jfrurnw a m THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1971 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA VOL. 95, NO. 35 Civil liberties get support from UNL minority students by Bart Becker A UNL study of minority-group college students' attitudes toward civil liberties indicates that minority-group students are more supportive of the principles in the Bill of Rights than their majority group counterparts. The study, conducted in the spring of 1971 by Clyde Z. Nunn, Phillip Layne and Kermit R. McMurry, showed 55 per cent of minority students are highly supportive of the principles while only 37 per cent of the majority students offer such full support. NUNN, AN associate professor of sociology, said the study was "preliminary to a larger project-a national study of tolerance toward non-conformity." Layne is a psychological counselor at UNL and McMurry is assistant director of recreation on the Lincoln campus. t. "In lieu of no official count" the report estimated approximately 150 minority students on the Lincoln campus. Official statistics reveal Nebraska to be at the bottom of the nation in percentage of the college population that is black (.002 percent). WHEN ASKED how important their college experience was, 67 per cent of the 95 students reached by the survey reported extremely or fairly important impact from college life. A general study of the University population, conducted during 1971, showed 94 per cent of the general University population said college had such a significant impact. Forty-three per cent of the minority group members saw the college degree as very relevant and 27 per cent reported it was only partly relevant. A majority 52 per cent of the students from the general study, on the other hand, claimed that the college degree was very relevant and 3 1 per cent indicated the degree was partly relevant to their future goals. ACCORDING TO the study, majority and minority students had different reasons for attending the University of Nebraska. Minority students "first and foremost came because of the minority program available, and close behind was the availability of financial help." The majority students deemed "closeness to home" the most important reason for their attendance. Next in importance were the social and sports advantages of Nebraska, with financial considerations "reasonably important" to them as well. The report suggested that "in order to increase the number of minority students at the University, according to these data, the minority program will have to be expanded and financial help improved." NUNN INDICATED that while the college experience "apparently has an impact on the white student", the minority student shows no detectable change in libertarian attitudes due to the college influence. White students grow more tolerant and supportive of civil liberties with each year they spend in college but this effect is not apparent in the minority students. Nunn also said the highest degree of libertarianism is shown by those students who place the least amount of significance on college experience. He said the more militant blacks, contrary to public opinion, are often the most tolerant individuals. Record store loan approved by Carol Strasser At a meeting Wednesday in Schramm Hall, ASUN unanimously approved a $4,000 loan for the Student Record Store. Provisions of the bill require that the loan be paid back in amounts of $500 between February, 1972 and March, 1973.. The interest-free loan will allow the store to increase its inventory during the peak Christmas season and increase daily sales from about $130 to $160 a day, said Bruce Beecher, store manager. The increase in sales means ASUN can make money on its investment, Beecher said. The record store is owned by ASUN. Currently, ASUN funds are deposited with Student Activities in a savings account, and Student Activities, not ASUN, received the interest, said ASUN Pres. Steve Fowler. The store was organized as a non-profit enterprise, Beecher said, so any profit from the increase in sales would be spent on salaries and reinvested into more record stock. The total inventory now is valued at about $3,000, Beecher said. If the store wants to compete with other discount stores, it must have a large inventory, he said. The loan will allow the store to double its inventory, he added. Part of the $4,000 will come from student fees and part from $4,000 that ASUN will receive from Globe Insurance, Fowler said. Last week, ASUN agreed to make student mailing lists available to the insurance company and to insert a letter from ASUN with the insurance package. ASUN isn't in great need for the funds now. Fowler said, so the money might as well be invested. However, if ASUN were to need funds quickly, the store would be able to raise over $1 ,000 in two weeks from sales, Beecher said. Sen. Jim Shriner questioned whether the Globe income shouldn't be used for an attorney." The University attorneys have refused to defend ASUN in the upcoming suit against the Board of Regents over the mandatory use of student fees. Fowler said some of the Globe funds