The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1971, Page PAGE 6, Image 6
Daily Nebraskan Classifieds may be placed in Room 34 Nebraska Union between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM daily weekdays. Cost for one ad is $.08 per word ($.80 minimum) for one insertion. Call 472 2590 for more information, or use the above form and bring it into the office. No refunds. No complimentary ads unless the error is brought to our attention within the firs business day after publication. FOR SALE Heathkit HW 20 20 meter transceiver, single sideband, with 180 watts peak envelope transmitting power. Included are HW 16 AC power supply, 20 feet of 50 ohm coax, case and mobile mount. Fully assembled and tuneo to receive. New and unassembled it cost $170.00. Selling for $130.00. Call Barry at 472 2590 during the day, or 435 3326 late at night. Harmony 12 String guitar-like new sound, holds tune perfectly. New lite-weight strings. $50.00 or best offer. A real sacrifice, need the bread. Call 472 2590 or 435 3326. Ask for Barry. '65 Chevy Bel-Air 6 suck. $520 clean. Call 4754231. Stereo Components. Brand names, manufacturer guaranteed. Will undersell any other dealer in Lincoln. Call 489 5233, 6 9 p.m M.-Th. Buy a '72 CORNHUSKER yearbook today!!! It brings the best to you each year for only $7.50. Buy it from your campus representative or in Rm. 34 Nebraska Union. Stereo Compontents. Fisher, Kenwood. A R . Dual, Koss, Arrtpex. BSRMcOonjId, Panasonic, Sony. Orbit Sounds. Save 10 25. 466O930. 67 Opel Wagon, 39,600 miles, good tires 14 reg. & 2 snow), 6 wheels, radio, other extras, clean, first owner. 423-4264. 1957 VW sedan, good condition. Best offer over $75. 488 5421. Beer Steins Mugs Mugs Mugs. Cliffs Smoke Shop. 1 2th & O St. Btunmy Wallace Drafting Machine AN5750 1. Spec. AN M. New $100.00-Make offer. 4234942. Men's 3-speed bicycle. 434 1 989 af ter 6 p ,m . $35. '67 Dodge Van. Must sell. Make offer. Call Abel Hall South Rm. 1 122. Leave message. 24' Parachute Canopies-Good for a Ceiling or car covers. 477 7788. 26" Sen w inn 3 speed b icycle-$60. Dave. Gather 213. 10 Speed bike. New This spring Phone 434-4205 5 p.m. -7 p.m. CORVETTE-1967 ROADSTER-327350 STILL UNDER WARRANTEE. 4 72 2208 days, 112 983 5847 evens. SERVICES Student typing accurate, prompt service. 40 c a page. Lil Meicter. 423126. Sewing and Alterations. Call Pat Moore 799 2615. V. - - 1 ttomdwmmMiMMr--- 4 TEN YEAftS HFTEfl IN CONCERT irninAY NOVEMBER S PERSHING AUDITORIUM 8 00 PM PERSHING AUDITORIUM RESERVED SEATING 3.50 4.50 5.50 NOW AVAILABLE AT Watch Repair. All makes including Timex. Campus Bookstore East side, look for yellow door. For an alternative to abortion contact Birthright, Inc. 477 8021. FOOTBALL SPECIAL: CHILD CARE Ages 27. Open 10:00 AM. to 7 P.M. N.U. HOME FOOTBALL GAMES WEE CARE DAY CENTER 265 S 84th. Phone 489 9102. Commercial pilot flying to Chicago leaving Oct. 29 returning Oct. 31. Share expenses with 3. Call 477-5945 after 9 p.m. HELP WANTED CAMPUS REPS: Opportunity for sharp business-minded student to earn top cash and get unparalleled experience working for self on campus. Start immediately. Send brief resume and phone number to: Mr. C.R. Oanforth, Box 75, Swampscott, Mass. 01907. Person wanted to run a very profitable business. Earning abilities unlimited and well above average. Mail qualifications to Mr. Warren, P.O. Box 503. Maiden, Mass. 02148 or call 617 261-1964. DAILY AT : 1 2 .30, 2 :00. 3 :30. 5 00, 6:30,8:00,9:30A.M. M M m 'uawahnw- w - mm1 'warn COLOR n tun w ADMITTtS BOX OFFICE Et mi BRAN DEIS MILLER & PAINE TREASURE CITY RICHMAN GORDMAN A GOLD STAR PRODUCTION. 472-2989 472-2590 Jr. Sr. Women. Please turn to p. 3 for Wm. Rogers Oneida offer. Models wanted for T.V. commercials. Fashion shows and public relations. No experience necessary. We can train. No agency fees. Must call for interview at 489-2581, Studio '70. Service job opportunity. Own hours. Call 435 2961. 2209 8 between 4 and 6 p.m. Make extra cash Bring your prints, handcrafts, sewing, pottery, etc. to Student Art-Gift Shop. 117 Union. ROOMMATE WANTED FEMALE to 477 4701. share apt. near Uni. MISCELLANEOUS Attention Students! Facing scheduling conflicts for next semester? Resolve your problems by enrolling in an Independent Study by Correspondence Course. Call or vist the University Extension Division, 511 Nebraska Hall, 472-2171, for information. Ask for a free catalog. University of Nebraska Young Democrats are holding a meeting on Wed. Oct. 27 at 7:00 p.m. It will be in the Student Union. Wanted new members. Please come. Speaker. Write ad below using one T U. T 5. 6. 7 8 9. 10. 11. '2- 13. Is. 16. 17. 18. 19" 20" "2T 22 23. 24. 25! 26 27! 28. 29- 30. Print Name-Address-Phone No. Below: and bring to NAME ADDRESS ZIP CODE 1 1. 3.. QOZ New history course studies urban growth A course offered by the UNL History Department next semester will attempt to "make the modern city more understandable" by examining the history of urban growth, according to the course instructor. History 197 A, The Rise of U.S. Cities, will examine the development of towns and the problems which have been encountered as urban areas have grown in population, said James Schneider. The course will examine towns from several geographical and chronological areas of American history. Included will be the colonial towns of New England, the Mississippi River towns of the early 19th century and the 19th century cattle towns of the South and Southwest. Schneider said he will emphasize the development of institutions in American cities, particularly the police force. A blank for each word. PHONE No. . C,TY- ... r flWw om MRNY OP study of the Boston police force of the 19th century ana police reaction to urban" violence will be included. The course will also examine the architecture and patterns of city planning in the larger 19th century cities. In addition, the patterns of mobility within the city and ethnic relationships will be investigated. The course, as tentatively designed, will cover the growth of the American city from the colonial period to the early 20th century. Schneider said the course would probably not include an examination of the modern metropolis which began to take shape near the start of the 20th century. He called the course "very relevant. About 80 per cent of Americans live, or will live, in urban areas. Students should find it exciting to discover the ways in which cities have grown. 34 Nebraska union M fS2 1 til. MONDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1971 THE DAILY NEBHASKAN PAGE 7