The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 16, 1972, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    Proposed ASUN Constitutional Amendments
The name of this organization shall be the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln Student Association, hereinafter referred to as
the Association.
The Durnoses of this organization shall be:
1. to act as the supreme student governing body in the two
regulation ana coordination 01 an pnases 01 siuueni may
2. to nlan ai
Body and for its benefit
3. to represent the
administration, Regents, legislature, and to the general public,
19. The Board shall have the power to enact such legislation
as may be necessary for the execution of the powers granted in Co
this Article. Ex
jl. Meeting
Regular meetings of the Board shall be held once each week ordinances
during the regular academic year on a day to be decided by O. Kuii
I ine poaru, Jil mniinn ui in uuaiu y uiiuv
legislative act ol
n nnnl on mMfip anri written renuaat to the Contrary by CXCCPt
-thirds (23) of all the elected members. No official business any of th
i be conducted in closed session. Provision shall be made in . H, K
! may ue cunuucieu in ciuacu wiuuii, numun on ... - -
lh aoattwU of avarv maatino for itlirlanta to rtreaent DrODOSalS Or addition tO
to. plan and carry out projects of interest to the Student grievances throuah a Board member, The procedures outlined in which each mem
a lata. tkAHak. a .a n - f S m . . . IU! CllAaa.ats nil aula! sarin TUB UI ML
it iiu iui TOiviii, Kooert 3 KUiet or uraer latest tuition snau o luiiuwra
3. to represent the interests of the students to theTaculty, meetings unless they contradict a by-law of the Board or this
A XveV. IB
B.f W Student' CourTSull op-StrX rf be
l,-.IftVule. and regulations as the Board shall adopt.
..7m. and regulations snau not ininnge upon
rh Onivers ty of Nebraska Board of
KtWi ordinance! or n. V- r g.
iw.i-ri..";:. oTT- .ndthe bhi of Rig
its in the Academic Mmniuu. ---
uiioiiaiiviii ( wn ujiui a v t naa jj iaw Bviivieii Bwvaaa Cf lsl HI III If its .
4. to strive for the largest influence of the students in the SECTION 2. THE CHAIRPERSON
Roar4 shall ala a rhilrnirinn from among
membership by a majority vote of its entire voting membership.
A. The
functioning of the university.
All regularly enrolled students at the University of b, The chairperson shall be chosen at the first official
Nebraska-Oncoln shall be members of the Association and shall meeting of theBoard and may serve for a term of one year. No
be entitled to take part in all the activities of the Association as person shall serve as chairperson for more than two years. . , ,
hereinafter outlined. A student taking at least one hour r fhe chairperson may be removed as outlined in Article
ronreawork not InHilHflnff ivtfliutnn and rnrreannnrienr cawim. IV Ca1mm i LT n
is regularly enroljed. .-. o . - The criair'pefson shall have the following powers and
The legislative, executive, and judicial organs of the i. To chair all meetings of the Board
2. To set the agenda tor meetings
3. 10
Board or
ebraska, anc
htsin the "Student
Herein recognizes
.... I -m MdKVI
of Nebraska and. the
Association shall be as follows and shall have the following
powers, insofar as these powers do not conflict with general
uiuvcrauy rcyuiaiiuns csiauiiaiieu vy in duiiu ui iwyeius.
Section 1. The Executive Board.
A. The Executive Board shall consist of fifteen (IS)
members with voting privileges. The members shall be chosen by
direct apportionment from the colleges of the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, in accordance with Article IV, Section 7
B. In case of a vacancy on the Board, a replacement to fid
out the unexpired term shall be elected by the Board from those
who have submitted written applications for the position. The
replacement shall meet all the regular requirements of the office
of member of the Executive Board.
