The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 10, 1972, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    iq tka RaqpH choii have the iwwm rt enart audi legislation
as may be necessary for the execution of the powers granted in Court
mis Article.
Proposed ASUN Constitutional Amendments
The name of this organization shall be the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln Student Association, hereinafter referred to as
the Association.
The purposes of this organization shall be:
1.. to act as the supreme student aovi
regulation and coordination of all phases of student may be conducted in closed session. Provision shall be made in
self-government, . the aeenda of everv meetine for students to present proposals or
cutive LBoard or an 'l"'yAaw. organic .ct8, or
L. Meeting . , .? " ' i-,k RnarH or the exercise of their powers.
Regular meetings of the Board shall be held once each week ordinances ot 'ne?0,8; 'Court shaU operate under and be
during the regular academic year on a day to be decided by c'-jAi!such rules; and regulations as fhe Board shall adopt,
legislative act of the Board. All meetings of the Board shall be governed by sucn ru es anu B shg no( jnfr n
nnan v.nt nn nj.ifis- an1 written rrnilKt tn the COntrarV by except that SUCn rUICS BMW in . ClMt nnilrt
student governing bpdy in the two-thirds (23) of all the elected members. No official business any Jf ,ne1fweJI students and Student. Organizations.. In
H. Rights
addition to
.liuu'i J " . .. . - . t 1 : :
k. ,iohfs. privileges, immunities, pnfwww'"!!
w ------ I, na n n-ljl!H.V7lll . .w
lds under the
2. to plan and carry out projects of interest to the Student grievances through a Board member. The procedures outlined in which eaclimember oi i ne Universjty of Nebraska Board of
Boqy ana tor its oeneni. Robert's Rules of Order latest edition shall be followed at an ruies aim p"'Y"- - -- f the Cjty 0f Lincoln. weorasKa, ana
3. to represent the Interests of the students to the faculty, meetings . unless they contradict a by-law of the Board or this Regents, yLed"' ajtutions of the State of Nebraska and the
herein recognized
aiminicrrarinn Kirj-nrc lArr k dt nrv o rt i wn t n o opnara ruinns1 .
...e.,..a, w constitution.
4. to strive for the largest influence of the students in the SECTION 2 THE CHAIRPERSON
f.0.?$.t,ni5$.9f ffi&S&tt.., A. The Board shall elect a chairperson from among its
aii r . Tt . . , memnersnip oy a majority vote oi in ciiik toiiih iiii rj
icguidiijr ciuuiicu aiuucma
Nehraska-Lincoln shall be members of
be entitled to take Dart in all the activities
hereinafter outlined. A student taking at least one hour c. The chairperson may be removed as outlined in Article
pjufwwurn nut uiuiuuiiig extension anu currcapunucntc vuursea, IV.. section I IV, 7
theta'n.d.f?SnurBfflofRWtSiVt "Student
.""HE? ?2Z .Community" document, is here
III ill -----
tUBI. . --j mmrt Tii1r.t nrm n i7J f inn
Tn "5PJ .nds. 'det wminon of cobve wholly
is reeularlv enrolled
The legislative, executive, and judicial organs of the
Association shall be as follows and shall have the following
powers, insofar as these powers do not conflict with general
U1 iversity regulations established by the Board of Regents.
Secticn I. The Executive Board.
A. The Executive Board shall consist of fifteen (IS)
members with voting privileges. The members shall be chosen by
direct apportionment from the colleges of the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, in accordance with Article IV, Section 7
at the University of b. the VhairVsSn- shall be chosen at the" first official 1. The rteht of eacn cotroieVwhoU
the Association and shall meeting of theBoard and may serve for a term of one year. No to local, speedy, and just Cniversity of Nebraska
'.ties of the Association as person shall serve as chairperson for more than two years. . . confined within the community vt u . diMDHnarv actior
inff at loa ct rtn hnnr T-l : i a.-. nutKnaH in ArtirlP "5 1 h TQW OI BUT Siuucn & " V! . I . . . r
;ilAiSH hv the University ot NCDrasica 10 oe miormca oi
nSTeSli' Mni conrning'.lleged conduct on which such
conwmitation ts based thfo representrVe; , to
narticiDatt in any process of disciplinary action against any Other
ituden? and Sny process by which controversies arising within
St SdeSt government and organization, are settled.
