Ho loft 'em laughin' He left 'em cryin' He left 'em sufferln' He left 'em dyin' Dob Hope an' the war goes on paid for by the Shuck the Corn Cobs Committee John K. Hansen and Joe L. Olson co-chairmen CSL votes to drop 12-hour rule - . . . . ,1 rf-l i J. At. 1 A The Council on Student Life voted Thursday to drop the 1 2-hour requirement for student participation in extra-curricular activities. The Council's action will be sent to interim Chancellor C. Peter Magrath and is subject to review by the University of Regents. The resolution to drop the requirement passed by a vote of 8-6 after several weeks of debate. The resolution changes the regulation in the Campus Handbook to allow all students regularly enrolled in the University, . excluding those enrolled only in correspondence courses, to participate in extra-curricular activities. The requirement of a cumulative grade average of at least a 2.0 wasn't changed by Council action. The Council's resolution also states that each eeeeeeeeeeeeee H,B.A. LEAGUE GAME Cincinnati Royals vs. Boston pities Nov. 8, Civic Auditorium, 7:30 P.M. TIGKfcT PRICES: $gof $500 $400 . $300 MA Ai. I jSpyffigr f Job Havlicek Cetriei Star Tom Van Artdale Royals Star TICKETS ON SALE at AUDITORIUM BOX OFFICE Open Doily, 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Sponsored by IG BROTHERS ASSOC. cX; eeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeee D r? m 1. You would rather have a hard bound yearbook. 2. You want color in your yearbook. 3. You would like to sea more names and more familiar faces in your yearbook. So, the 1972 Com husk art will be hard bound, contain color, and include lots of names and faces. We would like to make it as simple as possible for you to buy a yearbook now. Clip the coupon. IWfTT2 A CHSCK P0Rfe7.5OTt: 'ddl 2 I I memos, tijco pgr iumg, oa n ch w?u I I fy fjfwm 'jifrT Tiy S PAGE 10 Dance to the live sounds of Friday and Saturday Nite 8:30-12:30 appearing at the RENDEZVOUS LOUNGE NORTHEAST LANES HIGHWAY 6 and 77 Open house Gerry's Slii Shop Nov. 5,3 p.m. - 9 p.m. come in and register for: 1 pair of HART CUTLASS SKIS and other gifts continuous ski films will be shown Free Refreshments SE"TTY'S STPCfVCr S44CTP 1333 -P 432-41Q1 1st Lincoln Showing Starts Today I DAILY 12:30, 2:15,4:00, 5:45, 7:30, &9:15. Sj FRI. & SAT. LATE SHOW 22t&& AT 11P.M. yhe odighull OOLLI1T700D DIUDILLY At he plows the fertile fields of sirens and starlets in a non-stop search forth most willing woman in the world! n 1 sirens and starlets in a non-stop I 1 search forth most wining woman 1 I in the world! I LnuiAW I t I I Kate a m n rTMvi n n i-n- PQJDWBCDy organization retains the right to set standards for participation, so that an organization may retain the 12-hour rule if it chooses. Samuel B. Treves, geology professor and president of the Faculty Senate s Committee on Committees asked the Council to exempt Faculty Senate committees from the rule change. However, he was informed that the Faculty Senate still retains the right to set a 12-hour requirement for student committee members. The rule change is aimed at allowing part-time students, who pay student fees, to participate in activities and to have representation on student governing groups, according to Meg Hall, author of the resolution. The main objection to the rule change seemed to be that someone could enroll for one hour of credit and take a leadership role in activities although he would not be representative of the student body. CSL member Dave Rasmussen introduced an alternative proposal by the Agriculture Advisory Board. The proposal would retain the 12-hour rule but would allow students in executive positions in organizations to drop up to six hours once elected. The proposal wasn't accepted by CSL, but Rasmussen said he will introduce it at next week's meeting as an amendment to the resolution passed by the Council. atom? Individuals of the University community are organizing a conference on Poverty scheduled for Feb. 24-26, 1972. Resource people are needed. Preliminary Organizational meeting will be Npv. 7 at 7 p.m. at the Wesley Foundation, 640 No. 16, 432-0355. An informal harpsichord recital will be given by Max Vount of Beloit College on Sunday Nov. 7 at 7 p.m. in the Centennial College Sun Room, 540 N. 16. The public is invited to attend. "Eat Pancakes for Love" Nov. 7 from 4 to 10 p.m. in the Centennial Room, Nebraska Union. Tickets are one dollar and will be available at the door. All proceeds will go to "Love Library-the goal is to raise $5,000. Dr. William R. Mauser, international president of the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, will be the guest speaker the annual Norris Dinner at the Lambda Nu chapter on the UNL campus Nov 5. The UNL Symphony Orchestra will open its 1971-72 season with a program of Contemporary American and Classic European composers on Sunday Nov. 7 at 8 p.m. in Kimball Recital Hall, 11 th and R. A Sigma itappa Kunza feed will be held Saturday from 1 1 a.m. to I p.m. at 626 No. 16th St. Cost is 75 cents per person. The Chinese Student Association Teahouse will be held at the Lutheran Church on Nov. 6 from 7 to 10 p.m. Everyone is welcome. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1971