Wiy-' jMlfcw 1 HM if'- slaw ' rfc I iv OtD Brevity in letters is requested and the Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to condense letters. All letters must be accompanied by writer's true name but may be submitted for publication under a pen name or initials. However, letters will be printed under a pen name or initials at the editor's discretion. TME HOME TREATS Food That's ufapHS mm am Dear editor, The remarks attributed to me in. the Dec. 8th Daily Nebraskan are likely to be misconstrued. I am particularly concerned that paragraph four will be misunderstood, in the context provided in the article: "Olson said he felt that faculty and students engaging in constructive criticism of the policy or trying to combat racism can only incur the hatred of the Regents." would like to make the following points about the article: I.VWiatl was trying to argue was: (a) the Regents presently have a policy on sorority-fraternity racism; (b)that policy either does or does not have effective teeth in it; (c) if the policy lacks effective teeth, the University stands to suffer by virtue of various sorts of equal opportunity intervention or civil rights legislation; (d) the Human Rights Committee is endeavoring to see whether present Regential policy is effective by asking the University to look at it own problems and to determine the facts of the case through counsel; (e) the Human Rights Committee has chosen not to incur the antagonism of the Board of Regents by attacking Regential policy or asking for a change in it; rather it is depending on the Regents' sense of the spirit of federal and state law and the spirit of the community to assure changes combatting racism. I believe that I said that people "trying to engage in constructive criticism of the Regential policy which tries to combat racism" may, given the complexities of the Regenital attitude and possible ineffectiveness of their present tools, incur the antagonism of the Regents without improving their policy . 2. I believe also that the paragraph on the Robinson report on discrimination is in error. The important recommendations of the Robinson report, as I understand it, have not been acted on by the Regents. 3. I did not say that present Regential policy is an open invitation to discriminate. I said that, if the charges given to the Human Rights Committee are true and found to be true, then to continue the present policy without monitoring would be an open invitation to discriminate. 4. I believe that Regent Prokop asked that sororities and fraternities be taken out of "CSL's jurisdiction," not out of their "discrimination." Paul A. Olson Dear editor, Your Dec. 8th article on the Young Republican's voter registration drive was well worth reading because it points' out a few things about the Republican Party that I have suspected for quite some time. Now about this voter registration drive the Young Republicans are supposed to be having. It seems to me that if they have to commission a poll to find out how students at this campus are going to register before deciding whether or not to run the drive, they (a) aren't aware of the statewide registration trend for young people, which is 2 to 1 Democratic, and (b) don't have any business running a registration drive in the first place. The existence of this poll should reveal quite clearly to any prospective registrant that the Republicans intend to make an effort to register him only if he can deliver his vote to them. If he wants to register but wants to be a Democrat or an Independent the YR's feel he doesn't need their assistance. There's no interest in registering him just because he is a citizen and entitled to that right. Tom Spitsnogle's stray comment illustrates the consistency of this depressing attitude. He said that the reason why the YR's didn't cooperate with the League of Young Voter's drive was then the State Young Republican Central Committee, of all people, told them not to. It seems to me that the reason why young people fought in the halls of Congress for so long to win the right to vote was to make sure that things like that didn't have to happen any more. Roy Baldwin Dear editor, In the Dec. 8th issue of the Daily Nebraskan there was an article discussing the Young Republicans' intention for a voter registration drive. It was accurately stated that the YRs did not partake nor cooperate with the League of Young Voters during their registration drive last November. This drive was quite successful in registering over 5,000 new voters on the UNL campus. It was the purpose of the drive and the League to have young people get involved in the political system no matter what their political persuasion. " What was stated in the article is exactly the cause for much of the division, hatred and discontent in this nation today. This is the old politics of "if you don't join our party then we don't want you involved in the political system at all." This is exactly what the YR drive is saying to all people, not only young people. Never was the voter registration drive coercion on any one's part. If anything, what the YRs are doing now is coercion by saying we'll help you register only if you will be a Republican! Is this trying to extend enfranchisement to everyone or a select few? Also, Tom Spitsnogle's statement of 'credibility' is hard for me to comprehend since he told me and members of the League that he would cooperate with the League to the best of his ability even though the State Young Republicans Central Committee had dictated a policy of non-cooperation with the league. It is ridiculous that one can only engage in voter registration if he or she belongs to a political party as Spitsnogle stated. Our system stops functioning in today's society if we continue this narrow minded attitude. I will try to end this by asking a question to the YRs and to both parties of this state: is our Intention only to get people registered and involved in the political system if they join 'our' party or are we of the consciousness that people must get involved in the political system no matter what their beliefs or affiliations are? Isn't this what makes the political system stronger and better? Fritz Edelstein Dear editor, Now is our chance to really help someone and not just talk about it. We have a tragedy right here in our midst. A fellow student's relative, Frank J. Climek, was burned to death on his farm near Loup City. Mrs. Climek and her eight children are the survivors. Their home was entirely engulfed by the flames and all personal possessions were lost. We can help by either collecting clothes, bedding, towels and anything which we might not be using or wanting. Even such foods as can goods and other non -perishables would be helpful. Also a fund drive is being set up. Checks should be made out to Mrs. Climek. Both the goods and checks can be taken or mailed to the Women's Resource Center in the Nebraska Union on campus. If you are in need of transportaion for your goods call the Student Activities Volunteer Bureau 472-2484 for pickup. If you have any questions call me at 432-8013. Celeste Wiseblood Dear editor, There seems to be quite a concern about placing material in dorm mailboxes at the moment. I live in a dorm and if someone takes the time to have some form of publication placed in my mailbox or my room that I at least glance at it and if I don't dig on the material, then it will be only a matter of seconds before I dump it. I have received political literature in my mailbox and have had the birth control handbook placed in my room. Neither of these items were "thrust on me" and if I so desired I could have disposed of them rather quickly. If someone is brainwashed by each item he receives in his mailbox, then that person is a loser already. Jim Baiters Delightfully Different Introductory Offer: Runzas hot or cold 29 (offer good this week only) Look over our pizzas , too. West Gate Suite 2 ph: 432-9862 Capital Beach Blvd. Meet Mike & Pat Sales- srlc nect The Daily Nebraskan Advertising Department needs applications for ac count representatives. Advertising sales for the Nebraskan requires dedication, hard work, perseverance and long hours. The rewards are GOOD PAY and a great deal of otherwise unobtainable knowledge about advertising sales, layout, copywriting, production and eights into business and promotion. If you have the desire to earn excellent advertising experience, contact BARRY PILGER or BILL CARVER at the Daily Nebraskan Office, Rm. 34, Nebraska Union. Or leave your name with the receptionist. YOU FORGOT TO ENROLL IN YOUR MOST IMPORTANT And ou had totter believe it Becavitc throug hout your collegr career you'll spend over 5 000 hour uuh vour n.r in a book doing )ui vout required Trading That't if you are a "normal" iiudent with a reading fat of 250 to 400 word pr minute. And you know, that a thame. bcue tf you had enrolled in the revolutionary Evelyn Wood Reading DvnjmKi court you could sv at m J. 700 of thoat hour. 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FIND OUT WHY WE HAVE OVER SOO.OOO GRADUATES ATTEND A FREE ONE-HOUR MINI-LESSON CALL. 202-149S FOR MORE INFORMATION Not to-efvn Wood fteodwu Dynamic now taught on on INOrVKHJ AU If D lAafi. Taw eon watt fndWkfuollaao' tarirwtuM In roaM rooding. te-preWen, Mamie and if in y m mawi.1. (Mructan km. EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS 1601 "P" St. Ph: 436 2168 MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1971 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 5