The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 21, 1972, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    Chambers advises political action
"Go to the Legislature and make the
elected officials accountable to you,"
Nebraska Sen. IE rn ie Chambers told a small
group of students Saturday at the Nebraska
, Union. ' .-
Speaking at the Organizing Conference for
Young Voters Chambers said it was a
problem to make students understand the
serious problems facing the nation.
, 'There is a lot of criticism of the system
and the older people who messed it up," he
said, "but most students follow the path of
least resistance after graduation."
The American education system teaches
the "herd instinct" and produces people
. who are afraid to think, according to the
senator from Omaha.
"What we have to learn how to do is not
emphasize the negative," he said. "Develop
confidence in your own mind. The idea is to
communicate, to find the words to give feet
to your thoughts."
Chambers advised students not to
emphasize the exterior.
"Long hair doesn't mean you're a
revofuntionary," he said. "As long as they
(politicians) can get you arguing about
things like this you can't do anything."
The number of young voters won't make
a ripple if they don't learn how to think.
Chambers said.
For example, history must be looked at
all over again, he commented.
"In school they don't tell you that John
Adams was a revolutionary," he said. "When
'history looks back at its scoundrels. . . they
have to start cleaning these guys up."
- History has not been fu9 of reason able
men talking out their problems rationally.
Chambers said.
It has been the one with the "strongest,
hardest fist who could impose his ways on
others," he added.
Allen Beermann, Secretary of State told
students at the conference that the deadline
for registering to vote in the May 9 primary
election is April 28 at 6 p.m.
"Voting is a privilege and I don't want any
of you to miss it," he said.
Beermann said many students ask whether
they should register in Lincoln or in their
home towns.
"The federal Consitution says you have a
choice," he said. "But before you make a
decision analyze the situation."
, Car insurance premiums and taxes may go
up if the students register to vote in
Lancaster County, he said.
Moving from a dorm to an apartment
off-campus would require re-registration,
Beermann commented.
"Nebraska has a liberal registration
procedure," Beermann said. "It has one of
the lowest residency requirements."
Currently a person must have lived in his
precinct five days, his county 20 days and
the state six months in order to vote, he
said. But there is a bill in the Legislature to
eliminate the six ' months and establish a
new, shorter period, Beermann added.
"In Nebraska you have to be registered as
a Democrat or a Republican to vote in the
primary election' Beermann said. "If you
register independent, you vote only the
non-political route."
Beermann said he was in favor of lowering
the voting age to 18 and is now in favor of
lowering the legal age to age 18.
"I believe that the legal age should be the
same as the age of suffrage," he said.
on: Cd
t4e new proposed uonsbituJ-ion
whJch ur'U 6e submitted on tkp
spsuncj ded-ion baJLot.
shtdmrs urqad to share ideas
reviuu our ideas:
summaries of npu constitution
uujQjuoJbb m clsva om'ce.
room 34 Nebraska Union. Cent it $.08 per word. $1.00
minimum. Payment in advance only. Complimentary
adt may be run only if error it brought to the Nebraa's attention the businetf day after publication.
16 in. black ft white television. $50
or beet offer. 434-4443.
Men's 3 -speed 26" bicycle. Good
condition. $40. 475-1431
100 watt component stereo with
12" apeak eri, $220; Pane tonic
tapedeck $100; call 475-1450
after 6 p.m.
69 Honda CB 350, ex eel tent
condition. $395. 476-0189.
Stereo component!, Discount.
Fisher, Kenwood, AH, Ouel,
Sony. Ampex. 88 R, 466-0930
4 general Jet-air III 7.75 x 14 tires
on chrome wheels $7S-Ford or
Plymouth 435-7769 after 2:30.
FLY WITH ME. No experience
necessary. We will train.
Potential earnings 1,200 to
1,500. For Interview ph.
432-8769 ext. 68. between 9-12
.a.m.; 6-7 p.m.
Outstanding student hosts for new
student orientation program.
June 2 to July 12. $500 plus
room ft board. Apply today at
Student Activities.
Part-time help wanted for lets
weekend hours and weekday
noons. Please apply 9:30
a.m. 4:30 p.m. Mon. Thure.
Jerri Cole 4701 O St. Kings Food
Host, U.S.A. 489-6521.
Need 1 man to train at manager on
sales route. Qualifications: Must
be 18 or over, have good car, be
able to work 6-9 evens., 9
a.m. 1 p.m. Sat., be reliable. For
interview call 467-1007. Ask for
Mr. Symons.
STUDENTS: Austreilie, Europe,
S. America. Africa, etc. All
professions and occupations.
$700 to $3,000 monthly.
Expenses paid: Overtime. Write
Jobs Overseas, Dept. 06 Box
1 607. San Diego, Cel., 921 1 5.
n o
3:30 and 7 p.m. Nebraska
Union "Bedtime for Bonzo"
Ronald Reagan film, benefit for
Poorhouse Coalition
3:30 p.m. Union Speech by Walter '. .
Hare, editor of Black Scholar Friday
4:30 p.m. Union Tassels
6 p.m. Union Towne Club
7 p.m. Union American
Federation of Teachers
7 p.m. Union Prayer and Praise
7 p.m. Union Christians In Action
7 p.m. Union Nebraska Free
University (NFU) "Education In
the 21st Century"
7 p.m. Union NFO "Movemento"
7:30 p.m. Union-ASUN Library
7:30 p.m. Union math counselors
8 p.m. Union Afro-American
Collegiate Society
8 p.m. Morrill Hall-Erwln W.