C. To be eligible for election to the Executive Board, a
candidate must be a regularly enrolled member of the college he
ia a
I The risht of each" student and each student organization
to local weedy, and just determination of controversies wholly
mnfffed within the community of the University of Nebraska.
l The HaM of any student against whom disciplinary action
Is contemi ated by the University of Nebraska to be Informed of
and rectal Tearing concerning alleged conduct on which such
condemnation U based f representatives to
r-r&ilate in any process of disciplinary 'action against any o her
I fo l aciaimMtiMi orthe Board upon 24 hours ituden and any process by ffiawraSH""-'-!"'"-
notice "and contact all members unless physically impossible. student government ana org"iy"-
t 4. To remove by decree any member oi tne ooaru upon SECTION 9. Siuutwi iRiBun. iinivernltw nf
three unexcused absences. , t. ....... The charter of the Student ; Tribunal of thy Jn'vfj;'ty
a. To establish a student round-tab e comoosed of student Ki.Kr..w. hereby recognized as the official statement or
leaders to meet regularly and discuss issues of importance to authority for that body. The Executive Board or tne tiyers ty
students. .. . of Nebraska-Uncoln Student Associatipn is hereby charged with
a Tn renrenent the Aiunciation in a ceremonial caoacity and .ii a..h. ani amnnwari with all functions charged to the
to state student opinion before public and otticiai assemblies ana tU(jent Council ' under the charter of the Student Tribunal.
in corresponaence. . , U.M
The Board is further charged with the duty or requirtng
7. To be responsible for the filling of all committee Dariodical reoorts from the Student Tribunal, which reports shall
positions. u r,.., reveal to trie Board the nature and value ot tne MUdent
o. id appoint inc. uuwui ui in Tribunal a ooeratlon to tne aeciaranons comaineu in ouoseciion
The members of the Association, acting by petition, shall
have the following powers: A ,.
A. Initiative, oy a pennon ugneu ui ui icom iuu iviniuin
iiK1a r annmv.1 f tha Rarf
delegate any ot tne above powers ana auncs
9. To
nro noses to renresent and asree in writins to resisn if he should nrrr.urv
terminate his enrollment in that college during the term of office SECTION 3. TEMPORARY CHAIRPERSON
for which he seeks election. A. The Board-elect shall elect a temporary chairperson from
D. Board members shall take office no more than three among its membership by a majority vote of its entire voting
weeks after the general election and shall serve for a term of one membership.
year, ... . . B. The temporary chairperson shall be elected at the first
. fc, tn tne period between election and assumption oi oriice official meeting of the Board-elect and shall serve until election r";"" fewer than I 000 regularly-enrolled students,
the elected members, shall serve as a Board-elect with the power of a chairperson at the first official meeting of the Board. W V bvh20EiWtoral Commission to
Vr f" o wmimmjfo-u'..! V,, IIC VIIIUiaa7 VliaupviSUII IO Viwajs Wl v a awa m b
- . . . .. . .... .... nv a mntf
e .T.P.1 Board to declare it null and void,
UUt V9 Willi I VBLVI tU DUOI U"IVI MO VSipas va juii aaao w Q n.
the Board. .?.'
Pacultv Senate and All-Universit v committees, and other nfrh.lmiii
omcers-aesignaie as snau oe necessary, i nese oiiicers-aesignaie
shall assume their duties upon installation of the new Board.
I-. The nrst meetine or the Board-elect shall be held within a ih.
week after the election by the chajroerson of the previous Board settion'. THF. DiRF.rTOR OF RECORDS
who shall serve as chairperson of the meeting until the election a. The Board shall elect a Director of Records from among
of a i temporary chairperson by the Board-elect. . , its membership by a majority vote of its total voting
G, All powers shall remain with the previous Board unless membership.
transferred to the Board-elect by action of the previous Board. b. The Director of Records shall be chosen at the first
H. Any Board member will be removed by the Chair-person official meeting of the Board and may serve for a term of one
upon three unexcused absences. The Board member may appeal year
the decision to the Student Court. c. The Director of Records may be removed as outlined in
I Impeachiwnt Article IV, Section 1, K. 7.
