DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS can be placed in room 34 Nebraska Union. Cost it $.08 per word,$1 .00 minimum. Payment In advance only. Complimentary ads may be run only if error is brought to the Nebras kan's attention the business day after publication. do (n)(D o o rr (I ... o Sandy Dobbin. . .ss 15th St. Joan, in Kosmet Klub's opera. The Survival of St. Saturday and Sunday nights Tickets are $2 in advance, $2.50 at tire door. ML Till C0CHS YOU CAN CAUm $lw NEBRASKA DOOffSTOUE ftp - edU 1 AftVVmoT 111 GfiB J FRIDAY, APRIL 14,1972 Century French heroine production of the rock Joan, running Friday, at the NU Coliseum. 'IS1 19c BOOK STORE eft ' a , iinnj mOLEJ" AmR&tuo puppst sho- -. J FOR SALE 1974) DUCATI 350 DESMO $525. 475-5497. 1969 BSA T-bolt only 4.300 miles. Mint condition. Best offer. 489-5910. Sansul 1 000A Stereo Tuner amplifier 100 watts. Guaranteed. Good. $125. Call 435-6717. 8 track, AMFMFM stereo with speakers. Call Jim 488-6322. Must tell for tuition. Best pipe and lighter collection in town. CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP. 12th & OSt. 1963 Chevrolet SS 327, 4-tpeed. Recently Impacted. 475-6937. 12 x 16 green shag carpet. $20 or beet offer. 435-6660. ' 1971 Yamaha 200 ce Street Scrambler. Perfect campus bike. Leave message. Tom 224 Schramm. Sony TC-130 stereo cassette player-recorder; 12 tape. Perfect condition. $160. Call John 488-2983. 1967 GTO 4-speed power steering vinyl top. $1,000 or best offer. 477-3644. 1966 Honda 305 Scrambler. New engine, must sell. Graduating. 432-9096. 1970 Honda CL350. Red. Rebuilt engine. $850. 478-8148. Tires for VW's, Toyota's and other small foreign and American cers-$ 16.95 plus tax.' Terms available. Goodyear 1918 O. HELP WANTED COLLEGE MEN-SU. EH -,. JOSS-S1 1 6-$126 peri 434-OS64 call after 1 :00 p.m. T OVERSEAS JOBS FOR SUMMER Australia, Europe, S. America, Africa, etc. All professions and occupations. $700 to $3,000 monthly. Expenses paid, overtime, sightseeing. Free Information Write Jobs new & used cart - . .:m sales & ervicf Qijl L 'jl jgggUtKsnKlltMUKtKUUttlMVBi l:e3ssselsaVasllttK n fum!! THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Overseas, Dept. D6, P.O. Box 15071, San Diego, Calif., 92115. Part time eve. & Sat. I need 3 men to start immediately and work thru summer on. Thit Job It route work servicing ettablithed customers. Starting salaries $1.8 5 nr. Transportation not necessary. Call 467-1007. 20 people needed to stuff Inserts Thursday, April 20. 8:30 a.m. Inquire Daily Nebraska office. Room 34, Union. 472-2588 Immediately. SERVICES EE major repairing TV't and telling uted sets. Reasonable rates. 423-6828. ". . Pregnant? Worried? You have " friends who care at Birthright. 477-8021. Need someone to listen who caratCrisis Health Aide: 472-2200. W AT CH REPAIR All makes-including timex. 2-3 day service reasonable. Campus Book store-at the yellow back door. 13th & R St. FOR RENT Modern one bedroom apartment, available in May, large rooms, air-conditioning, dishwasher, disposal, carpeted, cable television, pool. Call 488-6148 or 489-2200. -- Need someone to sub lease apt. May 15-Aug 1. On bus route to campus. 1 bdrm, unfurnished $160 month or will consider offers. 466-2804 weekends. BOZO VILLAGE is now subletting for the summer. Hurry. Call 475-0993. .Air-conditioned summer rooms for rent. $10wk. 1235 N. 16th. Phone 432-2444 or 432-0494. INTERVIEWS FOR EXECUTIVE POSITIONS ON DAILY NEBRASKAN AND CORNHUSKER Daily Nebraskan Positions Editor Managing Editor News Editor Advertising Manager East Campus Editor Cornhusker positions Editor Ass't Editor Copy Chief Photo Chief Chief Artist applications available Rm. 24 Nebr. Union TUESDAY-APRIL 18 1:30 NEBRASKAN UNION Air conditioned summer rooms for rent at Cornhusker Coed Coop, $10 wk. 705 N. 23rd. Or phone 475-6796 and ask for an officer. ROOMMATE WANTED Female, for summer. Air-condltloned apartment. Utilities pd. $50month. 477-1281 after 6, Room 319. PERSONAL Ellen says she's FASTI We are wondering how FASTI Clint and Paul. - Happy Birthday P am my I B.L.D.V. Why it she dying? Why aren't we crying? Someone Is dying, dying. LOST Male contemporary gold wedding band. Reward.- Evenings 489-8623. MISCELLANEOUS Monday night is also F.A.C. X price drinks. 2-6. Red Lion Lounge. 56th & Cornhusker. Vets F.A.C. 4-6? at Myrons, 15th & P. EUROPEAN NOMADS: The most Economical way to Europe, , summer of 1972.. Write: European Odyssey, Winsted, ' Minn. 65395. . GO TO EUROPE THIS SUMMER. LIMITED NUMBER OF SEATS REMAIN. LONOON-PARIS. RM 340 UNION NOW. ' Elkhorn River Weekend Canoe Trips. Single or group Bookings. Phone 489-6241. A PAULIST DCIn WAIT TO CS TO G ET INVOLVED. If you think that ordination is something like graduation and the lime in between is similar to marking time then you couldn't be more mistaken. The Paulists were founded with the belief that each man is a member of the community and he contributes his own thing. Each is an individual with his own talents and he is given the freedom to use them in his own way. But not later. Son: For instance, during the no vitiate, novice work in such diverse areas as hospitals, voca tional rehabilitation centers and Universities. They serve as assist ant chaplains, co-retreat masters, student teachers and psychiatric aides. Paulist Seminarians create recreational programs, direct "Days of Recollection" for CCD students, direct film series, ex periment with the xae of medfi in the liturgy as a preaching tool, originate and edit the Paulist Free Press, coordinate Lenten lectures and organize Home Masses, to mention just a few. When you commit yourself to the Paulists, it isn't a someday thing. It's now. Today. For more information about the Paulists write to: Rev. Doa aid C. Campbell, C.S.P., Voca tion Director, Room 100. 415 West 59Jh Street New York, N.Y.1M1 PAGE 15 J m at I