Roedder "Moon Rocks" lecture
8:45 p.m. Union Kappa Upsilon
9:15 p.m. Union Kappa Psi
1 p.m. Union Speech by Marie
Paine, Lincoln Action Program
3, 7 & 9 p.m. Sheldon Art
Gallery Film, "Sweet Sweet
Beck," Admission $1
7:30 p.m. Pershing
Auditorium Harlem
8 p.m. Kimball Recital
Hail-Faculty Recital, Emanuel
Wish now, violin
1 p.m. Sheldon
Gallery "Sweet Sweet
Admission $1
3:30 p.m. Union Speech by Milton
White, chairman of UNO Black
Studies Department
Salary inequities are
scheduled to be discussed at
the American Federation of
Teachers Union meeting at 7
p.m. Monday in the Nebraska
Off-campus women who
wish to apply for the "Notable
Women of the University"
award presented by Mortar
Board may obtain an
application in 207
Administration Building.
"The Root Causes of
Waitress 9 a.m. 5 p.m. M-F,
Apply' in person International
House of Pancakes. 1435 Q.
Host or Hostess, 11:30 a.m. 1:30
p.m., M-F. Apply in person.
International House of Pancakes.
1435 Q.
Wanted one female to share 2
bedroom duplex at 13 Si B. Low
rent, furnished. Cell 477-3863.
Between 8 a.m. 10 a.m. or after
midnight weekdays, all day
Male graduate student to share large
carpeted apartment with own
bedroom. Near campus, very
cheep, available now. Call after
6:00 P.m. 432-2681.
Sewing and alterations. Call Pat
M re at 799-2615.
E major repairing
selling used
rata. 493-6828.
T.V.'s and
MCAT: Preparation, for Medical
College Admissions Test. Review
and exam training. For
information writ: GRADUATE
386, New York, N.Y. 1001.
Pregnant? Who Caret? We dot Call
477 6021. '
7 p.m. Union NOR AL
7 & 9 p.m. Nebraska
Theater-Foreign film
. "Chl.iamatzu Monogatari"
Japanese, 1954
10 a.m. Union-Black Culture Week
1 p.m. Sheldon Art Galler "Sweet
Sweet Back," Admission $1
3:30 p.m. Union Talks and Topics,
Dr. Margaret Mead
3:3 p.m. Union-Jam session with
Clark Tarry and Preston Love
8 p.m. Pershing Auditorium Grand
Old Opry
10:30 a.m. Union Rap Session '
with Sonie Sanchez
3:30 p.m. Union Poetry reeding
by Sonla Sanchez
7 & 9 p.m. Union Weekend film,
"Candy" admission 76c
8 p.m. Pershing Auditorium Three
Dog Night
8 p.m. Kimball Recital
Hall Slnfonla Jazz Concert
Clark Terry
1 p.m. Henzlik Hell-Basketball
game. Kappa Alpha Psi vs. Black
1:30 p.m. Memorial
Stadium Track meet, Nebraska
vs. Wisconsin
2 p.m. Men's P.E. Gymnastics,
Nebraska, Oklahoma, Iowa and
Norhtern Iowa
7 & 9 p.m. Union-Weekend film,
"Candy" admission 75c
8 p.m. Union Talent Show
Art galleries ,
Sheldon 12 Si R, Sun. 2-6 p.m.,
Tues-Sat. 10 e.m.-6 p.m. (10
' p.m. Tues.) . Paintings by Ed
Handel man to Feb. 27; work of
Judith Abraham to March 6
Haymarket 829 P, Sun. 1-4 p.m.,
Tues. -Sat. 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Work of Susan Jacobshagen end
M. Marshall Dixon.
Playhouse GaNery-2500 So. 66,
Sun. 2-4 p.m. and during
productions. Lincoln Artist
Guild Show
Poverty" will be the topic of
the first session of the
Conference on Lincoln Poverty
at 7 p.m. Thursday in the
"Portraits in Jazz," the
annual concert by the Jazz Lab
Band is set for 8 p.m. Thursday
in Kimball Recital Hall. Clark
Terry, of the NBC 'Tonight
Show" orchestra will be the
featured trumpet soloist.
The ASUN Reorganization
Committee will hold a meeting
Tuesday at 3:30 pjn. in the
Nebraska Union to discuss the
newly revised constitution.
Summaries of the new
constitution are available in the
ASUN office, according to Sen.
Patti Kaminski. She said the
purpose of ' the Tuesday
meeting is to gather student
reaction to the revised
import motors. . .making Lincoln a
better place for foreign cars.
Open March 1st at 14th Si South.
Want apartment living with
responsible greduate student for
promising adolescent
parolee-call Catholic Social
Accepting 24 singles end couples
reservetlons, April 28-30 Csnoe
Trip, Elkhorn River. Phone
Wanted to buy: CASH PAID for
motofcycleU) in non-working
condition (or some in working
order). Call 477-2218 Anytime.
Also motorcyle repair reasonable
Women peek Out? Write an
artlcW for a woman's publication
. book or movie reviews
. politico! opinions & rebuttals
. tell how you feel as a woman
. poetry Si literature; art work.
You need not sign vour article
and a good Journalistic form Isn't
important. Bring to Women's
Resource Center, Rm. 116,
Nebraska Union.
f anyone net a bio-feedbeck unit
and would like to talk about It,
please call the Rag at 472-2588
and leave your fame and phone