Any member. of the Board, any Justice of the Student Court, d. The Director of Records shall be responsible to the Board
or any other officer of the Association may be impeached by a for the maintenance of all minutes, legislation, decrees,
23 majority secret ballot vote of the entire voting membership correspondence, and for maintaining a current list of by-laws,
of the Executive Board. The Board shall have the authority, by All records of official action of the Board shall be open to public
vote of a simple majority of the members present and voting ,to inspection.
oer k. The Director of Records mav annoint. with the anoroval
of the regularly enrolled students, to introduce measures to the
Board. II alter Illteen IISI aays, ine Doaru iraunuim vasscu
the measure in its original form, another petition In its favor.
uct a
referendum on it within IS class da vs.. Approval of the measure
by a majority or the voters at such a referendum shall require the
petition signed by thirty-five (35) percent of all the
trolled students enrolled in a college to require the
appoint prosecutors for impeachment proceedings. A menu
may be impeached for ma feasance of oTfice and in all instances 0f the Board, such offices as he sees fit for performance of his
vri iiupvaviiiiiiit iiiv niuniuiiai oiiaii w k ucu vvv wwv isv90 QUI ICS.
of law including the right to a hearing and defense couseL (Refer SECTION S. THE TEMPORARY DIRECTOR OF RECORDS
to Student Court, Section 8-F.) A. The Board-elect shall elect a temporary Director of
J. Recall. A Board member is subject to recall by petition of Records from among its membership by a majority vote of its
members of the Association according to the procedures ii.ivniiil.iii.ak.l!l,
K. Powers and Duties of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board shall have the following powers and
Referendum. Bv petition signed by at least 1,000 of the
regularly enrolled students, to suspend the enactment of any
measure omcr man in uuugc. r3vu vj uvai u, .uu tu
require the Electoral Commission to schedule and conduct a
referendum on it within IS class days. Approval of the measure
by a majority of the voters at such a referendum shall require the
Board to declare it null and void.
C. Kecaii.
1. Bv a pi
Electoral uommissiun 10 scneuuic aim cunuuci wiium imnu
(15) class days a special election for the Board seat in question in
that college by the final apportionment at the general election.
2. Recall Procedure. In all cases of recall, the official recalled
shall continue in the powers of his office until the special
election and may be a candidate at that election. The special
election shall be conducted under rules promulgated by the
Electoral Commission and resembling as closely as possible those
prescribed in the Constitution for general elections. Candidates
elected at the special election shall serve only for the unexpired
term of the recalled official. ... .
D. Procedure. In all petitions submitted to the Electoral
i . i ' f .k! i.:.i. .u.l.
commission unucr ine provisiuna ui in suutic swiiomic. aiiu
1. Resolutions. The Board shall have the power to adopt, in
the name of the Association, resolutions on public issues by
simple majority vote of those members of the Board present and
wt'"- . .
i. nuiesoi rroceaure.
" ' : . n . . ... . . ... . nmrntsxini
fkstfVrc1. emSKra besccompanied by University identi
.ltinn nf a ni-.X', f R.ivrHc ha fi,.. nfriial mtiiu nf ""811 DO VBIIUBICU UJ III? -uwiwil VS' "".
meeting i
ine ooara.
C The temporary Director of Records is eligible to run for
the post of Director of Records.
D. The temporary Director of Records shall have all the
Bowers and duties with respect to the Board-elect that the
lirector of Records has to the Board.
a. The Board shall have the power to determine its own rules SECTION 6 FACULTY ADVISORS
of procedure by a simple majority vote of those members of the
ooara present ana voting.
b. Rules of Procedure may be repealed by a simple majority
vote of those members of the Board present and voting.