would be used to pay ASUN's lawyer, Pat Healey. Letters were sent to faculty members this week asking for contributions to ASUN's legal fund, he added. In the Senate's open forum, Sens. Patti Kaminski and Doug Beckwith asked for suggestions on increasing student input into the University Counseling Center in Seaton Hall. Kaminski and Beckwith have been working with the Center's Student Advisory Board, established last spring, but said more student input is needed. "They're willing to listen to us; it's foolish not to take advantage of it," Beckwith said. The Center will be dealing with the quality of ethnic group life and male-iemafe roles on campus and a wide variety of students is needed to help form these programs, Kaminski said. The Advisory Board meets for two hours every week and is looking fqr students to participate, she said. The Senate also approved a bill on rules and procedures intended to eliminate the problem of lengthy Senate meetings which don't start on time. Senate executives have said they will enforce the rule that three absences means a Senator is dismissed. The bill introduced by Sen. Roy Baldwin, provides that a Senator who misses the roll call at which a quorum is established is absent, and if he arrives later, is assessed one-half an absence. The bill sets a 90-minute time limit on Senate meetings and sets specific time limit for committee reports, open forum and new and old business. Senate meetings in the past have been bogged down with interviewing applications for vacant Senate seats. The bill establishes a Committee on Appointments to interview and consider applications for vacant seats. A minimum of five senators will sit on the committee and will present to the Senate no more than three names for each position for final consideration. Currently, there are two vacant Senate seats in Teachers College and one in Graduates and Professionals. Anyone interested should contact the ASUN office in the Nebraska Union. Young voters express Democrat preference by H. J. Cummins University students registering in Lancaster County have been registering over two to one Democrat, according to League of Young Voters Lincoln coordinator Bruce Beecher. Of the 1,706 UNL students who registered Monday and Tuesday in the November 1-5 nonpartisan voter registration drive, 551 registered Democrat, 23 4 Republican, 120 Independent, and 801 absentee, he said. TUESDAY'S registration total was 1,031 as compared to Monday's 675, Beecher said, calling Wednesday's turnout "at least as many, if not more," than Tuesday's. Union College registered three Democrats, six Republicans, three Independents and about 40 absentees the University student said, adding he was told Wesleyan's drive was also going well in its first day (Wednesday). Beecher attributed the Democratic strength to "student organizations who support Democratic (Presidential) candidates and are quite active" on campus. "IT IS THE trend nationwide, too," he added. He attributed the generally large turn-out to the great student support. Other states have invested up to ten times as much money in registration drives, he said, and registered only about 1,000 students. Lincoln Electoral Commissioner Bill Davidson called the drive "great," and expressed his wish the "example the young people are setting will impress some of the older people." HE SAID he saw his help in the drive as part of his job, adding, "I'm not concerned how people vote, I am just happy people are registering to vote." Members of Lincoln's League of Young Voters are helping as registrars on campus. One such member, Dorothy Prasch, said she was involved because she's "convinced that since there are so many young people they should be vote conscious." She said she believes "the trend is the young voters will vote differently than their parents." "THEY'RE A well-informed group," she said, adding she "hopes" they'll change the political situation. The leader of one of the League of Women Voters city groups said the "numbers are encouraging, but the next step is for them to go to the polls." NU Regents to meet Friday A meeting of the NU Board of. Regents is , scheduled . for Friday at 3:30 p.m. in room 202 of the Nebraska Union. Included in the agenda will be consideration of a revised budget request for UNO based on revised enrollment estimates for 1972-73. The estimate for the current academic year was too high by several hundred students. The Regents are also scheduled to recommend capital construction budget priorities for the next . legislative session. R. Neale Copple, director of the UNL School of Journalism, is scheduled to report to the Board on the progress of a special committee dealing with the standards of University publications. Also to be considered is a recommendation that legislation be drafted to change the name of the School of Nursing to the College of Nursing. (nam. mi. i mum imi nuBuuiiiii.il jiii niiw,r,ui Bi. mi nun ill I ilium nun ii illljlUJBBMnI.IUlll JIII.lll -" I it iwi ft WMte, "tv- -HWMj Voter registration drive . . . "Numbers are encourag ing, but the next step is for them to go to the polls."