b. The cliairoeraon shall have the following powers and
1. To chair all meetings of the Board
2. To set the agenda for meetings. . .
3. To call special meetings or the Board upon 24 hours
notice, and contact all members unless physically impossible.
4. To remove by decree any member of the Board upon
three unexcused absences. ....
S. To establish a student round-table composed ot student
The Rafter of the Student Tribunal of the University of
,T.V herTby recpized a. the official .t.temenf of
leaders to meet reeularlv and discuss issues of importance to ,u,j,oritv for that body. The Executive Board ot tne university
students. M of Nebraska-Lincoln Student Association is nereoy cnargeo wnn
t Tn pMrtfnt tHm Acniatinn in m rftrmnntal ciiniicitv and u...: .m MurH with ftll tiinrtinnn charffed to the
L. in a vn ins uuoi suiaviuc iu in (Q NaiC MUUCm upinwn UCIWC IUUIK BMU Ul I Itlll bwiiiuim anu Student COUnCII Under inc tnirici Ul lliv luunii nivuiwk
out the unexpired term shall be elected by the Board from those in correspondence. . Tne Board is further charged with the duty of requiring
who have submitted written applications for the position. The 7. To be responsible for the filling of all committee nerjoHical reports from the Student Tribunal, which reports shall
rpnlarement chnll meat nil the reffillnr renllirementK m the of fire nncitinnc " . aiT- n j u nnH vain rf he CtiBrlnt
of member of the Executive Board. 8. To appoint the Director of the Electoral Commission
C. To be eligible for election to the Executive Board, a subject to approval of the Board,
candidate must be a reeularlv enrolled member of the collece he Q To deleeate anv nf the above oowers and duties if
proposes 10 represent anu agree in wrmng 10 resign 11 nc snuuiu necessary.
terminate his enrollment in that colieee durine the term of office SECTION 1 TEMPORARY CHAIRPERSON
for which he seeks election. A. The Board-elect shall elect a temporary chairperson from
D. Board members shall take office no more than three among its membership by a majority vote of its entire voting
weeks after the general election and shall serve for a term of one membership.
year. . B. The temporary chairperson shall be elected at the first
E. In the period between election and assumption of office official meeting of the Board-elect and shall serve until election
me ciciicu iiiciiiucia.siiau ci w a nuaiu-crcii wim mc uuwci ot a cnairoerson at tne tirst omciai meetine oi tne Doaru
to appoint Commissioners-designate, members-designate to
Faculty Senate and All-University committees, and other
officers-designate as shall be necessary. These officers-designate
shall assume their duties upon installation of the new Board.
F. The first meeting of the Board-elect shall be held within a
week after the election by the chairperson of the previous Board
who shall serve as chairperson of the meeting until the election
of a temporary chairperson by the Board-elect.
G. All powers shall remain with the previous Board unless
transferrtd to the Board-elect by action of the previous Board.
H. Any Board member will be removed by tne Chair-person
upon three unexcused absences. The Board member may appeal
the decision to the Student Court.
I. Impeachment.
Any member of the Board, any Justice of the Student Court,
or any other officer of the Association may be impeached by a
23 majority secret ballot vote of the entire voting membership
of the Executive Board. The Board shall have the authority, by
vote of a simple majority of the members present and voting, to
appoint prosecutors for impeachment proceedings. A member
may be impeached for malfeasance of office and in all instances
of impeachment the individual shall be guaranteed due process
of law including the right to a hearing and defense cousel. (Refer
to Student Court, Section 8-F.)