3. By-laws.
a. Tne Board shall have the power to adopt by-laws by a 23
majority vote of the entire voting membership of the Board.
b. .All by-laws shall become permanent regulations of the
A. The Board shall anooint two faculty advisors to serve as
non-voting members of the Board. They shall serve staggered
two-year terms and must be voting members of the Faculty
A. Composition. The Electoral Commission shall consist of
live iurnnii5gioners, lira ui wnom snau oe ine lacyuy
representatives to the Board, one of whom shall be appointed by
Association and may be repealed only by a two-thirds (2 3) the Chairperson of the Board and shall serve as Director, one of
majoritvvoteof the entn-e voting membership of theBoard. whom shall be elected by a majority vote the Board, one of
iuleJ,l-",l.tels . ... . whom shall be elected by the Student Court from its own
a. The Board shall have the power to elect such officers as membership by a majority vote of that body.he National
necessary and make such appointments as necessary by a simple Convention.
majority vote of those members present and voting, unless b. Eligibility. To be eligible for appointment to a
otherwise provided in this Constitution or in the by-laws of the non-faculty seat on the Electoral Commission, a nominee must
Association. . be a regularly enrolled student in the University.
b. Any person appointed by the Board to such positions may c. Term of Office. Student members of the Commission
be recalled by a simple majority vote of the entire voting .hull he nominated before the third full week of each semester
meniuersnip oi ine executive ooara upon one ween s nonce 10
and shall nerve for the remainder of the semester
D. Duties and Powers. The duties of the Electoral
Commission shall be:
I T .nnA..A rilinm J ..k.iliil. .I.i.(ini tnr all
C r..K l;.l.tin XI,. Do. ,V,11 K..,. .1.- . . . " """""".-"a'-V' -
... v...,. n.6.o.a..y... ..... uvi" ;. r . v ?"- elections conuuciea oy ine Association.
all other kinds of legislation by a simple majority vote of those 2. To establish and publicize the J
the individual that such a vote will be taken, unless otherwise
provided in this Constitution or in the by-laws of the
members of the Board present and voting, except as noted
eisewnere in mis oiistiiuiion.
6. Chairperson, Director of Records. The Board shall elect
from within its membership a Chairperson and a Director of
Records by majority vote of the entire voting membership of the
7. Removal of Chairperson, Director of Records.
Any member of the Board may call for the removal of the
Chairperson or Director of Records at any meeting. After the
officer is notified of this caO the matter shall be voted on at the
next regular meeting of the Board. A 23 vote of the entire
voting membership of the Board is necessary to remove a
Chairperson or Director of Records.
8. Soecial Session. The Board shall have the author it v tn call
itself into session on twenty-four (24) hours' notice by a petition
dates and nrocedurea for
filings and elections, and to issue at the request of candidates
advisory opinions as to the legality of proposed methods in
election campaigns.
3. To establish polling places and to supervise the balloting
at each polling place, either in person or through agents
authorized and announced by the Commission one week prior to
the elections.
4. To tabulate the ballots, with at least three Commissioners
being present and at least one of them being a faculty
5. To seal ballots, tabulations, and computations and deliver
them to the senior faculty representative for safekeeping for a
thirty day period.
6. To announce the complete results of the election to the
press, including the number of votes cast for each candidate, and
parcu, upon request, to issue a orear-uown 01
votes and votes cast on amendments and referenda
y colleges.
7. initiate, by majority vote 01 an its members, prosecutions
in Student Court for infractions of electoral laws or rules.
8. Annul, by a four -fifths (45) majority of all its members
any election for good cause and to reschedule it within 15 class
9. Reapportionment. The Electoral Commission shall
reapportion by direct apportionment the representation of the
Board among the several colleges of the University according to
the enrollment of the current semester. The apportionment shall
be completed and the results publicized by the first day of April.
10. Establish at the beginnings of each semester regulations
for the conduct of elections.
