The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1972, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Students question poll;
regents defend results
"If the basis for a decision is inaccurate, is the decision .
inaccurate?" That is the question Mike Berns, ASUN Senate
president pro tern and member of the Council on Student Life
(CSL) asked Wednesday.
Berns said he has reason to believe that many mistakes were
made in the recent polling of parents of students living in
University housing.
The poll was used by the Board of Regents to determine
whether the Magrath proposal for co-ed visitation would be
allowed to go into effect. Parents were asked in the survey
whether they approved of the new policy. Students were also .
mailed questionnaires asking for their reply.
The parents overwhelmingly dissapproved of the program
while students, accepted it by a greater margin.
'There was a major discrepancy in the survey," Berns said.
"A random sample was taken of more than 90 students on
three floors at Abel Hall. Thirty of those asked said their
parents had not been contacted by the University."
Other students claim that their parents received more than
one ballot, he said.
"There should be an investigation of the survey. If these
errors are typical of the survey it cannot be accurate," Berns
Board of Regents President Ed Schwartzkopf also said
there might . be cause for an investigation.
"If these figures are true," he said, "then we should look
into the problem. If this is typical of the survey, it should be
thrown out"
Schwartzkopf, said in a Wednesday telephone interview
that he would be "surprised, disappointed and concerned" if
anything went wrong with the survey.
He said that if there were mistakes they were just errors and
not an attempt by the board to slant the survey.
"If every mistake was not an honest one then we (the
Board of Regents) are responsible," he said.
Regents Robert Raun and Robert, Prokop concurred with
Schwartzkopf 's opinion. -
Regent Robert Koefoot said "the survey was honest and
open. We will abide by the vote of the parents," he said.
He did not want to comment on the possible inaccuracy of
the poll.
Regent J. G. Elliot said "the man who made those charges
is crazy." He declined further comment on the survey.
ICC urges Magrath Plan support
The Inter-Co-op Council (ICC) has joined the
Inter-Fraternity Council and the Residence Hall Association in
calling for support of the Magrath Plan for co-ed visitation and
the concept of student self-determination.
ICC President Roy Rodgers said Thursday the Council
passed a resolution urging its 250 members to support the
There are five UNL co-ops in the organization.
SA's discuss discipline Saturday
A mass meeting of ALL UNL student assistants (SA's) has
been called for 3:00 p.m. Saturday, according to Abel Hall SA
Mike Healey, the meeting is being held to discuss UNL
disciplinary measures that might be taken against students if a
mass violation of the present RHA visitation policy was to
The meeting is tentatively scheduled for the Nebraska
Cinema 1 "The Cowboys'
3:08, 5:16, 7:27,9:40
Cinema 2 "Tha Go-Between" 1:15,
CooparLineolfi "Gona With tha
Wind" 8
Embassy "Cherry and Harry and
Raqual" 12:30, 2, 3:30, 5, 6:30. 8,
Joyo "Play Misty for Ma" 7, 9
Nebraska "Straw Dogs" 1:30, 3:30,
Stuart "Tha f-ranch Connection"
1 :20, 3:20, 6:20, 7:20, 9:20
Varsity "X, V, Zee" 1:06,
3:06,7:06,9:06 v
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KSumblcs. . .Cbrk Terry sects sway Thursday afternoon in the Nebraska Union
South Crib for a crowd of about 300 persons. Terry will be appearing at the Phi
Mu Alpha Sinfonia "Portraits in Jazz" concert 8 p.m. Friday at Kimball Recital
Black musicians knock conditions
The state of contemporary black music was
the topic discussed Thursday by three men
integrally involved in that music.
The three-jazz trumpeter Clark Terry;
Preston Love, the West Coast Musical director
for Motown records and a studio woodwind
player; and Don Davis, disc jockey and station
manager of Omaha radio station KOWH-agreed
that conditions are sub-par.
Dark said each television network is
compelled to have 25-40 musicians, and that
blacks are represented mainly as tokens.
The reason for this, he said, was that "the
contractor is the v man who decides on the
musicians. Some resist hiring blacks as much as
they can."
Love pointed out that blacks are the true
originators of jazz and rhythm and blues. But
not very many blacks play in the original style
anymore, he said, and "jazz" has become an
"elastic word."
The greatest jazz players are considered
funny because "they swing and sing little
anecdotes. Now they're expected to sing
abstractly and have that faraway look in their
He said some of today's soul musicians play
well technically, but miss the "blues note."
Said Love: "You've got to get that blues
note. Without it, there is no jazz."
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