Answers for handicapped Being blind or confined to a wheelchair isn't easy, but it is especially difficult on a busy and confusing college campus. Today's Daily Nebraskan has three stories on the problems of the handicapped at the University. The stories show the problems are many, but the solutions have been slow in coming. There aren't many students with severe handicaps at UNL. So often they aren't noticed or their problems have little priority and go unsolved. The University is attempting to remove the physical barriers that restrict the movement of the handicapped as both the opportunity and money become available. However, far too many barriers remain for the handicapped to cope with. But physical barriers are not the biggest problems faced by handicapped students. More ot a concern to them are the social barriers they face. They want to be treated as social equals in a University that often ignores them. The physical and social barriers on campus undoubtedly discourage many handicapped people from attending the University. Former UNL graduate student Nancy Erickson, who wheeled around campus the last two years said, 'The main thing is to be as independent as possible, but on this campus it's about impossible." An organization called the League of Human Dignity has been organized recently to identify, determine and document the needs of handicapped persons in Lincoln and Lancaster County. UNL would be a good place for the organization to begin its work. Passing the football Football is not usually considered a game of sentimentality. However, Bob Devaney and every Big Red booster in the state will probably become sentimental by Saturday afternoon. The reason for the emotion is that 19 seniors will be playing their final game before a Memorial Stadium crowd this Saturday. Seniors graduate from the team every year, but this year's group of seniors have not been an ordinary bunch of football players. They haven't lost a game in over two years, going undefeated in 27 straight games. They have won or tied for two Big Eight titles and one national title; and have an excellent chance to add one more championship to each category. They have won two straight bowl games and are headed for another bowl appearance this year. And they have set or will set numerous individual performance records. The seniors have helped build a college sports dynasty that rivals the ones of the Green Bay Packers, the New York Yankees and the Boston Celtics. Of course, they had lots of help from other classes. But a large part of Nebraska's success in the past three years can be attributed to this year's class of seniors. College football has come under a lot of criticism because of its professionalism and its emphasis on winning. And rightfully so. However, one has to be amazed at the Cornhuskers' record of accomplishments during the past three seasons Gary Seacrest Telephones: editor: 472-2588, newt: 472-2589. advertising: 472-2590. Second class postage rates paid at Lincoln. Nebraska. The Daily Nebraskan is a student publication, independent of the University of Nebraska's administration, faculty and student government. Address: The Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508. , -.. , - Dear editor, In response to Gary Seacrest's editorial on Bob Hope in the Daily Nebraskan: Yes Mr. Seacrest is liberal to a degree, but I feel ha has overlooked some facts surrounding the situation. Granted, demonstrating against the war is not the chic thing to be involved in anymore. However, I still feel protesting this war is a most important duty of all responsible advocates of peace. The editorial stated that Bob Hope was only a businessman and comedian. Mr. Seacrest's stupidity bothers me, though it does not surprise me. Mr. Hope is a very powerful person, he has constantly vowed support for administration policies. When Mr. Hope speaks, millions of people listen. He utilizes this fact: he sells cars, frozen foods and American foreign policy. Hope recently did a series of promotions for NATO, hardly a non-political statement Bob Hope donates large amounts of money to the Republican party, Mr. Nixon's campaign fund and Mr. Agnew's fund, including assistance and time in sponsoring a $1,000 a plate dinner for Mr. Agnew. Hope is as much a part of the put-on in Vietnam as Mr. McNamara, Mr. Kissinger or any PR man for the government. Mr. Hope has been duped into being a good public relations man for Mr. Nixon. Whether he recognizes his role or not, he accepts it gladly and does a fine job. Mr. Hope is a legitimate target for protest. Mr. Seacrest, wake up. The war goes on. Tim Hartin Editor's note-Gary Seacrest is well aware the Vietnam war is still going on. In a September editorial he called for the immediate withdrawal of all American troops from Vietnam in hopes of obtaining the release of American prisoners of war. He is also aware that the solution to the Vietnam conflict will require more than the withdrawal of American troops. Seacrest in his editorial on Bob Hope noted that the anti-war movement needs increased public support to bring about its objectives. He doubted if protests like the ones planned against Hope (who is not a policy maker for the war) would aid the cause of the peace movement Dear editor. Yesterday as I entered the Nebraska Union by the north door, I was shocked by the booth and signs set up in protest against the Bob Hope show. The signs said such things as "Bob Hope is about as funny as a dead Vietnamese child". Such ugly signs are completely unfair to Mr. Hope. It does not matter that perhaps he has spoken some unpopular views about the war in the past. His selfless giving each Christmas for the past years has been something that he THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Brevity in letters is requested and the Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to condense letters. All letters must be accompanied by writer's true name but may be submitted for publication under a pen name or initials. However, letters wHI be printed under a pen name or initials at the editor's discretion. should always be praised for. If he brought a slight smile to the face of an amputee in a stinking jungle hospital only once, he has done an infinite amount of good. The moments of laughter that Bob Hope has given to countless servicemen makes him worthy of everyone's praise and respect. I feel sorry for those people who are so narrow minded that because -a man is a friend of the nation's leaders, and speaks in favor of his country's policy they think him unworthy of a little praise or a good word. To those of you who cry against Bob Hope, I say what have you done to help a person in mental and physical pain, in the hell that is a war? David E. Gardels Dear editor. The basic human right to have a conscientious opinion and to have the freedom to express it is the autonomous right of every individual. But along with this right to autonomy comes the responsibility to gain knowledge, reflect on motives and criticize the principles of yourself and others. After all, the arguments for and against the boycotting of the Bob Hope Show, must come in honest and sincere questioning of what issues really were behind the polarization of opinion. I only hope that people will empathize and listen respectfully to people who are promulgating something they believe is unjust and try to see some truth and sense in what they are saying. I am sorry to say that their thoughts will probably be discarded because they do not coincide with the consensus that has already been established and acted upon as being right. I ask you not to pass off the efforts at boycotting the Bob Hope Show as an irrational act of a bunch of off-beat radicals but instead to lower some defenses and see what is happening in the minds of other people. Mark Schuette Dear editor. Recently, I received in my dormitory mailbox a paper on voter registration, which was not sent through the mails. This is fine with me. But on the back there was a full-page announcement about McGovern, on the front there was a list of the coordinators of "Nebraska Students for McGcvern" and on the inside there was a sheet asking me if I would like to work for McGovern. I object to this act most strenuously. Does this imply that the University has taken a stand for McGovern? Are they in favor of letting this political information be put in our mailboxes? Gordon Musch Editor's note-See page 12 of today's Daily Nebraskan for a story on the McGovern pamphlet that was placed in the mailboxes of residence halls. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1971 PAGE 2