F. The Commission shall be responsible to the Chairperson
of the Board. Decisions of the Electoral Commission shall be
.nkiu. a aum.i . .A 1... I . I
. . . . . . , - . f. . -- , .uuibv, i j 1 v . 1 v rr u j mi. .j. uwsii. uiiu l ,u UG.Ulllllllc a. .I1CV are
hv.laws thf nroremire for th. annoinrmant of ct iw1nt tn thc urT i . ...n. mvj ai v
Faculty Senate and All-University committees and procedures SECTION 8 STUDENT COURT
for recall and o10"1 ?!ia.aS2252? ...thori or . A. Composition. The Student Court shall consist of one Chief
12. The Board shall have the power to 'JVon.wthmut.oT justiCe and six Associate Justices appointed by the Chairperson
regulate elections, rallies, assemblies, town hall meetings, and f k u...j ti..... ...:n u i!. TCI
o V. j . ' j . . 1 . ' . vi ui. umu. i iiv. auuuiiuilicill. wu. uc IIIWJC Willi tne
convocations of students and student inigrations. approval of at least two-thirds (23) of the entire voting
I " Thai Qnopri shall nnTA rnmn hiiarinne m laat rtfm m Jaa.ku.1.: U d. u:... L .. : a. a.s - r 0
1 j v was 0 (a sa iiu iv vivii vkob iiiaa aa. w ww iv v am
semester in an effort to establish communication between Board
and students.
14. The Board shall have the power to establish such
permanent or ad hoc legislative or investigative committees as it
sees fit, providing that permanent committees be included in the
is. me Board snau nave tne power to estabiisn in its by-laws year commencing the first day of classes in the fall and
commissions to develop and maintain programs of interest and terminating the last dijv of finals the following soring
value to the student community, to aDDoint commissioners bv a D. Vacanciea. Vacanciea on the Student fVtiirt h.ll k fiilaM
simple majority vote of the members of the Board, present and within fifteen class .days according to the procedures as outlined
voting, anu to cooruuiate tne ptUKiaiiis ui tne vuninuiuuun.
a. commissioners snau be required 10 maice reports at a
Proposals for amendment to this Constitution may be originated
A. A majority of two thirds (23) of all elected members of
B. A petition submitted to the Board, signed by not less than
1.000 of the regularly-enrolled students of the University.
Signatures must be validated by the Electoral Commission.
Proposals for amendment shall be ratified as follows:
A. If submitted on or before the second Monday of
November, the proposal shall be voted on by the students at a
special referendum to be held by the Electoral Commission on
the second Tuesday of December.
B. If submitted after the second Monday of November but
before the 27th day preceding the Spring general election, the
proposal shall be included on the ballot at that election.
Proposals for amendment must be published in full by the
Electoral Commission in the campus newspaper at least three
times prior to the election at intervals of at least one week.
The amendment shall be ratified: By a majority affirmative
vote with at least twelve (12) percent of the eligible voters voting
in favor.
A. A call for a Constitutional Convention may be originated
1. A majority vote of three-fourths (34) of all elected
members of the Board.
2. A petition submitted to the Board, signed by not less than
12 percent of the regularly-enrolled students of the University of
Nebraska. Signatures must be submitted with University
identification numbers and shall be validated by the Electoral
B. The composition of the Convention shall be determined
by a 23 vote of the entire membership of the Board.
C. The new constitution resulting from the Convention shall
be ratified by a majority affirmative vote with at least twelve
UiLPW0'1" OI ,n eligible voters voting in favor.
signed by at least one-fifth (15) of the entire voting membership 0 he orei
of the Board and deposited with the Chairperson or in his nresidential
absence the Director of Records, or bv a vote to this effect hv t:. .".T".
U.IC....II U. 111!. CIHU6 TUtlHg IIICIII VVI 3.1 ip U. IIIC OUWU W
by a petition signed by one hundred (100) members of the
Association and deposited with the Director of Records. The
official with whom the petition is deposited will notify all
members of the Board of the special meeting unless physically
9. New Student Organizations. The Board shall have the
power to establish in its by-laws procedures for the recognition
of new student organizations and approval of their constitutions.
10. The Board shall have the power to enact, alter, or amend
regulations pertaining to all student organizations.
11. Committee Appointments. The Board shall have the
power to appoint all student representatives to Faculty Senate
and All-University committees or to delegate that authority to
other campus organizations. The Board shall establish in its
A. Elected Officials. In all v.r aftor IOT) tha offirlala
elected to offices of the Association at general or special
elections shall assume their responsibilities no later than three
weeks after then- election in accordance with the procedures
outlined in Article IV above.
