ASUM Art Store QoSO-Oilt $c!o : Hccni 117 fJcbroskii Union ell iteos 10 off LUlU -.- .T.-r 'on lertwcctar ' j"SCii.OS COT,'.ca-. -and ! James Garner IniiRnssett Susan Clark . gp. as- rom Warner Bros, A KinrfryCompan JUM Record Store flock Optra: "Survive! of St. Jca" oo scSo flow for $748 a wido selection ot discount pricos iTaxe the trudging out of trudging in "CASTER"... an opened up learner sanao. in white or Brown, with a sole ond heel of fake bark (even your dog wouldn't know). $14 CONNIE BEN SIMON'S DOWNTOWN & GATEWAY. Style No. 992P-2 WARM NYLON LINING WEATHER STRIPPED TO KEEP I AM SLEEPING BAG 4- AOULT SIZE rOLYE&TE flbFUl Sb&S INSULATION fOt SLEEPING SACS IN WAR 'type ' nU AU AROUND HEAVY DUTY RUSTPROOF ZIPPER Douuiur 3 SAGS CAN If ZIPPED TOGETHER Ml M AE2TJIY & 138 N. 1 1th . now closor to csssipsis! ISO 22.100 " , UNL figures -10,000 fO ,W 1000 12.000 -woo ' 'V'". . " ' -0.000 m . .0.OM , -,ooo 20 -1.000 QmmmJ - w - M7 cmo -to -myy Tin Wednesday's Daily Nebraskan published the graph above with statistical figures that were irrelevant in the context of this graph. The corrected graph is a composite plotting of UNL enrollment and diagnosed cases of gonorrhea and pregnancy among UNL students. The horizontal axis depicts each academic year from 19S6 to the present. The number of diagnosed cases of gonorrhea and pregnancy can be read from the vertical axis on the extreme left of the graph. The other vertical axis shows UNL enrollment figures. DliOl LjJLI a Show the bear you care. Welcome the Hamrrfs bear back from hibernation by buying his specialty designed 12 pack of cans. This limited-supply package is available where you see this display. Hamm' always, is brewed natural... for people who really like their beet ' 0 ' iSTHEOOORE MAMM COMPANY. ST. PAUL MINN. SAM FRANCISCO. LOS ANGELES UEbelierable discounts. Not only on sales of all new and ssed imports, but on tH seitice aad parts for MGs, Triumphs, Ee&aalts, JEgaars, and Peugeots. Stop in at Standard Motor Imports, see Hal or Bob tor the best deal you could est All you seed is a Student ID. STANDARD MOTOR IMPORTS 1730 O ST. PAGE-12 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN FRIDAY. APRIL 14, 1972