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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1972)
n DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT AOS-can be placad in room 34 Nabratka Union. Cost is $.08 par word,$1.00; minimum. Paymant in advance only. Complimentary adt may ba run only If arror la brought to tha Nebras kan'i attention the business day after publication. doi u uff ft mdim m$& ad s FOR SALE '64 Volktwagon In good condition. Call 475-2923 after 6 p.m. 87 Dodge Coronet BOO, well cared , for, polyglatt tires, $900, call 434-9276. '70 Camero. Rally tport, 360 Hyd., Air, AM-FM, Grey-Black vinyl top, low mileage. 435-6100, 1 pr. AR 3A Speakers, cabinets. 475-9249. walnut 1969ChevellesS396. 35,000 miles. Call 475-5872. '65 Dodge Coronet 2DHT. Power steering, automatic. Red. 476-1041, 614 B. Leave message. '64 Volkswagon bus, Best offer. Phone 477-9380 anytime. 4 general Jet-air III 7.74 x 14 tires on chrome wheels $75 Ford or Plymouth 435-7769 after 2:30. SERVICES 8-tracks and cassettes recorded from your records and tapes. Sound City Studios. 144 & 9th. 432-7305. ; i Sewing and alterations. Call Pat Moore at 799-2615. E E major repairing T.V.'s and selling used sets. Reasonable rates. 423-082a MCAT: Preparation for Medical College Admissions Test. Review and exam training. For, Information write: GRADUATE STUDIES CENTER. P.O. Box ' 386, New York, N.Y. 1001. Pregnant? Who Cares We dol Call , 477-8021. HELP WANTED 1972 STUDENT JOB OPPORTUNITY. BOOKLET for Cape Cod and the Islands. Complete list of business requiring summer employees. Send $2.00 to: STUDENT JOB OPPORTUNITY BOOKLET, R.R. 1, Box 11-C, Orleans, Mass., 02653. ; . . , ' Host or Hostess, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., M-F. Apply In person. International House of Pancakes. 1435 a OVERSEAS JOBS FOR STUDENTS: Australia, Europe, S. America, Africa, etc. All professions and occupations. $700 tq $3,000 monthly. Expenses paid. Overtime. Write Jobs Oversea, Dept. D6 Box 1507, San Diego, Cat., 921 15. Waitress 9 a.m. -"-6 p.m. M-F, Apply in person International House of Pancakes. 1435 a Need agresslve men & women. For new comapny. We train. Full or, , part-time. Phone 432-0253 ext. 13 or 475-4772 Ext 10. Wanted: Delivery boy with car. Short hours. Apply at Hong Kong Pizza King. 13th & Q. JOBS ON SHIPSI MEN. WOMEN. Perfect summer Job or career. No experience required. Excellent pay. World-wide travel. Send $2.00 for "a. ,2Jhoumadcy t. ! C ) I 5& 5121 "0".STREET J ( -J AV Theye making a batch (r right now! 4W1t mister I A, , Donufc I Mill T I 11 11 J i if? 'iN ; we- , a r n TRsXf 0) Fri., Feb.25 6,8,10 p.m. Sat.r Feb. 26 6, 8, 10 p.m. , Sun., Feb. 27 7,9 p.m. Admission $.75 plus University ID. Starring: Marlon Brando, Ringo Starr, James Coburn, Richard Burton, Walter Matthau Information. Seafax, Box 1 239-NB, Seattle, Washington 98111. ROOMMATE WANTED Male student , $67mo; furnished. Available now. Chateau Le Fleur; 466-3130 after 1 p.m. Wanted one female to share 2 bedroom duplex at 13 & B. Low rent, furnished. Call 477-3863. ' Between 8 a.m. 10 a.m. or after midnight weekdays, all day Sunday. Male graduate student to share large carpeted apartment with own bedroom. Near campus, very cheep, available now. Call after 6:00 p.m. 432-2681. MISCELLANEOUS STUDY ESPERANTO, the i nternetlonal language In Portland for credit This 12-28 July; then attend I nternetlonal Esperanto Congress here 29 July to 5 August. Information: Summer session, University of Portlend, Portland, Oregon, 97203. Only 16 reservations ' remaining April 28-30. Canoe trip. Elkhorn River. Phone 489-6241. Will the girt who treded coats at Saturday's basketball game please return mine with my keys. 475-6337. , : SLIDE ORGY: Free refreshments. Drop In. 8:00 p.m. Sat Richards Hell. 2nd Floor Auditorium. Citizens for Environmental Improvement will hold a reactivation meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Union. All interested students and members of Zero Population Growth, Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth and other related conservation groups are invited. Officers will be elected. "The Root Causes of Poverty" will be the topic of the first session of the Conference of Lincoln Poverty at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Union. The conference, continuing until Saturday, is intended