B. Appointed officials. Officers appointed at any time after
this constitution, shall have taken effect shall assume the
responsibilities of their offices after their approval by the
Executive Board.
C. All functions formerly delegated to the Association of
Students of the University of Nebras.ka shall be assumed by the
appropriate organs of the U of N-Lincoln Student Association.
aiict rauticauon oi mis constitution, a special general
election shall be held in the fall for an Executive Board under
tne rules ot this constitution with the following exceptions:
t 1. The Electoral Commission of A SIN shall perform all of
the duties of the Electoral Commission of UNSA
2. The Student Court of ASUN shall serve as the Student
Court of UNLSA and shall continue in this function until its
term of office under the ASUN constitution expires.
B. utticiais elected at tne tan, I97i election shall assume
office three weeks later, on which date this constitution shall
come into full force and effect and all former constitutions and
by-laws shall become null and void.
C. The Executive Board elected in fall. 1972, shall serve until
lirX SF&lo a full tetnt of ne'VwhoT.t, .Sng
- . - y-- - w a miaiUB OIIBIIKIVC.
student in the College of Law.
B. Eligibility. To be eligible for appointment to the Student
Court a student nominee must be a regularly enrolled student
.v. a.. Nw"' . vr J""""' "uiug. . . constitution in soring
v-. iram ui uiiii-c. mi justices snail serve lor one academic AKI 1(1 K Vll Rli rni. Rir.UTC I2.?wlnB Ar.t,cl.e w" vPted on and passed as amendments to
fha A VI IM wnew-a. aav-aAam Caul- AH "
U. All qualifications relating to the number of hours
required for elibility for office under the ASUN constitution
sua ii ue. auousneu immediately upon ratification ot this
Wll3.liu.iuil 111 BUTlIlK UI IV li.
regular meeting of the Board at least twice a semester.
b. A member of the Executive Board may not serve as a
for selection of original members.
c. nature oi judicial function ot Student (Jovernment.
16. The Board
shall have the power to prosecute student
organizations or individual students before the Student Court for Nebraska, the
violation of duly-enacted legislation of the Executive Board. and the TJniti
Nothing herein is to be construed as limiting or supplanting any
of the rights, privileges, immunities, or obligation of i-h
student under the rules and regulations, of the University of
ncuraann neauis, 1110 uruiiiancea oi ine uiy oi Lincoln.
tne AoUN constitution. Soring. 1967.
u A J" ?ff am. nd define those conditions essential to
the achievement of total education in a democratic society, the
Association of Students of the University of Nebraska consider
the following rights among those necessary in the development
?hat society " mdividual "nd responsible citizen of
u. A1!1 P hy L,the rht o be considered for admission to
the University of Nebraska and student organizations of that
mi s race, national
17. The Board shall have the power to serve as ttaiaon
between students and faculty, between students and the Board
of Regents andor their representatives, between students and
the state legislature, and between students and the general public
tt such times as the general welfare othe students andor the
University shall require such service. . '
18. The Board shall have the power to exercise any other
powers necessary for the general welfare of the students.
i aw ana consinutions ot tne state or Nebraska University, without ,ZZa T
ea aiaies or America, ana tne "xtuflent n tha .t:Lj-. .".
Academic Community" document, but the nroviSi ha in '.V. Lc . J9.?r Political belie
,ndbSb', 'ddlti0n t0 th0$e right8' tMl immunit-' nLHF-' .ig,nefo?e SSU? 1$'$
have the right to maintain democratic
clear and concise statement
F. Judicial Powers: The iudicial power of the Student Court
shall extend to the following controversies:
1. Matters oi impeacnment.
C. Students
2. Matters of interpretation of this constitution.
3. Matters of contested elections.
..V!'" have. the right to equitable participation In
u.utc.,1, puucy-mamng decisions. (rri,.,d on xt Dane)