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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1972)
day ffi)0bfi)!s FOR SALE Panasonic reei-to-real tap recorder. Excellent condition. Half-price. 476-8656. 1964 Ford 2DHT, V-8, power steering, auta transmission, Perfect. 434-4205 after G:00 p.m. 1971 Galaxy BOO. 2DHT. Many extra. 423-6431. 1971 Honda 360, Leave message for Dick in Schramm Hall 1017. 1970 BSA 650 Lightening. Great shape. Jim Plpher 434-0288. 1962 Chevy Impale 4 dr. 327 V8, Power steering & brakes, $185 or best offer. 799-3617 after 6 p.m. 1969 Yamaha 350 Grand Prix 5800 mi. Excellent condition. $400 or best offer. 799-3617 after 6 p.m. APR, 7th. of 8 PM PERSHING AUDITORIUM An Irving Granz Production H e feal ejsF fl f -aim i ma mi in - m v m k m m with special guest stars . ) J jC" fr "CANNED HEAT" fJkVl sll sssts reserved $3.50-$4.50 $5.50 fy IJ Tickets at Pershing Auditorium box office 12 noon til 6 p.m. J li j j n daily. Brandet. Millar & Pain Downtown & Gateway, A V ' Treasure City's Musiclend and Dirt Cheap. X I f tuimmiMBtfi Bismmm ae ! , laasaBsaaw j iV V llJI J 1 1 I "k C J V i IJlulAlBI hob . 1 I MLW J I 1 ; limomr I iMiilf ill piiirim (iJUWJLIJ' -Handsome Soft. j l 'mmmmZm0J Jr f 1: f IfXft "SVw s Suede Leather Uppers III '" A -' J j.Xj II W i With Full Padded ril..1,,, - I L IJiyf -1 Leather Lining & I'M ii ) JUAJZLZ3i JP V msole- .' I w Ay yj&m,!; . ' WAFFLE SOLE & HEEL wmbw 1, nimnnf FKKSI&I?! CSeSRrl ). ': iMens7toV2 ' ik. " . m w a m -.ef I ftK M 1 M M PV i Iv unk StHattitar. taM M WAKOflS, I 1l I ct ' 'a, Me evMrnMnAaanMAM. War CHEAP EMTEH- PMlStS, mtmmk city kmc DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS can be placed in room 34 Nebraska Union. Cost it $.08 per word, $1.00 minimum. Payment In advance only. Complimentary ad may be run only If error Is brought to the Nebras ' kan's attention the business day after publication. '68 Dodge Coronet 44a Air conditioning, power steering automatic, clean, 30,000 mi let. Meke offer 466-4736. Jardine header for small block Chevy. $60, 4-ET 7" x 14" Mag for chevy. $60. Hurst 3-speed competition shifter. $20. 466-4736. King-size water bed. With sheets, pad and frame. 477-6069. New JBL amplifiers, models SE 400S, GS 52a Call 477-5935 after 6. Shirley Chtsolm Gerage Sale. 1510 Sioux. Saturday and Sunday. Come to donate andor buy. 1965 Dodge Van. Rigged for camping ha '72 plate & Impaction. 489-8703. HELP WANTED ms? fi&a ein D wa CIS, I rew- J lands, cheim hhw omama. Singer & guitarist wanted to form group. Will also consider becoming pert of group. Call Patty 432-8409, INTERNATIONAL JOBS-Europa, South America, Asia, Australia, U.S.A. Opening In all fields-Social Science, Business, Selene, Engineering, Education, etc. Alaska construction and pipelina work. Earning to $500 weekly. Summer or permanent. Paid expense, bonuses, travel. Complete currant Information-only $3.00. Money back guarantee. Apply aarly ior best opportunities-writ now I I International Employment, Box 721-N69, Peabodv. Mass., 0196a (Not an employ ment agency.) atU. af C ? . FIBIS IWI l! if. W. SERVICES 1 I - PERSONAL I I WATCH REPAIR. ALL U.twra-enMMMB ..inr-ml MAKES-inc luding Timex. 2-3 ftl efts 0- fl I day service-reasonable. Campus Bookstore-at the yellow back door. 13th & R Sts. TERMPAPER ARSENAL. INC Sand $1.00 for your descriptive catalog of 1,300 quality termpapers, 519 Gtenrock Ave., Suit 203 Los Angeles, Calif. 90024. (213) 477-6493. "We need a local salesman". Sewing and Alterations. Call Pat Moore at 799-2615. Pregnant? Who cares? We do I Call 477-8021. Need someone ceres Crisis 472-220a to listen who Health Aide: FOR RENT We need someone to sub leas apt. May 15 - Aug. 1. On Bus rout to campus. 1 bdrm, unfurnished. $150 month or will consider offer. 466-2804 weekend. ROOMMATE WANTED Mala or female - teperate bedroom, $43mo. Good food. 466-4094. Roommate needed immediately - ?!JLAwlJti U j furnished two bedroom elr C'CTBw f 1 conditioned house, close to 1 HO A AOl 1 campus, $65monthutilities UVuV.UW I 1-1 I'll A.I. 4nr Ulba I The funeral of John P. Barleycorn will be conducted Friday at 7:30 p.m. Jesus, You're my darling, I love your golden hair, Joan. MISCELLANEOUS Today: Veteran' Friday Afternoon Club: 4-?p.m. 1140 Club. $1.00 cover; wlfegal: 50c' ALL GIRLS-FREE DRAWS, Red Lion Lounge. 2-5 Friday-Music. Lower level. Colonial Inn. 66 Cornhusker. F.A.C. 15c short draws. . 2-5 Fri.-Muslc Red Lion Lounge; Lower level, Colonial Inn. 5600 Cornhusker. UNIVERSITY CHARTER FLIGHTS TO EUROPE THIS SUMMER. APPLY NOW Rm. 340 NEBRASKA UNION. There Is no cheeper way. VETS F.A.C. AT MYRONS 3-6 P.M. - BE EARLY - BRING YOUR WIFEGAL. r Xiisihiv FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1972 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 11