ft 31 Bluesman Hunched over gnome-like, he wails his ballads that taste of rusty water and rock salt. His harmonica shrieks and spits out soloes between verses. Dust bowl talkin' and Louisiana rags make his tarnished silver ring crackle like lightening over the moaning bottle-necked strings. Those hands have done most every job; but even in their scarred age, the combination of chording and scratching blues runs exhibits a genuine crafs of earthy origin. g 'TFy t J jj , . I have spewn out my eternity on street corners with faceless women. I have payed for stockings walked I had no desire to touch. r0ck her in the rifts of my dreams perched her like a bird of prey watched her wings spread talons sharp bloodless her feathers sleak on her back white feathers on her breast soft to the touch eager Credits Blue man by Bob dimmer Other poems by Robert Holland Stelmach Photo of Dallas, Texas by Gail Folda I'm not sure of destiny. 1 1 runs like a lame puppy through the streets of my restlessness. I am afraid to follow. A t fill I PAGE 6 THE DAILY NEBRAS KAN WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1971