to be a learning experience showing that poverty does exist in Lincoln and what can be done about it. "Portraits in Jazz," the coming Wednesday 10:30 a.m. Nebraska Union . Afro-America n Collegiate Society (AACS) Workshop 12:30 p.m. Union Placement 1 p.m. Sheldon-Movie "Sweet Sweet Beck" 1:30 p.m. Union -Student Affairs Indian Dance Committee 3:30 p.m. Union Student International Meditation Society 3:30 p.m. Union-Black Culture Week ' "Milton White" 4 p.m. Unlon-ASUN Senate Meeting - - 4 p.m. Unton-UPC Style Show annual concert by the Jazz Lab Band is set for 8 p.m. Thursday in Kimball recjtal Hall. Clark Terry, of the NBC "Tonight Show" orchesfra will be the freatured trumpet solist. The Medical College Admission Test will be given on May 6. Application forms are available from the promed adviser, or from Paul Landolt, 440 Oldfather. All applications must reach New York by April 15. The test will be given again in October 1 972. e The Contemporary Photography Competition exhibit is now on display at' Sheldon Art Gallery. A. Gordon Everett, director of the Office of Technical Analysis for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will speak on "The University's Responsibilities in the Environmental Era-Views of an Outsider" at 3 p.m. Thursday in 110 Hamilton Hall. Committee 5:30 p.m. Union-Engineering Toastma iters 5:45 p.m. Union Kappa Kappa Psl 6 p.m. Union Red Cross 6:30 p.m. Union-Housing Meeting with Chancellor Zumberge 7 p.m. Union-Student Activities Volunteer Bureeu 7 p.m. Union-Nebraska Orgenization to Repeal Abortion Laws 7 p.m. Union Builders Board 7 p.rrv Nebraska Theatre-Foreign Film "Chikamatzu Monogateri" 7:30 p.m. Union math counselors 7:30 p.m. Unlon-Wlldllfe Club . 7:30 p.m. Union-NFU "European . Travel"- 8 p.m. Union AACS 8 p.m. Unlon-Srgme Delta Chi a n.m. U n I o n -Students I nternetlonal Meditation Society 8:30 p.m. Unlon-lnter-Freternlty Council 9 p.m. Nebraska Theatre-Foreign Film "Chikamatxu Monogateri" 9 p.m. Union Kappa Alpha Pel Th3$124.85 savings wa offfer you are real... Th3$2G0"5milmg Sam Jfemtdu" offers may noli. ba. When you're shopping eround for e stereo system, beware of list prices bearing large discounts. These discounts ere often end easily atteched to equipment which hes an inflated list price - one which represents e level of quellty thet the equipment may not measure up to. If you buy s Smil ing Sam Xanedu $500 system, special this week for only $300", you may well not save $200. 1 Not Jf you could heve purchesed a better sounding, more reliable system for the same $300 (regardless of "list" or "discount.") ' Sometimes the big sevlngs give you LESS fo your money. , u. , The $1 24.85 we're taking off the $474.80 list price of our HermM-KardonBSR-McDoneldUteh system represents a MEANINGFUL savings Because even at $474.80 the system represents a better velue in performence and reliability than does eny other system you could buy for the seme price -or less. The sevlngs ere reel because the velue of the components Is reel. ; The new Herman-Kardon 330A is an updated version of the world's largest selling receiver, the 330. It provides Increesed power - 46 wetts RMf "the most conservetive method of power retingl, both chennels combined with less then .7 distortion. The S10X BSR McDonald is actually a full-sized 310X with e lighter turntable, conical stylus and stenderd base and dust cover. It has damped cue end peuse con trol, synchronous motor, end a Shu re M 75 megnetic certridge. The Uteh Heritege HS1-C bookshelf, speakers r.f lerge enough to be used es floor standing units, or compact enough to fit In bookshelf spaces. Yet, they offer the big, virile sound thet comes from a 12-Inch 3-wsy 3-speaker system. Eech component In our $349.96 sys tem has proved Its velue and reliability In a series of tests on our service bench. Electronics Unlimited Stereo Studio stands behind this system with the solid reputation of Its OWN service department, which does warranty . repair work IN LINCOLN on every component we sell. Walnut enclosure not Included. In our store these components add up to $4740. Wa offer you the system for $343.85. At $4740 If s an excellent value, but at $3493 If s a great buy on an excellent value. i it 414 So. 11th 432-C377 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1972 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 7