Ziebarth favors percentage wage increases . .. .... . J u..4..t; intolerable, expects planning funds to I by Bill Smitherman A recommendation of the Legislature's budget and Appropriations Committee which has concerned University officials will probably be reconsidered : coming attractions: 1:30 p.m. Nebraska Union American Pharmeceutical Assn. 3:30 p.m. Nebraska Union-Jazz and Java 4 p.m. East Union-Education and Social Committees 6 p.m. Nebraska Union-Regents Dinner 7 p.m. Nebraska Union-Movie "Downhill Racer" 8 p.m. Nebraska Union-UPC Coffee House 9 p.m. Nebraska Union-NFU Benefit "Bumpy Action" 9 p.m. Nebraska Union Movie "Downhill Racer" before a final recommendation is made, according to State Sen. Wayne Ziebarth. The senator said he was not in favor of a committee recommendation asking that salaries for all full-time state employes, including professors, be raised by a flat $300. He said he is in favor of percentage increases for some jobs. His comments echoed those by NU President D.B. Varner and other NU officials that a flat rate increase could be discouraging to faculty members. NU's budget request called for a 5 per cent increase for professional University staff members and a $300 raise for non-professional employes. Ziebarth agreed with this proposal and said he expects the committee to reconsider its decision before sending recommendations to the floor. Speaking at the Delta Sigma Pi fraternity as part of a series sponsored by the ASUN Legislative Liaison Committee, Ziebarth asked the students if they feel they are getting what they are looking for at the University. The budget committee, he said, wants to know the reactions of the recipents of state money. The senator, an announced candidate for the Democratic senate nomination, called UNL's Love Library Hie m tones THE ZANY UNION IS AT IT AGAIN (Interviewing on Sat., Dec. 1 1 for Project Chairman to Head-up 22 Union Projects) ARE YOU INTO: Musical Fine Arts (new) Coffee House Concerts Jazz & Java Drama Music & Art Lending Libr. Black Activities Foreign Films Weekend Films Special Films Displays Talks and Topics World in Revolution Hyde Park-Rap In Model UN Campus Realtions Communications Style Shows Miss U of N Pageant Hostessing Recreation All Campus Calendar Then Get With YOUR UNION Sign up in Room 128 Union PA NITTY ISA B IS) GET READY- CORNCOBS- WILL BE KNOCKING ON YOUR DOOR (DORMITORIES AND SORORITIES) THIS MONDAY NIGHT SELLING LITTLE PRUNE PANTYHOSE LITTLE PRUNE PANTYHOSE WILL IVE75'FOR EACH PAIR PURCHASED FROM CORNCOBS TO THE NEBRASKA ORANGE BOWL FUND DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW! LITTLE PRUNE PANTY HOSE DISTRIBUTED BY CENTRAL STATES DIST. tolerable. "I'm afraid that students aren't using the facility because it is too difficult," he said. "The physical facility is probably part of the problem, but it is only part." The senator said he believes a better system of coordination between UNL libraries is as important as the physical facility. However, he said he expects a library addition to be approved by the Legislature this year. Ziebarth said he also expects planning funds to be appropriated for a new law building. There is also a pressing need to consider plans for a life sciences building, he said. In response to a question about low income housing the senator said he is concerned about housing in general. He added that the state should be responsible for replacing housing which its projects destroy. But he said he did not see this as possible in the near future. LAW STUDENTS Why not be a Marine Corps lawyer 7ou'll earn your commission like all Marine Officers, the hard way, at Quantico this summer but when you pass your bar exam you'll enter the Corps at the advanced rank of First Lieutenant and an annual starting salary of $9700 or $10,000. Look into it! U.S. Marine Corps Officer Selection Office Omaha Phone Number 402-346-5022. INTERIM CREDIT PROGRAMS Earn up to three (3) hours credit during the interim period (Dec 24, 1971-Jan. 17, 1972) by enrolling in one of the followind courses: TOURS ENGLISH 198f or 298f, Special Topics - Native American Literature of the Southwest. PF option, 3 cr. Dec. 26 - Jan 14 tour of New Mexico and Airzona. CAMPUS COURSES PHYSICS 198Ac, Special Topics-Physics, A Process Approach PF option, 2 cr. 0900-1 200 M-F, Jan. 3-1 4. ELEMENTARY ED. 113c, Teaching the Language Arts in the Elementary School, PF option, 3 cr. 1000-1500 M-S, Jan 3-14. ELEMENTARY ED. 107c, Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School, PF option, 3 cr. 1000-1500 M-S, Jan 3-14 ARCHITECTURE 135c, Architectural Structures-Wood. 2 cr Meets 2 hours each morning, Dec. 29-32, Jan. 3-7 and 10-13 TEXTILES, CLOTHING and DESIGN 25c, Creative Textiles, PF option, i cr. Meets daily 9000-1 1 50 and 1 300-1 550, Jan. 5-1 8 EDUCATIONAL ADMIN. 200c, Workshop Seminar-Collective negotiations. 2 cr. or audit. 30 hours of class sessions on Fri afternoons and evenings, Sat. morning and afternoon, Jan. 7-8 EDUCATIONAL ADMIN. 200c, Workshop Seminar-Current jssues in zcnooi nnance, o-z cr. 1630-1930, Jan. 5-7, 10, 11 EDUCATIONAL PSYCH. 199c, Independent Study. PF option EDUCATION AND FAMILY RESOURCES 171f, Field experience. 3 cr. neid experience in Cooperative Extension MATHEMATICS 198c, Elements of Matrix Algebra. PF option i. CI . SECONDARY ED. 200c, Workshop Seminar-Classroom Value jruii-iea. rr upuon, z cr. 5eci. 1 - 1 VUU-ZiOU, Jan. 3-14. SECONDARY ED. 199c, Workshop Seminar, Drug' Education ir upuun, l cr. jan. 3-11. ANTHOROPOLOGY 198a, Practical Osteology. 3 cr. 900-1200 ANROPOLOGY ,98b' tactical Archaeology. 3 cr. 900-1200 , i. -jan. it. SOCIAL WORK 363c, Special Studies-Law A Social Welfare. 2 cr. L,ncoin action 800-1015; Omaha Section 1 600-1 81 5. READING COURSE ARCHITECTURE 198c, The City in American Culture: The City u.i meiufinur. t cr. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION, UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION 511 NEBRASKA HALL PHONE: 472-2171 PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1971