The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1972, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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It seems that Pershing Auditorium is never going to become
a duil place. As most of you probably know, the rock opera,
Jesus Christ Superstar is making a return engagement to the
auditorium on Wednesday at 8 p.m. And on Friday, a show
billed as Lincoln's first all-English concert featuring Savoy
Brown, Fleetwood Mac and John Baldry will be at the
auditorium. The Filmore-style concert begins at 8 p.m.
Larry Knechtel, Mike Botts, James Griffin and David Gates
comprise the superb Bread, who will be at the auditorium on
Thursday, March 23. In case you don't know. Bread has
several "small" songs, including "It Don't Matter to Me,"
"Make It With You," "If," and "Baby I'm-A Want You" to.
their credit.
Now for something you might not know about. The Allman
Brothers Band is coming to the auditorium Monday, March 27.
This is during spring vacation, but considering the quality of
the group, you might want to stick around Lincoln until
March 28.
April 7 finds the James Gang and Canned Heat at Pershing.
Canned Heat has just recorded their first new album in almost
two years. It's titled Historical Figures and Ancient Heads.
Also coming to Pershing sometime in April is Creedence
Clearwater Revival.
'The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial, a dramatization adapted
by Herman Wouk from his Pulitzer Prize novel, will open at
the Lincoln Community Playhouse Saturday, with additional
performances on Sunday, March 19 and weekends through
April 9.
And don't forget UNL's production of Child's Play at
Howell Theatre, running the rest of this week.
The Free Theatre has a couple of shows coming up again
this week. The Black Art Players in connection with the Free
Theatre will present A Black Sabbath Requiem on Friday and
Saturday at 12 midnight in the Hungry Id, 640 N. 16th.
Directed by Jeff Otte, the play is a total environmental
production, with music by Tom Bredenburg. Admission is
"Keep Tightly Closed in a Cool Place, directed by Kathy
Mickells will be the other Free Theatre production. This play
will be presented Saturday and Sunday at 7 p.m. in the
Nebraska Union South Crib and is also free.
"Between Time and Timbuktu -A Space Fantasy by Kurt
Vonnegut; Jr., will be aired over KUON, Channel 12, on
Monday at 7 p.m. The show is a science fiction adventure tale
incorporating the most imaginative episodes from several of
Vonnegut's novels and short stories.
Recommended Television Movies:
KETV, Channel 7, 8 p.m.. "Lord Jim," conclusion, itarring Peter
O Toole. Adaptation of Joaeph Conrad's 1900 classic.
KMTV, Channel 3, 7 p.m., "Wast Side Story" part one starring
Natalie Wood and Richard Beymer. A musical must for everyone.
KMTV, Channel 3, 7:30 p.m., "West Side Story" conclusion starring
Natalie Wood and Richard Beymer.
KUON, Channel 12, 9:30 p.m., "Intimate Lighting" starring Vera
Kresedlova end Zdenek Bezusek. Czech film about an urban couple
visiting provincial friends.
WOW, Channel 6, 10:30 p.m., "Rebel Without e Cause" starring
James Dean and Natalie Wood. Teenage delinquency with good
performance by Dean.
April 20, 8.00 p.m. CLIVE BARNES, Music and Drama Critic-New York Times
talks about the AMERICAN OPERA
Performance of Aaron Copland's THE TENDER LAND"
April 21, 8.00 pm. MAUREEN FORRESTER, Contralto
I Chinese ceremonial music
April 22, 8.00 rim GRANT JOHANNESEN, Pianist
npru zj, j.aj( pm JL XXtLTULLN LL XVWZ4 tiV. Ureanist
April 23, mm. CimSTOPHER'liKENING.
Classical Guitarist
""fcVr- , '
. XT'
" ..ticTcVfs oft fficjn 'tfcSaaaeMk Mntcujdifl.lJoivmity of Nebraska 68508
IVjUffV Available to Srudenfs and Faculty, beginning March 13. 1972
Available to the General Public beginning March 27, 1972
Series Ticket Prices Adults $10.00 (save $5.00) Students $6.00 (save $6.00)
Singly Admissions: Not available until April 10 Adults $250 Students $2.00
Get a
Series Ticket for ell events. And mcke it a weekend you won't forget.
MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1972