V- BthiPStrws THIS IS PETE1 CAREY, JiBl Tmfor married priests, a volunteer army, 'and::-, anybody or any way to bust hypocrisy." llitzifmiliu: 5 1 PAGE 6 XQl-lSi&P Street sZZ- where one plus one one. Add one hoely soiitave to one embracing weddsig ring and create one beautiful I, f ''Sti II of a8 diamonds - and particularly suited to slender, tapering fingers. 51l this charming cut has as much fne and brilliance as a round diamond, its beauty lies in its exceptional grace - its wonderful glitter. r Illustration slightly enlarged I o 4j vsssn DA1LY-12:30 2:15 T nt'W 4-m 5-5 7-3fJ Q-1K - - - "& FRI & SAT LATE SHOW 11PM IsfLKCDUl SHOWING STARTS TODAY! I fko:j the hills of tocxo xsmr I tciy cm vm oy Tcozeaiv H at m m ma hit tie " E21LS 01 EDI ICES teteiw mi rsi cssiuora Cttl CESS 11 autr$owLT UKOFJKXRESC inEBiiinw. neiuEE THE DAILY NEDHASSCAfJ Friday, april h 1972