J. Recall. A Board member is subject to recall bv petition of
members of the Association according to the procedures
outlined in Article IV.
K. Powers and Puties of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board shall have the following powers and
I. Resolutions. The Board shall have the power to adopt, in
the name of the Association, resolutions on public issues by
simple majority vote of those members of the Board present and
i. Kuies ot rroceaure
C. The temnnmrv chairnerson is eleeible to run for the post
of chairperson.
D. The temporary chairperson shall have all the powers and
duties with respect to the Board-elect that the chairperson has to
the Board.
A. The Board shall elect a Director of Records from among
its membership by a majority vote of its total voting
B. The Director of Records shall be chosen at the first
official meeting of the Board and may serve for a term of one
C. The Director of Records may be removed as outlined in
Article IV, Section 1 , K. 7.
D. The Director of Records shall be responsible to the Board
for the maintenance of all minutes, legislation, decrees,
correspondence, and for maintaining a current list of i y-taws.
All records of official action of the Board shall be open to public
E. The Director of Records may appoint, with the approval
of the Board, such offices as he sees fit for performance of his
A. The Board-elect shall elect a temporary. Director of
Records from among its membership by a majority vote of its
total voting membership.
B. The temporary Director of Records shall be elected at the
first official meeting or the Board-elect and shall serve until
election of a Director of Records at the first official meeting of
the board.
C. The temporary Director of Records is eligible to run for
the post of Director of Records.
u. ine temporary Director ot Records shall have all the
powers and duties with respect to the Board-elect that the
Hirtnr fit Icevtrrlc hoc r Iho Hnaril
a. I ne Hoard snail nave tne power to determine its own rules SECTION 6 FACULTY ADVISORS
or procedure Dy a simple majority vote ot tnose members ot tne a. The Board shall appoint two faculty advisors to serve as
"Y "fc , i F HI j B" . , . . . non-vunng niemocrs ot me Boaru. i ney snau serve SI a
u. ixuic ui rii.ccuuic may w rcpcaicu oy a simple majority two-year terms and must be voting members of the
A. Composition. The Electoral Commission shall consist of
rive commissioners, two ot wnom snail De the faculty
vote of those members of the Board present and voting
j. oy-iaws.
a. The Board shall have the power to adopt by-laws by a 23
nujui uv vuic ui mic enure voting mem oct snip 01 tne poara
D. All c
maioritv vote
4. utner utticers. whom shall
a. The Board shall have the power to elect such officers as membership
necessary and make such appointments as necessary by a simple Convention
JSlL;0' B. Eligibility. To be eligible for appointment to a
otherwise provided in this Constitution or in the by-laws of the non-faculty seat on the Electoral Commission, a nominee must
b. Any person appointed by the Board to such positions may
by-laws shall become permanent regulations of the representatives to the Board, one of whom shall be appointed by
,.,n5Lmay -be rePealed nly by a two-thirds (23) the Chairperson of the Board and shall serve as Director, one of
e of .the entire voting membership of the Board. whom shall be elected by a majority vote the Board, one of
5v ine aiuoeni iouri rrom its own
ity vote of that body.he National
be elected by
by a major i
be a regularly enrolled student in the University.
be recalled by a simple majority vote of the entire votinK hii k nnminmA Kr k. tKi r..n nr ..k
K"!-..?.? ..x,KCU,'!e.Bo,,:i! i00." one we!!,l, l!Jl'ce to and " ve for the remainder of the semester.
the individual that such a vote will be taken, unless otherwise n Duties and Powers The duties of the Electoral
provided in this Constitution or in the by-laws of the Commission shan ibe: tiectoral
Association. I. To announce filings and schedule election dates for
all utheT kind'f ' legislation by a .imjHe majurity1' wte of those e,ec,ons0 Sh.Dublze'Teate. and orocedure. for
Ui5J!)SLs. ?J .i!,.V5d...PI!sent anf votin1 exceP no,ed fHing't nd elections, and to issue at the request of candidates
'KpeVsonKlrof Records. The Board ah.ll elect " ! the f melhod
f,XnJlL!T.tmrj:ip.. SSiK'JSS. lniJ?.!?"2.St 3. To esfabKh . poHing places and to supervise the balloting
Board" ..Hu It each polling place, either in person, or through agents
reveal to the Board the nature ana value oi tne siuoeni
Tribunal's operation to the declarations contained in Subsection
The members of the Association, acting by petition, shall
have the following powers: . .
