BRIDE OF Says away with uptight elegance. She wants a gown that will reflect her own personality. If you yearn to be close to nature on your wedding day, you'll love this ivory crocheted gown trimmed with blue satin ribbon and matching shawl, $180. For your attendants, a checked gingham with a simple bouquet of field flowers, $40. Come in today and choose a bridal gown that reflects your own personality. Bride's Shop, Third Floor, DOWNTOWN. 7 v. W4 WEONESDAY, MARCH a 1972 DOWNTOWN 10 to 5:30 THURS. til 9 r LV; I It.; r 5 Nat R V, ea' A' fahaaai v. '1 v" - r 1 a rv "V. i ial i : 1 a at I a 1 at .1 ! -1 I f r I 1 v V r ; , 77 7 7 i A. ' i . a11 'A. . v ii THE DAILY NEB RASKAN PAGE 9