS CF TOBACCO ROODr THEY SAVE ALL THEIR CORN LICK ER CORN COBS, AND QP ALL THE... 3 1 pwskts f ADULTS I 1 goni aMm i 1' COLOR ' 1 1 A BOXOFFICE INTERNATIONAL PICTURE REGISTER TO VOTE rrrr, smidctt-VSi . new & used cars VJ pVsales & service Qjj THERE IS SOMETHING NEW AT DOX & MILLIE'S 1823 "O" ST. AN OPEN HOT BEEF SANDWICH-HASH BROWNS-GOOD GRAVY -2 CUPS OF COFFEE-tl.OO OPEN 9:00 p.m.-4:00 a.m. W0TTA BEAUTIFUL HAPPEHING TUESDAY APR. 25 7 11 P.M.!!! 7 If ' -N' ''g - ' ( - n a beautiful A t, AmAT a.. ,. a nwmi cohort (qTOV TICKETS: S3.00 ADVANCE, $4-00 AT DOOR, ON SALE PERSHtMS BOX OFFICE 12 NOON TIL 6, AT 8RANDEIS, MILLER & PAINE, DOWNTOWN GATEWAY, TREASURE CITY'S MUSIC LAND AMD DIRT CHEAP. Home ec board battles apathy by Steve Strasser . Apparently one of the Jast things most UNL . home economics majors want to do is join the Home Economics Advisory Board. In last spring's election, one candidate received three votes and won. One reason home ec students show little interest in the advisory board may be that they don't know much about it. "I wouldn't know anything about it if I didn't have a friend on it," said Karen Kurkowski, a junior majoring in textiles, clothing and design. But times may be changing. "It's certainly starting to have a bigger impact than it used to," Kurkowski added. And Shari Sadie, a junior in education who is one of the three advisory board members continuing on the job next year, said the board has had bigger impact on the college's administrators this year. "They know who we are now," she said. "And they've been very cooperative." Most people think the board is advisory in name only, according to Linda DeBuse, a board member and graduating senior in textiles, clothing and design. "It's going to take a while to change this attitude." Getting the word out to home ec students that the advisory board actually can play a role in their University lives has been one of the board's big problems this year, said Nancy Anderson, a junior in human development who was chairman of the board this year. She said the board distributed a questionnaire to determine student priorities earlier this year, but only about 25 of the college's 1,000 students filled out a form. "But there were a lot of informal interviews," Anderson said. "We did find out that most people are dissatisfied with the present advising system." So the advisory board is pushing a plan to change the college's advising system. The proposed co-advising system would use upperclassmen as well as instructors in the advising process. Anderson said incoming students initially would meet in introductory groups with junior and senior students. Thereafter, the upperclassmen would be available for any help the new students might need. Students would still need an instructor's signature on course worksheets, but the upperclassmen would fill a void the advisory board members said they think exists in the current system. The problem with the present system is a general lack of interest on the part of staffers charged with advising students, DeBuse said. "Lots of them don't even want to be advisors." But she said upperclassmen "know what instructors are like and which courses are good," so could be of some help to a new student. "Even administrators agree the present system needs changing," Anderson said. She said the board is hoping for implementation of the co-advising system by sometime in 1973. For next semester, the board is putting out a pamphlet for new students to let them know about various UNL activities and organizations. "We've been meeting once a week this year," Anderson said of the advisory board. "We've got things to do, for a change." She said next year's advisory board will start work on ways of evaluating teachers in the college. "Students should have a voice in teacher evaluation," she said, "but it's a touchy subject. We'll be talking about the coming and going of professors." doily Minor duet pilger m.iM.viing editor I'm gray mm editor bert becker ad manager bill carver ( ourrimaior jerri haussler The Daily Nebraskan is written, edited and managed by students at the University of Nebraska Lincoln and is editorially independent of the University faculty, administration and student body.. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the CSL subcommittee on publications Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday throughout the school year, except holidays and vacations. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska 68508. Address: The Daily Nebrasfc.-p'34 rjebraska UnionLincoln, Neb., 68508. Telephone 4024722588. INTERVIEWS START BEING HELD APRIL 25 APPLICATIONS CAN BE PICKED UP AT ASUN OFFICE. RM 335 NEBRASKA UNION SIGN UP FOR INTERVIEWS AT ASUN OFFICE Faculty Senate Committees ASUN. Senate Committee m m Communications Committee Legislative Liaison Committee Student Services Committee Con t i tu ion Committee Free University etc Environmental Tesk Force Legal Rights Committee Other Appointment CSL Parking Parking Appeals . .,, Student Tribunal Help Line Advisory Board ROTC Advisory Board . r Housing Policy Electoral Commissioner ' Stillmen Exchange PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1972