Voter reoistrotion results in McGovern mix-up . . . oi j n,a future tn Hisne.rse information. director b by H. J. Cummins The campus-wide voter registration drive produced a few innocent mistakes Thursday. Mary Kris Jensen, a member of the Nebraska Students for McGovern, said she sent a number of McGovern workers to put three-page "Student Voting Information" sheets in all dormitory mailboxes. Two pages contained voter registration information, the other had McGovern campaign literature. "I TOLD THEM they had to ask the Residence Director before they put them in," she said, although she did not know about the housing policy which says any persuasive information put in dormitory mailboxes must be accompanied with equal representation from the other side. Sandoz Hall residence director Susan Goldsborough said the partisan information was put in Sandoz mailboxes "through ignorance on my part." She said she talked to somebody over the phone and was told it was "voter registration information" and she did not know there was information on any particular candidate. "I DID NOT see the material until two days after it was in the mailboxes," she added. Dorey Busch, Smith Hall residence director said it "was my understanding they were given permission." When asked who gave her that idea, she said . it was a college co-ed (who she declined to name) who works at the Smith Hall main desk and is a McGovern worker Pound Hall residents received the information sheets without the residence director's approval also, Caroline Seward, the dorm's RD. SHE SAID she'd gotten voter registration information from the League of Young Voters and left instructions at the desk to have it put in all Pound Hall mailboxes. The McGovern information was also left at the desk and passed out with the non-partisan material, but she said she had no idea who left it. Abel Hall resident directors Glenn Schumann and Greg Snodgrass said the information was approved for their dorm, despite the housing regulation, because they felt the need for voter registration information in the dorms overshadowed the page of McGovern material. THE DECISION to allow the distribution was not made by the residence directors but one of the graduate assistants, he said. "It was a mistake," Schumann said, "and we have taken precautions not to let it happen again." He said that booths, pick-up type information, and invited speakers will be allowed in the future to disDerse information. Milton Woody, Harper Hall residence director and Andy Miller, Cather Hall residence director both said they had not given their approval to putting the information in the mailboxes. ODSKB UMHE-333 North 14th Breakfast Sunday 10:00 a.m. Community Program Meeting I0:30a.m, An introduction to the life and style of UMHE, an in formal gathering in which we stimulate, support, and enjoy each other: dress casually. Methodist Student Chapel 640 No. 16th 9:30 Worship 10:30 a.m. 11:30 1- - J ' ' a? . r-riy ) in concert - f ) Seols and Croffs Tuesday, November 9th 8 pm University Coliseum Admission $200 This tremendous duo has just signed a contract with Warner Brothers, will soon be releasing a new album entitled "Year of Sunday", and has just finished a tour with the Carpenters. They are kicking off a national tour in Lincoln and will be then going to the Lincoln Center for Performing Arts in New York. tickets available from: Union Lobby Miller and Paine Record Department (Downtown and Gateway) Dirt Cheap and at the door sponsored by UNL Baha'i rim I WM' ) STARTS " j4' ;:; ( ) caos. J FRIDAY vr ' Vv V-rr J 33 i TS i ..... galling Stone Nnc York Daily AfeiM I I A8C Picimes Corp piesems V" "Devastating. Will "H Truly a re- If 1 V I . Jack Lemmon d.rects. 11 undoubtedly prove to markable film! It is a I I I i 1ZJI 1 JSLJi ZSTi rX Uo takoc hit talpnt I I f f v . ia?i . II &?ifc ai ! wJi II U wW Ok W "behind the camera II important film experi- 1 I ySm fumpmf IJS, for thefirst time II ences. This must be one & Sronto ofthemosttrulyhorri- L-mU V 4 his brilliant career. yg "d gruelling ictI Deborah Winters- Felicia Farr- Charles Aidman 'J ' films ever made. A film V Music b Mvm Mimlisch Scmnplav by John Pawn I f t myrIa master B)onlhiiovil''l(oich,'byli!hnmTopk)ns . i f I f Strokes." - fntxtt by IVciw) Cmw - OoKMd by Jtck lunrnon fljj ' 1 KIN h) Turbulent were .. iv.x.. j n ; rierv was tne jt x"v STMTS FRIDAY A CARLO PONTI PROCXJCTION DAVID LEAN'S FILM and the of boris paste rnaks passionate DOCTOR ZIIilAGO r. ij-j I WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDS I Normm MeLmin Stoop, After Dark "With no reservations, this is a magnificent filmV "-kir-kiCk Truly a re markable film! It is a gruesome, harrowing tale. It comes close to being the most devas tating anti-war film ever made. We come to know his most intimate feelings. He is a human being and because we are allowed to know him as such, his story rips us apart. It would be impossible not to be touched by it. The act ing is extraordinary. Miss Varsi-truly a remarkable performance." Mil ,GP1 . art I I w i m ii tender if v-jf ,44 J-, JA ' ' ' JJ' PAGE 12 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1971