A Initiative. By a petition signed by at least 100 signatures
of the regularly enrolled students, to introduce measures to the
Board. Ifafter fifteen (I 5 days, the Board shall not have passed
the measure in its original form, another petition in its favor,
signed by no fewer than 1,000 regularly-enrolled students, shall
require the Electoral Commission to schedule and conduct a
referendum on it within IS class davs. Approval pf the measure
by a majority of the voters at such a referendum shall require the
Board to declare it null and void.
B. Referendum. By petition signed by at least 1,000 of the
regularly enrolled students, to suspend the enactment of any
measure other than the budget passed by the Board, and to
require the Electoral Commission to schedule and conduct a
referendum on it within 15 class days. Approval of the measure
by a majority of the voters at such a referendum shall require the
Board to declare it null and void.
C Recall
1. " By a petition signed by thirty-five (35) percent of all the
regularly-enrolled students enrolled in a college to require the
Electoral Commission to schedule and conduct within fifteen
(15) class days a special election for the Board seat in question in
that college by the final apportionment at the general election.
2. Recall Procedure. In all cases of recall, the official recalled
shall continue in the powers of his office until the special
election and may be a candidate at that election. The special
election shall be conducted under rules promulgated by the
Electoral Commission and resembling as closely as possible those
prescribed in the Constitution for general elections. Candidates
elected at the special election shall serve only for the unexpired
term of the recalled official.
D. Procedure. In all petitions submitted to the Electoral
Commission under the provisions of this Article signatures shall
be accompanied by University identification card numbers and
shall be validated by the Electoral Commission.
Proposals for amendment to this Constitution may be originated
A. A majority of two thirds (23) of all elected members of
the Board.
B. A petition submitted to the Board, signed by not less than
1,000 of the regularly-enrolled students of the University.
Signatures must be validated by the Electoral Commission.
Proposals for amendment shall be ratified as follows:
A. If submitted on or before the second Monday of
November, the proposal shall be voted on by the students at a
special referendum to be held by the Electoral Commission on
the second Tuesday of December.
B. If submitted after the second Monday of November but
before the 27th day preceding the Spring general election, the
proposal shall be included on the ballot at that election.
Proposnls for amendment must be published in full by the
Electoral Commission in the campus newspaper at least three
times prior to the election at intervals of at least one week.
The amendment shall be ratified: By a majority affirmative
vote with at least twelve (12) percent of the eligible voters voting -in
by.A- A call for a Constitutional Convention maybe originated
1. A majority vote of three-fourths (34) of all elected
members of the Board.
2. A petition submitted to the Board, signed by not less than
I? .Percent of the regularly-enrolled students of the University of
Nebraska. Signatures must be submitted with University
identification numbers and shall be validated bv the Electoral
Any member of the Board! may call for the removal of the
Chairperson or Director of Records at any meeting. After the
officer is notified of this call the matter shall be voted on at the
next regular meeting of the Board. A 23 vote of the entire
voting membership of the Board is necessary to remove a
Chairperson or Director of Records.
8. Special Session. The Board shall have the authority to call
itself into session on twentv-four I7A hours' notice hv a netitinn
signed by at least one-fifth (15) of the entire voting membership
ut tne ooara ana ueposuea wnn
C Tn ! kalltt t.knl.inH. mA A Atl
them to the senior faculty representative for safekeeping for a
thirty day period.
