Faculty Senate sets agenda precedent The Faculty Senate Tuesday decided to add to its monthly meeting agenda a report on old senate business items awaiting action by the UNL administration. RIGHT NOW there is no mechanism to ensure that administration takes action on matters referred to it by the senate, English Prof. Paul Olson said at the faculty's November meeting in the Nebraska Center for Continuing Education. As a temporary solution to the problem the senate decided to keep tabs on reports in the administration's hands. Law Prof. James Lake, the senate's president, said re would keep track of such reports and place them on the agenda. He said he would also bring up the issue with the senate's committee on faculty relationships. OLSON SAID all reports sent to the administration should specify which arm of the administration should handle the report, and the length of time in which the senate can "reasonably expect a response" from the administration. Students give Nov. 16 meal Dormitory students can give up a meal Nov. 16 for a nationwide drive to raise money for East Pakistani refugees. Food services will give the money saved on meals to the ASUN Human R ights Committee, said chairman Ann Pederson. The money will be sent to Americans for East Pakistani Refugees, headquartered in New York, HELP!!!!!. . .Help Line aide another crisis. in , .7 t . ;l L ,.,,,.. ..'....-J About 100 faculty members attended the 45 -minute East Campus meeting, in which the senate also unanimously approved a College of Dentistry plan to institute a passfail system in its clinical areas of instruction. The experimental system, which includes a student profile evaluation, was approved for a three-year period. DENTISTRY students will be able to take up to 80 credit hours passfail out of a total of up to 180 hours in the Dentistry program. The senate's grading committee said the passgail system should provide a more accurate picture of a student's progress in the clinical part of his training. Also approved at the meeting was a report of the faculty liaison committee rejecting the idea of a senate budget committee, which was proposed earlier in the year. THE LIAISON committee said instead of a separate committee to take over the advisory function of the Turn to page 2. for medical supplies and food, she said. Although Nov. 3 is the day set aside for a nation-wide Fast to Save the People, the ASUN committee will have students sign up Wednesday and Thursday for a fast Nov. 16, Pederson said. Greek houses can fast on Wednesday or choose another date, she added. Phil Pfeiffer helps solve yet UaJDU WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1971 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA VOL. 95, NO. 34 League-ASUN drive registers 674 by H. J. Cummins The League of Young Voters-ASUN voter registration drive registered 674 students Monday on the two UNL campuses, and the League helped register an additional 60 at Union College, according to newly-appointed Lincoln coordinator Bruce Beecher. On the University campuses, 432 students registered in Lancaster County while the remaining 242 filled out requests for absentee voter forms to be sent to their home towns, Beecher said. The breakdown at Union College, he said, was 11 registering in Lancaster County and 49 absentees. Booths will open at Wesleyan Thursday and continue through Friday. Beecher said registration booths were "not quite as busy" Tuesday as Monday, but he predicated that close to Monday's figure would be registered by day's end. A registration booth was open in Abel-Sandoz 1 1 a.m. to noon Monday. Beecher said ' only about 100 students Phone services provide aid by Cheryl Westcott Got a gripe, a question or a pressing problem? One of the University's four telephone information services may be able to help you. Bitch Line, a new service of the ASUN Education Committee, began operation last week "to help students who have educational problems in the University," according to John Theisen, committee chairman. STUDENTS with a complaint about an unfair grade, or a question about drop and add or integrated studies should first call Help Line, 472-3312 or 472-3311, and explain the problem to them, Theisen said. This information will be recorded and passed on to the education committee. The committee will contact the caller and try to cure the problem through existing channels, Theisen explained. Committee members meet once a week on campus, Theisen said. Only two calls were received the first week; Theisen blames lack of publicity for the small number and anticipates an increase of complaints. THE CRISIS Health Aide Center, begun last April, helps callers deal with immediate (tress situations and develop ways of coping with future stress, Dr. Carmen Grant of the University Health Center said. Grant said the aide center was developed "in order to anticipate the University registered in that booth. "I was disappointed. I hope the turn-outs will be better in dorms," he said. There were no figures available on the exact East Campus turn-out but Beecher said it, tao, was "disap pointing." "It wasn't nearly as good as City Campus," he said. Registration Today's voter registration booths will be set up at the following locations and times: Nebraska Union 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. East Union 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cather-Pound Cafeteria 1 1 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Beecher said the drive is "trying to make registration just as convenient as it can," with information booths at each registration site. Students with questions can also call ASUN or Lancaster County Election Commissioner Bill Davidson. "Now that students have bverr given rhancetO"h-ave a voice in what's happening in community's needs, and as part of an overall philosophy concerning community mental health." The crisis health aide helps individuals with problem solving, assessing the crisis and looking at solutions. If necessary, referrals are made to professional people, Grant said. PROBLEMS encountered by the aides range from immediate crisis situations to chronic emotional or family problems. The 19 crisis health aides attend an intensive four-week training course that relies heavily on role playing, Grant stated. Prospective aides develop listening and interviewing skills during the training sessions and after selection attend a weekly discussion session. The Crisis Health Aide Center operates a telephone line daily from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. The number is 472-2200; about eight to 10 calls are received nightly, Grant said. HELP LINE,the University's first telephone service, begins its third year of operation this month. The line's policy is to try to give an answer or a referral to every request, supervisor Donald A. Holm said. In fall 1969, no personal problem counseling service existed, Holm said. Initially Help Line provided crisis help. Now callers with severe emotional or physical health problems are referred to the Crisis Health Aide Center. The original staff decided the telephone service should be broadened to include academic the country, they should vote-and in order to vote they need to register," Beecher said. He added he hoped large student turn-outs would drive the older members of the community to vote more often t!ian they do currently. "Even if they vote just because they're afraid students will take over, that's fine," Beecher said, emphasizing his belief "there's definitely power in voting." ASUN President Steve Fowler said, "It's important with the Presidential primary in Nebraska, the election of two regents, cne senator, three congressmen and half the Legislature, that students register and vote this year." Beecher said the League "intends after this drive to go into the community to register other young people." He said he wants to register as many people as possible, and the campus drive "just happened to be the first one." Anyone interested in organizing registration drives in their home town can write the League of Young Voters, Box 8 1814, Lincoln for information, he added. problems, University red tape and general information, Holm said. CALLS REACHED a peak last Tuesday, When 141 people requested help. Between Aug. 29 and Sept. 30, the line answered 1,449 questions. One of the more common questions regards the gestation period of gerbils, Holm said. Pre-Halloween callers asked for a popcorn ball recipe and asked how to cure a sick turtle. Help Line operates from the office of Student Affairs, 207 Administration Building. In addition to the usual reference materials, three other members of the staff are on call to provide information. BtMUhii answering questions, and forwarding Bitch Line inquiries, Help Line has also acted as an answering service for University organizations. During a pesticide pick-up program last year, the line handled calls for the environmental organization sponsoring the activity, Holm said. Help Line also functions as a clearing house for temporary,! work study. University staff members can call when they need student help for up to 2 weeks, Holm said. The line is now keeping seven students pretty busy, he said. The four people answering the phone are paid by the Office of Student Affairs. uriemarion and training are tailored for the individual and he does not begin to work alone until he meets the line's ! Turn to page B.---