iMfW'W 4 1" --r-1 t - nw 1 1 man. ' . , m.i r J- ji.ii m Wii iini'lirHrTiff-rf 'THama ,riWlw'WyUJ''TviyWTLi:uj;iJii-' N f""1?' : v.-W"Wv. Huskers snap losing streak with 84-76 win over SMU by Jim Johnston Nebraska's basketball team hopes Saturday's performance was a preview of things to ionic. The Cornhuskers. with an 84-76 win over Southern Methodist, snapped a three-game skid and pushed their record to 2-3. But, perhaps most important, the Cornhuskers gained confidence. "EVERYBODY was feeling pretty low after we lost three of our first four games," said Nebraska center Chuck Jura after Saturday's win. "We needed this one. We know we're a better team than what we showed last week." The Huskers were definitely an improved team Saturday. Then offense was no longer stagnant. They moved the basketball on offense and shot 52 per cent for the game. "That's got to be one of the most pleasing aspects of this game," said head coach Joe Cipriano. "We moved the ball for the good shot." ANOTHER pleasing aspect was the performance of senior forward Mike Peterson. Peterson, playing what Cipriano termed his best game ever at Nebraska, scored 17 points while connecting on eight of 13 field goal attempts. And Peterson didnU confine his 6-8 frame to the easy two points under the basket. He demonstrated his versatility by scoring from the corners and grabbing 10 rebounds. "Mike played an aggressive game," Cipriano asserted. "We need his outside shooting to take off some of the pressure inside." ONE THING Cipriano was concerned about last week was finding a team leader. Perhaps that problem was solved Saturday, too. CD o h - jLJIZ it I Cal Christiine. . . battles for rebound. Pick what YOU want for Christmas at the Hitchin' Post & Wooden Nickel, both at 144 North 14th. Then le Nick (or mom & know. ::S: dad) j - .I. . " - Senior Al Nissen, who plays both forward and guard, claimed Nebraska's scoring honors with 18 points and proved his ability to lead the team. Nissen was the play maker, the one who made Nebraska's offense click. He was the talker on defense, the one who made Nebraska play as a unit. - "WE HAVE to look at this game as a big boost psychologically," said Cipriano. "We needed to gain some confidence. But we also have to be realistic about it. Southern Methodist wasn't as good a team as others we've played this year." The Huskers never trailed. Nebraska jumped to a 15-5 lead and held a 43-30 cushion at the intermission. The Cornhuskers maintained a 10-point lead through most of the second half, but couldn't take complete control of the game and had to struggle in the final five minutes. THE HUSKERS, leadinf 77-62 with 5:16 remaining quickly fell to a 79-7.' advantage with 2:16 left Southern Methodist's Larry Dezell could have cut the lead to four points with 1:56 remaining on an easy layup but he was instead called for a charging foul. Nissen connected on both ends of the one-andone and gave the Huskers a comfortable 81-73 lead. The Mustangs didn't threaten from that point. Nebraska takes a five-day break before meeting Idaho in first round action of the Husker Classic at the UNL Coliseum Friday. Baylor meets LaSalle in the tournament opener Friday. O o CD f? - II C fp ft .,. . ill T.r .,2- . Mike Peterson one of his best games at Nebraska. Regents raise coaches'pay The Nebraska Board of Regents approved salary increases ranging from $1,000 to $1,500 for assistant football coaches. Recieving increases from $18,000 to SI 9,000 were Mike Corgan, Cletus Fischer, John Melton, Tom Osborne, Jim Ross and Carl Selmer. Monte Kiffin, Warren Powers and Bill Thorton received raises from $15,00 to $16,500 and Jim Waiden from $11, 000 to $12,500. Other members of the athletic department staff are on fiscal year, July 1 to July 1 appointments. KRMiDLE I V " CANDLER 1 3i0 mm- 475-541? I wire otci einr of all iypc 6LA$ VORK 4TILDL WWljl 5 rv n m a lUJOOt t IIS OOBf ZUMZ t QSSBS OS OfOOt OS its ilElEllS Cf ly 5 rtzB eve r DlSt. CO. BOO S. Street LincolnJNebraska V BEER en you're out of Schlitz, you're out of beer. Calvert-Beyer Dist. Co. 800 S Street Lincoln. Nebraska PAGE 8 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1971