The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 10, 1972, Page PAGE 11, Image 11
dailu FOR SALE LOUDSPEAKER SALES AND SERVICE. 25 discount on new systems-inexpensive reconing. John 475-6558. Four All-Glass Aquariums 35, 26, 24 and 16 gallon sizes. 432-8348. 10 spd. boy's Schwinn varsity, green. 22" frame. New last fall. Call 434-3651 after 2:00 p.m. Concord stereo cassette tape deck. Excellent condition. 434-8013. See at 7420 Garland. SALE: Will print any design or letters on t-shirts or sweet shirts - $2.50 NATIONAL EMBLEM, 10th a O. New bicycles, 10 speed, European racing bike. Quality plus, 488-9519 or 488-4803. Smith-Corona Sterling portable typewriter, 180 cm skis and bindings. Microscope with light. 432-2075. HELP WANTED INTERNATIONAL JOBS - Europe, South America, Asia, Australia, U.S.A. Openings In all fields - Social Sciences, Business, Sciences, Engineering, Education, etc. Alaska construction and pipeline work. Earnings to $500 weekly. Summer or permanent. Paid expenses, bonuses, travel. Complete current information -only $3.00. Money back guarantee. Apply eerly for best opportunities - write now I I I International Employment. Box mil FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1972 "--uT-,. in mm,.. i.,,.n- - DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS can be placed in room 34 Nebraska Union. Cost is $.08 per word, $1 .00 minimum. Payment in advance only. Complimentary ads may be run only if error is brought to the Nebras fcan's attention the pusiness day after publication. 7 2 1 - N 6 8 . Peabody, Massac husett , 01960. (Not an employment jgency). ) Wanted: Lead singer for rock group. 4754145. 434-1962, 475-7124. Men for Boy Scout Summer Camp Staff. Competitive salary, 9 weeks, room & board, 21 years old. Waterfront Director (WSI). Scout craft Director (Scout experience), Flejd Sports Director (NRA or small weapons proficiency). Archery Director (18 years) Call 477-3787. Wanted: Group to pley at High School Dance, March 26, in Wahoo, Neb. Contact Mrs. Sennett 443-4332 during school hours. Models needed for public relations, conventions and fashion. We can train. Must call for interview. 432-0921. Studio 70. SERVICES 8 -track and cassettes recorded from your records end tapes. Sound City Studios. 144 S. '9th. 432-7305. TERMPAER ARSENAL, INC. Send $1.00 for your descriptive catalog of 1,300 quality termpapers. 519 Glenrock Ave., Suite 203 Los Angeles, Calif. 90024. (213) 477-5493. "We need e local salesman". Pregnant? Who cares? We dot Call 4-7-8021. Need someone to listen who cares - Crisis Hearth Aide: 472-2200. refcifo duck whisky cgf 4.49 cold beer . . 5fh .79 12 pk 2.49 pdsst blue ribbon 12 pit 2.25 ccmhuskcr vedlia qt 3.49 -ri i i 1 A -mn-tm j T- T k .J -- ,r . i i ROOMMATE WANTED Roommate needed - furnished 2 bdrm airconditloned house, close . to campus. $65mo., utilities pd. 475-1 208 efter 5. PERSONAL Mark - You're an old man now, but I still love ya Sweetie. MISCELLANEOUS "Der Biberpelz" German Club film. 7:30 p.m. March 13, Union Auditorium. Free. F.A.C. 15c short draws ... 2-5 Fri - Music. Red Lion Lounge, Lower Level, Colonial Inn. 6600 Cornhusker. ALL GIRLS - FREE DRAWS. Red Lion Lounge. 2-5 Friday -Music. Lower level. Colonial Inn. 5600 Cornhusker. . Today: Veteran's Friday Afternoon Club: 4-? P.m. 1140 Club. $1 cover; wifegal: 50c. Book exchange for political parties 105: Thurs. March 16, at 7:00 p.m., Oldfather 516 Schattsneider and Downs. Info. ext. 3218. UNIVERSITY CHARTER FLIGHTS TO EUROPE THIS SUMMER. APPLY NOW Rm. 340 NEBRASKA UNION. There is no cheaper way. Don't miss John Sunshine at Morocco Lounge.' , 1 01 0 P St. 8:30 12:30 Thursday, Friday, Saturday. i pi r HI ' HI V- " I rn IH E. P.AHY. N8 RASKAISL, ...laTiiwfuii aiiiiiniwilii , RD's-new visitation policy promotes student cooperation The modified Residence Hall Association (RHA) visitation policy is working well according to 11 of the 12 UNL residence hall directors (RD's). The 11 all said there has been no increase in violations, and in six of the halls there has been a decrease. The modifications were announced Feb. 27 by UNL Chancellor James Zumberge. The changes removed requirements that a certain percentage of visitation hours be devoted to educational or social activities. The modifications also allow floor officers to sponsor visitation. Previously, sponsors had to be faculty, staff or parents. Dori Bush, Smith Hall RD, said the residents are "more cooperative with the new policy." Students will obey reasonable rules, she said. Abel Hall RD, Gregg Snodgrass, said students are more willing to cooperate, "They believe they were not put down by the compromise. Most students believe the chancellor and the Board of Regents did all they could. The regents and Zumberge used good judgement in heading off a potentially bad situation," he said. ' . He said Abel Hall residents were taking advantage of the modifications. "Most seem very happy with the changes. There aren't any students who are asking for more liberalization, even though they would like it," he said. Milt Woody, Harper Hall RD, said students are limiting themselves beyond what the policy allows. "Some floors are being less lenient than the policy allows," he said. 'This is a phenomenon. I was expecting every floor to have as many visitation hours as possible," he said. He said the "open door" section of the policy remains difficult to enforce, but students are violating it less than before the modifications were implemented. 'The students are showing themselves to be reasonable .enough to handle what they've been given" he said. He said he hopes there will be further changes next year. 'The open door is physically and legally impossible to enforce," he said. "I hope the regents and the chancellor will try to change the rule, but until they do we'll enforce it as well as possible." m H f 1ft' . ll If PAGE 11