6. To announce the complete results of the election to the
press, including the number of votes cast for each candidate, and
the Chairnern or l. h . L"..?T.K''?P?"' issue a oreaK-oqwn pi
absence the Da-ector ot Records, or by a vote "to this effect by IlSSffiSS " emenaments ana referenda
1. . . tr e .l. : . ' ' i . r n . DV colleges.
authorized and announced by the Commission one week prior to . B. The composition, of the Convention shall be determined
me cicciiuns. .... ,ne e"re memoersnip oi tne Board.
4. To tabulate the ballots, with at least three Commissioners . C. .he new constitution resulting from the Convention shall
being present and at least one of them being a faculty be ratified by a majority affirmative vote with at least twelve
ciMcscmaiiTc. ... v t-rr.v 'I r'JHi. i!!HS?!0'er voting in favor
one-fifth (15) of the entire voting membership of the Board or
by a petition signed by one hundred (100) members of the
Association and deposited with the Director of. Records. The
official with whom the petition is deposited will notify all
members of the Board of the special meeting unless physically
9. New Student
power to establish
ot new student or
10. 1 he Boar
7. Initiate, bv maioritv vote of all Its member nrrMAriitinn
in Student Court for infractions of electoral laws or rules.
8. Annul, by a four -fifths (45) majority of all its members
any election for good cause and to reschedule it within I S class
v. Reapportionment. The blectoral Commission shall
at ion ot the
according to
ftunnunl anall
be completed and the results publicized by the first day of April.
h a i wKiiimiiB ui eabii semester regulations
Organizations. The Board shall have the
in. its by-laws procedures for the recpgn tion K,.!-
-KK"""' - " tne enrollment or tne current um The annn
ana II nave ine nower 10 enact, alter, nr amend
regulations pertaining to all student oreanizations
i".""' ,APPJ gla",.n.aY, ,n! for the conduct refections
biiu aii-univcriuy cummiuevi or to ucicgaic inai auinoruy
iiiicr wuniLfUB urKaniouiunft. ine noaru snail esiaoiisn
nV.lail1 t K nfAirlllva f rr tka annAtfifnian nf m tri w n
Faculty Senate and Ail-University committees and procedures SECTION 8C8tudeNT COURT
ior recau ana replacement oi au aooointees. i tl;c.t.j;o tiwee wh hi
',2; JUS- e'-ItW Jice.raAci Ki'11
co8nvocations of student, and student migration.. " ? Wi 'le-T t&T.'WZ?. J?' .te -C- TJ Executive Board ejectei in fall. 1 972. shall serve until
r. the Commission shall be responsible to the Chairnerann
of the Board. Decisions of the Electoral Commiaainn ahull he
11..; ubject to review by the Student Court to determine if they are
ICLE VI tran5Vfb nr piiwctS,
m.-AcXtA Officials. In all years after 1972, the officials
e ected to offices of the Association at general or special
wfil?n,f.?alL,,Pon,"i,i,itlMl no er thanhree
o&dMicref -ccordlince with the procedure.
thi.BvApi2!!ltie.d ofi7.8lt 0"ci ippointed at any time after
thi. constitution shall have taken effect shall a.sume the
KKe'Vrdf' ttek 0tttCn "ft" thek PP"Hy the
..Hin'Lf".!!? imw!VvdeJeea.'ed J th Association of
Students of the University pf Nebraska shall be assumed bv the
appropriate organs of the Uo? N-Linco In St uo ent Asiociat ion
A. After ratification of this constitution, a special general
election shaO be held in the fall for an Executive Board under
the .rulS,L.of ihk ontitution with the following exception.:
.u L- Jne c,0., Commission of ASUN shaU perform all of
the duties of the Electoral Commission of UNSA F"'"r
c.?,i Ir ellSun, 00 ?.f ASUN shall serve as the Student
r ryNLS i,ll continue in this function until it.
term Of Office under the ASUN ronltitlirn ernire.
nffi?i WU'fi!60.0 al ,ne Ja,L !V7 election shall assume
illX? h,e5- ?P 'c! this constitution shall
la. ine Doara snau noiq open nearings at least iwice a memoership ot the Board thirty class (toys Drior to the Sorins h.i il. XfZ.A . t iT? wnicn time a new Hoara
semester in an effort to establish communicalion between Board general election. The Chief Justice T shall be at all tunes be R.le.hf,.-d ' fu" ,wm of one y". hoch all succeeding
ana students. tturient in the rnHave nf law " " :r. .
