Unfurnished one bedroom unit, ihag carpeting, fully appllaneed, cable television. Close to cempus.) Call 47S-138S or 486-B44B after 6:00 p.m. LOST Lost glasses. Blue lem. Between Oldfether and WRH. Reward. 436-6532. SERVICES DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS can be placed In room 34 Nebraska Union. Coat la $.08 par word,$1 .00 minimum. Payment In advance only. Complimentary ads may be run only If error It brought to the Nebras ka a attention the business day after publication. dailu FOR SALE 1969 660 BSA Thunder-bolt, only 4 300 miles, TvTInt condition. Best offer. 489-6910. 1969 Camaro, 6, stick, 38,000 miles, very clean. Must sell. 488-6439. Vox Continental Organ. Must sall--reasonable. 475-7296. '67 VW Squareback. Air, radials , Immaculate, well serviced, Mutt sell-best offer. 489-7271. New '65 Volksvair 120 h.p. custom Interior. TIOHT engine, can go fast. Will trade for cycle or reasonable price. Chuck or Art. 799-2664. Usher Gifts for Weddings. Cliff Smoke Shop. 12th St O St. Honda 1971, CB 175. Gold, Best offer. After 6:00 p.m. 475-0240. Sony TC-630 Tape recorder, ECHO, S.O.S., speakers, 20 watt amp. Have to sell this week. Regardless of price. Abet 609. Guild Accoustlcal Guitar Si Case. 2 months old $250. Call 475-1721. . One set used Ben Hogan golf clubs. Good price. 434-9670 after 5. Mini bike. Must sell. Best offer. 477 1458. 1969 Honda 350 Scrambler. Excellent condition. 434-351 5. Ask for Randy McDonald. '57 Chevy; 4 door herd top; 327; 425 Horse; 375 cam; 2 four barrels; 3 spaed. Call 475-6112. HELP WANTED Part time eve. & Sat. I need 3 men to stert immediately and work thru summer on. This job la route work servicing established customers. Starting salaries $1.85hr. Transportation not necessary. Call 467-1O07. Full-time secretary for UNL student government office. Typing, bookkeeping, filing, correspondence. Muet posses ability to work under pressure efficiently, and be able to relate -easily to college age adult. Applicant call ASUN office, 472-2581 for interview appointment. Maids wanted-pert time, full time, pick your own hour. $1.76 to starts, chance for Immediate raise. Apply In person Thura. Apr. 6, 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. at 440 Stuart Bldg. or call 432-9693 for appointment OVE RSEAS JOBS FOR STUDENTS Australia. Europe, S. America, Africa etc. All profession end occupations, $700 to $3,000 monthly. Expense paid, overtime, sightseeing. Free Kosmet Klub show continues rehearsal Thirty-five cast members and director Mike Dobbins are rehearsing witch-burning daily in preparation for Kosmet Klub's presentation of the rock opera The Survival of St. Joan. The show deals with the legend that a girl took Joan's place at the stake and depicts Joan's life following her survival. Kosmet Klub will present The Survival of St. Joan at the Coliseum April 14, 15 and 16. 1971 OMftfteVS&Sft VAftCasKS? H6&'s vnu.Atw WPT TO O&OeSL. CQT AtlSS wT 4 SM.Z THif4 THAT OjMtfioo PCoPsJ. WiU.OUIM.AMD tAOMk WIU. , KAtTT to tMVE.34 UMOnl. Inf or mat lon--Wrlt Jobs Overseas, Dept. 06. P.O. Box 16071, San Diego, Calif. Part time worker-stocking shelves and general claan-up. Some selling, 20 hr. minimum. Apply In person. John Hoppe, Jr. 75th & Cornhusker, Part or full time shop workers. Component production. Daytime work. 20 hr. minimum. Apply . in person. John Hoppe, Jr., 75th & Cornhuskar. Need AAA Softball pitcher for summer. Contact Rich at 466-2744 Immediately. EE major repairing selling used eats, rates. 423-6828. TV and Reasonable FOR RENT Summer apartments. New, partially furnished. Air conditioned. $50person. Alpha Gamma Sigma. 434-6891, 434-4996. Summer rooms for rent. $10 a week. 1235 N. 16th. Phone 432-2444. COMPLETE ' AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE: Volkswagen Repair; Tire; Batteries; Air conditioning repair; Brake service; Dynamic wheel balancing; Complete motor repair. Major repair on VW engines. All major repairs guaranteed- 3,000 miles or 3 months. Guaranteed used VW's for sele. JOHN'S CONOCO, 14th & South. Pregnant? Worried? You neve friends who care at Birthright. 477-802L Need someone to listen who cares- -Crisis Health Aide: 472-2200. WATCH REPAIR. All makes-Including time. 2-3 day service-reasonable. Campus Bookstore-at the yellow beck door. 13th Si R St. PERSONAL Joan: You know You're dying. . Heaven Is out to get you. MISCELLANEOUS FILM FESTIVAL.. Saturday night. Hope Auditorium. 2015 S. 16th, 8:00. 25c cover charge. Sponsored by Unicorns. Elkhorn River Weekend Canoe Trips. Single or : group Bookings, Phone 489-6241. Went passenger to shere driving to Scottsbluff or Sidney. Plen to leave 1:30 Friday. Call Jlmmi. 466-9633. Married couples Interested In being house parents at fraternity next year. Call 477-6260. hiiiMAMiniiiffl lt)BIHaHIH)aUHij i'-n . wirmmraiimuM mmmmmaalj mmmoimmmm I "Xtv I I II i JMpj? . y - . ThEqoit.blLifU.uriKSoctetyothUnittlSt.t.N.Yort1.H.V. An Equal Opportunity Emptoyar. MF THE LJ ITiAOLE For a free 18" x 24 poster of this advertisement, write: The Equitable, Dept. F. G.P.O. Box 1170, New York, N.Y. 10001 THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1972 PAGE 1 1