The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 02, 1972, Image 1

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    dailu nhm
Wednesday, february 2, 1972
lincoln, nebraska vol. 95, no. 61
'not that
The Re gent-appointed Interim
Program Arbitration Board (IPAB)
said Monday that the proposed World
In Revolution Conference should go
on as planned.
Charged by ex-Interim Chancellor C.
Peter Magrath to decide if the
conference is balanced and in the best
interest of the University, the panel's
four members unanimously answered
yes to both questions.
After learning of the decision,
Magrath authorized Nebraska Union
Director At Bennett to sign contracts
for the planned speakers.
Conference Chairman Dennis
Berkheim said contracts will begin
going out this week.
Addressing themselves to the
question of balance, the IPAB
members' written opinion said they
determined the conference was
"planned by groups whose method of
membership selection, actual
membership, procedures and methods
of planning, and motivation have been
fair, balanced and designed throughout
to achieve a conference of diverse
viewpoints upon the subject, 'Justice
in America.'"
They also wrote they had
determined the conference planning
had "complied with University policies
that are in support of sound and
responsible program development"
IPAB members expressed
In the midst of controversv over
the University budget and student
fees, the University's new top
administrator took office Tuesday in
what he called "certainly the most
challenging job" of his life.
Describing UNL's academic
situation as "not all that great," James
H. Zumberge said one of his first tasks
as chancellor will be to find out why
the North Central Association
extended NUs accrditation only five
years instead of the normal 10.
Also the new vice president of the
University of Nebraska system,
Zumberge, 48. said there are bound to
be conflicts of interest between, the
aspirations of UNL and UNO. The NU
system should be regarded as a
confederation, and each university
should develop its own character, he
UNL probably will remain the
major institution for graduate and
professional studies in the system, he
said, although the UNL graduate
program needs to concentrate its funds
on select areas rather than trying to do
a little of everything.
Formerly the dean of the College of
Earth Sciences at the University of
Arizona, Zumberge said a major task
as Chancellor will be o restore the
public's confidence in the University "
and to close the credibility gap
between the Legislature and the
There's a diversity of opinion
, unwillingness to try to "prophesize"
the possible outcome of proceding
with the conference.
IPAB members had been warned by
several students at an open meeting
last Wednesday that they believed
staging the World In Revolution
Conference would call down legislative
wrath and lead to the passage of LB
That bill would deny state money
to any Nebraska college that collects
mandatory student fees.
The IPAB refused to postpone the
conference because "in all probability
the same persons and groups scheduled
to appear would not do so at a later
They also wrote they believed that
some students who Dlanned to attend
the conference would not be here next
fall, so would be denied the chance to
The board also determined it is too
late to attempt to set up the apparatus
to fund this conference with
non-student-fee money.
Finally, the statement read, "We
believe this conference has substantial
educational value. We conclude its
subject is important, timely and
appropriate for University treatment."
One IPAB member, Law Professor
James Lake, said the board's job was
complicated by the "great time
problem" and the lack cf precedent
under which they could act.
Another member, ASUN President
Steve Fowler, said he believes "all of
the University programming
procedures are totally adequate to
insure a proper conference.
"I see no reason for an arbitration
board," he said.
Union Board President Kerry
Winterer, also a member, said he won't
"feel comfortable about it until after
Saturday," the date of the next Board
of Reoents meetinn
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Photo by Gail Fold
Welcome to Big Red country . . . Prof. James Lake, new UNL Chancellor James
Zumberge and Dean of Faculties C. Peter Magrath greet guests Tuesday at the
reception held for Zumberge in the Nebraska Union Centennial Room.
between the many publics involved in
a university community, he said. While
students are impatient for change,
members of his generation want to
move more slowly.
Although there may be differences
of. opinions between students,
taxpayers and other publics of the
University, Zumberge said, "We've got
to begin to think there is a common
Editor's note-This is the second in
a series of articles concerning
themselves with the way the problems
of aging are dealt with in society.
by Carol Stressor
Winter weather, at times an
inconvenience for some Nebraskans,
can mean tragedy for the aged.
Going outdoors to buy food
becomes an added burden, especially
when there's only one mouth to feed.
A diet of cereal or whatever's handy is
much simpler.
The result is an increased number
of elderly who are suffering from
malnutrition admitted to hospitals in
the winter months, according to
Ronald L. Jensen of the Nebraska
Commission on Aging.
One hot nutritional meal a day can
make the difference between
independence and the nursing home,
Jensen said.
The Commission, through a model
project in Lincoln and others to be
developed throughout the state, is
attempting to provide services to the
elderly which can mean an alternative
to the nursing or rest home.
A quarter-million dollar federal
grant to the commission last year was
earmarked for use by a Lincoln-area
council on aging to develop a
coordinated network of services and
activities for the elderly, Jensen said.
The Chancellor met with the
Council on Student Life Tuesday
evening to discuss issues facing
CSL-student health, student fees and
coed visitation.
Much of the controversy over coed
visitation and student fees centers
around whether the University should
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existing agencies as well as
volunteers are included in the network
which provides home health care,
homemaker and handyman service,
special transportation and telephone
reassurance, checking on the elderly
once a day.
Drop-in-meals at school cafeterias
or meals-on-wheels, a service directly
to the elderly person's home, insure
the aged will receive one hot balanced
meal a day.
Approved by federal authorities last
week, the Lincoln-area project will
begin serving people in a month,
Jensen said. By spring, the project will
have a "fully-operational area network
of services to serve as an alternative to
institutionalization" for the elderly, he
The project will be limited to about
1,700 people over 75 years old who
"are on the brink of losing their
On Feb. 1, the Commission began
conducting area conferences on aging
for 10 weeks to brief local officials on
the kinds of federal support available
to fund area-wide projects.
Jensen said the commission can give
grants to help initiate and develop
urban, .county or multicounty
programs on the Lincoln-area model.
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