J 4. The Board .hail have the power to establish such B. Eligibility. To" be eligible for appointment to the Student ,..;.J,L.q"ai,!58i,.?nA 9 the !
permanent or aa noc legislative or investigative committees as It Court a student nominee muat he imni..iu mn.nii.A LS"" u"r. "n onice under tne ASUN
sees fit, providing that permanent Included in the and an undergraduate with at least a Junior standini TVLiu!: i2 'i-.?0 'Plm.eJl,ate,y uPn ra
OTl r-The Board rit.U power to establish in it. bylaws vearcoSSeScinafSe WJZZ'Z VP? Jiiyji-WWinS
commissions to deveioD and maintain nronimi nf interest and lminitm. h. U.i f r. i. .i." t ii " TJ" .""."ywing ATlicie was Voted nn and iuiuH .
umber of hours
tification of this
value to the student community, to appoint commissioners by a
simple majority vote of the members of the Board, present and
Tuiiiia, aim iu cuurunuic ine prutrinii ut ine turn missions.
a. Commissioners shall be required to make reports at a
regular meeting of the Board at least twice a semester.
b. A member of the Executive Board may not serve a. a
16. The Board shall have the power to prosecute student
organization, or individual students before the Student Court for
violation of duly-enacted legislation of the Executive Board.
17. The Board shall have the power to serve as liaison
meiuimanta tn
ine those conditions essential to
minatim tne last oav of finals the following sortns the asiTn V'V,Ba P,
D. Vacancies. Vacancies on the Student CV H.1T k. ilPj ,ne ASUN constitution, Sprmc. 1
" i... J. "ii" .".T" . w niw in mat tn arfirm
wim hi inieen ; unys accorutng 10 me procedures as out lined the achievement V."Zj " fno,:JiConan,on essential IO
for selection of original members. A.a.t r to.Jtotal ed"ca,,.9n, ,n democratic society, the
ti JE-i NaJwe, oi juoKiai function, ot, Student Government, the Tfollowmi rShti .m.Vh unlvery ot Nebraska consider
Not him herein is to be construed as limiting or supplanting any of the rtuXitV?h--am2n' "fcessary in the development
of the rights, privileges, immunities, or oblwtums of each ?hat sotSetv ' ' ,n lna,v,aul responsible citizen of
iiuumi iu un I lie I ui Dm anu nruiiiinni m tiia n miu Ar . . . '
i . . . . . v.. unwiiv V ine ka
neprasKB. ine ssws ana coniitnutions of the St;
and the United States of America and iha
nvauMiiv vviu umiiii r .L ' ' ." prqvtgions nere in are na St
between atudents and faculty, between student, and the Board to be a process in addition to those right., privileges, immunities, Df Sontrictulfi Ahi ri,t,' dear and concise statement
of Regents andor their representatives, between students and and obligations. Nebraska obhgatwns before entering the University of
the state legislature, and between students and the general public ,f. Judicial Powers: The judicial power of the Student Court
at such times as the general welfare othe students and or the shall extend to the following controversies:
University shaD require such service. 1. Matters of impeechment.
18. The Board shaU have the power to exercise any other 2. Matters of interpretation of this constitution,
power, necessary for the general welfare of the student. 3. Matters of contested elections.
C. Student.
it iD- Students have the right to
University policy-making deasion.
have the right to maintain democratic
equitable participation In
(Continued on next page)
FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1972