dailu - - n monday, january 24, 1972 lincolh, nebraska vol. 95, no. 56 Groups debate 'Justice in America7 A meeting scheduled for late Monday afternoon will begin the final round of discussion to determine whether the 1972 World in Revolution Conference will take place. Kerry Winterer, Union Board President said Interim Arbitration Board members will meet in closed session initially to clarify for themselves their role according to a , recently approved plan. The plan, which created the board, was implemented after the January Board of Regents meeting. The approved committee report gives the board members-ASUN President Steve Fowler, Union Board President Winterer, Faculty Senate President James Lake and Interim Executive Dean of Student Affairs Ely Myerson -final authority concerning ASUN and Student Union Operations on the Lincoln Campuses. . . The report provides for possible tie to be broken by Interim Chancellor C. Peter Magrath. A closed meeting of the Union Program Council (UPC) last Tuesday night led to an open meeting of the same board the following night. In the Wednesday meeting Nebraska Union Director Al Bennett said a mid-December directive from Magrath not to sign contracts for proposed World in Revolution Conference speakers was still in effect. In fact, he said, he'd been reminded of it after the Board of Regents thawed the freeze on all other student fees in January. Bennett also said lobbyists from the State Legislature told him they believed continuation of the conference, as it is, would result in repercussions from the University, specifically passage of State Sen. Gerald Stromer's LB 1271, probably in an amended form. Stromer's bill would disallow receipt of any state monies by any Nebraska colleges that collect mandatory student fees. The UPC members passed unanimously a resolution by Tom Lesoing that read, in part: "Whereas the continued . academic growth of any institution of higher learning such as the University of Nebraska is dependent upon that institution existing as a forum for debate over controversial issues and new ideas; and... "Whereas this year's World in Revolution Conference, entitled "Justice in America" has planned a mixed program that deals with many facets of justice in this country; and ... "Whereas the Justice in America Conference planning has followed correct procedures according to the Nebraska Union Board of University of Nebraska policies... "We, the Nebraska Union Program Council. ..will work... to guarantee the continuation of the World in Revolution Conference." The resolution also called for the Union Board to "immediately contact Magrath or the Arbitration Board to secure the funds to continue planning and to implement the program." A statement issued by the UNL Afro-American Collegiate Society said it believes the administration is afraid to allow, specifically, Black Panter Bobby Seale and lawyer William Kunstler to speak. The AACS said if those speakers are to be censored because of their political opinions, they demand that Gov. J. James Exon, NU President , D. B. Varner, Senators Carl Curtis and Roman Hruska, and others also be removed from the program since they are "obnoxious to us as Black people." The invisible alcoholic by H. J. Cummins A 30-year-old diabetic, missing a large part of his stomach and all of his spleen, left to join in a drinking spree to the Orange Bowl, protesting to a Lincoln alcohol counselor that he is only a "social drinker." ' Another Lincoln man is in and out of trouble with the law for "alcohol-related offenses," but he laughes at suggestions from professional counselors that alcohol is, at the least, a problem in his life. And only after withdrawal pains "nothing could stop" and an attempted suicide, did an 18-year-old Lincoln woman admit that three years of heavy drinking and four to six amphetamines a day qualified her as a "chemically dependent person." These are three of an estimated 9,000 alcoholics in Lincoln 97 per cent of whom are, so to speak, "alcoholics with a home" according to professional alcohol counselors. All can afford to pay for a place to live and their alcohol; many take tranquilizers as well as drink-often at a doctor's advice. But none can reconcile the picture of the alcoholic street corner bum with their own drinking habit. This means almost all alcoholics who receive treatment are coerced into it. Spouses threaten divorce, children threaten to leave home, or employers confront the alcoholic and tell him to seek help. Ray Condreay, a Lincoln Action Program ' (LAP) counselor in alcohol rehabilitation, said he's had neighbors of alcoholics call him, and ask him to offer help to someone. A local welfare worker said most of the "voluntary" commitments he handles are really people that a judge or mental health board has advised to seek help in a treatment center or face fines and possible imprisonment for their alcohol offenses. The director of a Chemical Dependency Unit (CDU) at Lincoln General Hospital, Marty Heist, said he believes the increasing pressure put on alcoholics by those around them is due to the broadening recognition of alcoholism for what it really is "a primary disease that is both chronic and progressive." The former shame many middle-to upper-class people experienced in admitting to an alcohol problem in their family is being erased as the alarmingly high alcoholic rates in those social strata are being revealed, Heist said. And the notion that an alcoholic can stop drinking whenever he or she wants to is being discredited, he said, adding that it is now believed to be "physically impossible for them to withdraw" in the last stage of alcoholism. He diagramed the stages this way: 1) an individual realizes alcohol can change his or her mood; 2) an individual seeks the mood swing; 3) the harmful dependency reached (by only 10 per cent of the people) when a person finds any excuse to drink and rationalizes increasing discomforts with any excuse left; 4) the "impaired judgement" stage when the alcoholic drinks only to stay normal no more "highs" and uses defense mechanisms to deny reality, and shelters the belief he is really all right. This is the stage for "blackouts," when an alcoholic functions normally, but from time to time nothing is recorded in his memory, he said. Heist said one woman married a stranger and moved to a new town during a blackout only to come to three months later. She had to wait until her daughter got home from school to find out what happened. And a federal judge went to Rome and back under the same conditions. He would never have known had he not found a plane ticket stub in his pocket with his name on it. National statistics show alcoholism hits both sexes equally. But Hank Fleming, an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) member and future employe of the Lincoln Council on Alcoholism, said his experience has indicated that many men shelter their wives, so many women are advanced alcoholics before their husbands allow them to get help. Heist said he believes many housewives shelter themselves. They can stay at home while drunk (in fact, if they make a habit of it, they don't have to worry about what they do during a blackout, unlike most business men, and conveniently hide all bottles from their family for a long time. Walt Giles, Coordinator of the Municipal Court Alcohol Programs said men cleverly hid their drinking habits, too. A reformed alcoholic himself related one of his favorites. "When I'd wake up with an awful hangover I knew a few stiff belts would settle my stomach," he said. "But I also knew that's what alcoholics do, so I never would." 1 Turn to Page 10 J