Tuesday January 25, 1972 3, 7, 9 p.m. Sheldon Art Gallery Auditorium Special Film Series$1.00 u Uac U U UJU INsJ Youth creatively engaged behind the camera and youth actively engaged in front of it-those are the twin factors which make an intriguing project of "Performance," starring two exceptionally talented young artists: James Fox, an internationally acclaimed actor; and Mick Jagger, the lead singer and inspiration force behind the renowned Rolling Stones singing group. Set in contemporary London and filmed entirely on location within the environs of the capital, "Performance" is not only a story of the underworld, it is also an incisive probe into the closely related emotions of love and hate and their effects on human relationships. This film is about madness. And sanity. Fantasy. And reality. Death. And life. Vice. And versa. Jack Nitzsche wrote the music, except for "Memo from Turner," written by Rolling Stones Mick Jagger and Keith Richard. Randy Newman conducted, and Mick Jagger, Buffy Sainte Marie, Randy Newman, Merry Clayton and The Last Poets are featured on vocals on the sountrack. ASUN approved YOUR UNION MAIN LOUNGE AND THE ENVIRONMENT You, the user, and we, the Union Board and staff have a problem which will not be solved without our mutual cooperation. We have encouraged eating in the lounge because we are short of space in the Crib and Harvest Room during peak hours of class artu lunch breaks. However, as a result of this situation, the Ipunge has become an ecological disaster area, which is ugly and unpleasant, and which projects a negative image to the University, Lincoln and Campus communities. Our Goal I to continue to encourage eating in the lounge but to CLEAN IT UP and toKEEP IT CLEAN for your enjoyment and that of others. How f I we will provide low tables and stools, dish carts and trash cans alona the north windows of the lounge. We invite you to use all of these facilities in an effort to accomplish our goal. If you have additional or different suggestions concerning this area, or others in the Union, we would like to know about them.: To this end. we are installing a suggestion box on the corridor wall. Please use it or contact the Main Office, Room 200. We will try to review all suggestions gsvsn lss." Hcip us c!si7ut3 3 ccCiCiCu! fiazxtZT srsa.., Paid for by Student Fee Money MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1972 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3