i Daily Nebraskan Classifieds may be placed in Room 34 Nebraska Union between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM daily weekdays. Cost for one ad is $.08 per word ($.80 minimum) for one insertion. Call 472-2590 for more information, or use the above form and bring it into the office. No refunds. No complimentary ads unless the error is brought to our attention within the firsl business day after publication. 47225C9 472-2590 FOR SALE Mutt Mil tuparb 1962 Volkwagon. Naw angina, naw clutch, rabuilt trant. $700 Plaasa buy. Going to Europa. 488-3S55. Six Nabraika-Oklahoma tlckati for Mia. Call 435-2959 before 5 p.m. 1970 Honda CB350 Excellent condition, parfact angina and trantmlttion with helmet and tools. Wlntar prica. Scott 476 0977. Antlqua wire rim frames large election cheap. Call Mark 435-7632. RCA Stereo and Stand: Multl-dlmenilonal speakers, $95. 475-0017 after 5.30. Motberg 16 guaga pump, modified choka. 1 yr. old $50. 466-4627. Beautiful black and brown longhair kittens. Free. 477-3698. 1966 VW Sedan. Mutt sell. Real good condition. $750. 435-5902. 1968 Datsun 2000 Sports Convertible, clean. New top. S new tires. Asking $1625. Call 475-1676 between 5-7 p.m. Beer Steint. Mugs Mugs Mugt. Cliffs Smoke Shop. 12th & O St. Sony 260 4 -track stereo tape recorder and playback system like new. Call 475-8155. '63 VW. Good condition. Rebuilt engine. $500. After 4 p.m. 434-5779. WEDDING I N V ITATIONS--PRICES ARE LOW IN IDAHO, 100 custom printed only $5.65. Send for free catalog and samples to Arnold Agency. 206 East Main, Rexburg, Idaho 83440. Parking Stlckar--$15.00. Lots 21-27. Call 476-2997. 350 Honda Scrambler. $660. 2300 miles. Call 489-2240 after 3 p.m. Must sell '66 Ford. Power steering, power brakes. Best offer. Call 434-2005 ask for Ron Heine. SERVICES Typing, 40c a page, prompt service. Lll Melster 2559 Kessler Blvd. 423-8214. Need your television or stereo fixed? All kinds electronics work reasonable. Kit building. Call 488-2451 6-9 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. Sewing and Alterations. Call Pat Moore. 799-2616. Watch Repair. All makes Including Tim ex. Campus Bookstore-East side, look for yellow door. For an alternative to abortion, contact Birthright, Inc. 477-8021. Ever need a typist who is experienced, dependable, accurate and reasonable? Save this number for time of need. 434-3938. HELP WANTED Earn $30 to $40 a week or more in spare time. If you qualify we train. Phone 475-0392. 9-12 a.m. or 6-1 1 p.m. Baby sitter for evenings. Would like live-in. Call before 4 p.m. 466 3271. Taking applications for busboyt. Meals and pay. If interested phone 432-1364. Earn small fortune at home addressing envelopes. Rush stamped self-addressed envelope. Information, Box -1042, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001. T IPS' 0 J il Help, Help, The Globolinks. . . creatures from outer space invade the earth at Kimball Recital Hall on Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and on Sunday at 3 p.m. What's the buzz?. . . DDT, a Lincoln rock group, will be putting on a show Thursday night in the Nebraska Union Centennial Room from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Admission is $1 . Combining a lightheavy sound the group includes lead guitar, bass guitar, drums and electric flute and clarinet. Possibly on tap for DDT is a January date at Little Bo's. The Free Theatre is putting on a Mime show on Friday and Saturday at 6 p.m. and Sunday at 4 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Crib. No admission is being charged. The NU School of Music is presenting a children's opera, Help, Help, The Globolinks on Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and on Sunday at 3 p.m. in Kimball Hall. Tickets for children are $1, students $1.50 and adults $2. A play about black people and consciousness, Meditation, written and directed by Sanjulu Michael Randall will be presented free on November 15, 17 and 18 in the Nebraska Union Ballroom at 8 p.m. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT in Yellowstone and all U.S. National Parks. Booklet tells where and how to apply. Send $2.00 Arnold Agency, 206 East Main, Rexburg, Idaho 83440. Money back guarantee. Need money? Earn over $75 weekly. Working part time evenings. No canvassing. Car required. 466-9770. ROOMMATE WANTED 2 female roommates wanted. For nice furnished apartment. $40 utilities pd. 1736 L St. 475-8998. Available Dec. 1. LOST FOR RENT 2 male students to rent 2 bdrm. house $96 plus utilities. Call 436-6161. 608 D St. Lost white-gold wedding ring. Generous reward. Call 475-0456. Lost: Black billfold in CBA or Oldfather REWARDI Kan 475-5259. MISCELLANEOUS Want to buy good pair of skis and boots, John. 477 6081 Rm. 624. Interview for Union Program Council. On Sunday, Nov. 14 apply In Rm. 128 Union by Friday., Nov. 12. UNOPA Bazaar Rummage Sale. Nov. 13, 9-5 at Gateway Auditorium. LAW SCHOOL- WILL I LIKE IT?" CAN I MAKE IT?" A new book by a recent law graduate for prospective law students. It looks at how to best prepare for law school, including what books to read, . and analyzes several formulas based on admission studies to predict first year average. It Is possible to determine how one will do in law school. For your copy send $2.95 to Kroos Press, Box 3709A, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217. Spaghetti Supper. Sunday, Nov. 14 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. It will be held at the Trl-Delt House, 1601 'R' St. $1.50 par ticket. Proceeds will go to a scholarship fund. HOSPE'S GRAND OPENING, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15. Contests and prizes. 1140 O St. Uo'N P.E.O. Group. Sunday, Nov. 14, 5 P.M. 845 S. 35th Call 423 8055. DO IT YOURSELF WANT AD Write ad below using one blank for each word. 1. 2. 3. 1 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 137 ' 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. i Print Namo-Address-Phone IMo. Below: and bring to 34 Nebraska union NAME address zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. phone n- - ZIP CODE CITY fi JIMWMMMIllllMlMIiniM ,, THERE'S A RIOT COIN' ON SLY& THE FAMILY STONC including: Family AffairSpaced Cowboy '(You Caught Mel Smilin' Thank You For Talkin' To Me Africa Luv N' Haight ltLJ O w 1 .. . l 1 J, T A $4.99 J WKHtNBBBmmmmmml Slw n Tape wmMmmmmwmmmmtwmwMii, a SlY & THE FAMILY STONE GREATEST HITS I WANT TO TAKE YOU HIGHER THANK YOU Falettmme Be Mice Elf Agin DANCE TO THE MUSIC STAND! EVERYDAY PEOPLE and more JHf ITir n ..,i fl $4a99 I N. On Tape 'HJIF5 W 227 N. 11th LULIU LiJAtr 475-5412 Bring in ad as coupon-Album $3.29 Tape $4.49 1. t K ' i, J lit " It- f-i 11 ft I,' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1971 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 11 t?