Presidential dark horse visits for 'bureaucratic' party by Don Tremain He wears red and blue suspenders under a conservative black suit. He resembles a pudgy chemistry teacher you had in high school. When he talks he has that air of authority you sec in the local Kiwanis leader. And he's running for president of the United States. Dr. James H. Borcn, 45, founder and president of the National Association of Professional Bureaucrats, is the "bureaucrats' choice" in '72. He was in Lincoln Tuesday to speak at the National Conference on Rural Community Development held at the Nebraska Center for Continuing Education. BO REN SAID that even though his campaign is somewhat a joke, his name will appear on the New Hampshire primary ballot. His campaign lets him fight the foolish side of bureaucracy using humor as a weapon, he says. "Naturally I'm not going to win," Boren said, but, added he hopes to get enough votes to make the other candidates aware that voters are concerned about the pitfalls of bureaucracy. Boren said a good share of his concern comes as a result of a previous job as director of the Partners of the Alliance, a foreign assistance program in Latin America. Boren founded the organization during the Kennedy presidential years. IT WAS successful, he said, but after several years of m u d d I ing"Thr ougn" the" bureaucracy and red tape of government-sponsored projects he decided to quit. The National Association of Professional Bureaucrats (NATAPROBU) entered the picture later. Boren founded the organization on May 2, 1968. It now has 500 , dues-paying members. . 4. - 'it IT. .'VIM. - -" - '4 ..-. . Iff U - In the misty morning. . .seemingly alone in a world of ob scure sunlight with protective trees overhead and refresh ing rain all around. "1 use NATAPROBU as a vehicle through which I can effectively use satire in an attack against the excesses and foolish sides of bureaucracy," Boren said. "This also means irresponsible bureaucratic activities." NATAPROBU's main activity has been its awards ceremonies, where the coveted "Order of the Bird" is given for outstanding bureaucratic acts. A nominee for the "Bird" is generally informed of his selection beforehand so he or she can patch up their bureaucratic blunder, thereby avoiding one of NATA PROBU'S well publicized awards ceremonies. One of the "Birds" was awarded to a Marine at a dentist's office who made a general go out into a hall to telephone for an appointment. Regulations stated appointments were to be made over the phone. SPIRO AGNEW recently got NATAPROBU's "Bird" "in recognition of his contributions to the communications art through his multiplistic semantical prolusions projected in direct trajectories." Agnew's secretary contacted Boren three times suggesting that Agnew should not get the honor. Boren replied, "Our nine coordinating committees have worked so diligently in arriving at the awards' recipients that I do not think it proper for me to rescind their decision." Although Boren has a lot of fun with NATAPROBU, there's a serious side to his 'work. "If someoTte" is being taken because of some bureaucratic establishment, NATAPROBU will go to his aid as sort of a last resort," he said. BOREN IS currently investigating insurance companies' arbitrating committees set up to decide insurance settlements. 7'? VJl" J' - . . - m 7 V 1 - --' v-' i1 - - He noted that people sometimes wail over a year before collecting on a settlement, even though it's clear they weren't at fault. Another of Boron's bureaucratic targets is the study commission. He said the operation of appointing committees to study issues is just a technique fot buying time. Borcn pointed to the commission that looked into the Kent Stale incident. "Sure they were looking for facts, hut mainly they were buying time till things cooled down," he said . ACCORDING TO Boren, commissions and study groups never answer questions. juM put them off. Most of Boron's campaigning has involved luiiliv speaking appearances at clubs and dinners where he confuses the audience with a performance slightly reminiscent of Pat Paulsen's 1968 presidential speechmaking on the Smothers Brothers Show. Boren is a jumble of Turn to page 2. pwmmm J I III I tr-li-iiBiiilll IkmJ 0r I 1 LJL- I Ji. it. I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, ASUN fee use faces A hearing Friday in District Court will determine whether records of fees used by ASUN should be made available to students who are attempting to enjoin ASUN from using mandatory student fees. ASUN is allocated 30 cents per student each semester in student fees, according to Miles Tommeraasen. Director of Business and Finance. If special " projects are approved by the Chancellor, ASUN could be financed with an additional 50 cents per student, he added. THIS YEAR, as well as last year, ASUN's budget h;s used the full 80 cents allocation, Tommeraasen said. This fall's budget request was S3 5, 5 00, compared to $32,072. in 1970-71. Other funds available to ASUN this year are about $1,000 raised last year from the Xerox machine. $2,500 in student fees specifically allocated to the ASUN record store, and summer session student fees, ASUN Pres. Steve Fowler said. After a budget is prepared by ASUN. it is reviewed and approved by the Dean of Student Affairs. Tommerauscn and interim Chancellor C. Peter Magrath, said Ely Meyrson. interim executive dean of Student Affairs. IN THE FALL, a $32,000 preliminary budget request was presented to the administration. There were some modifications, then it was approved "without too much hassle," Meycrson said. The largest chunk of the budget ($6,564.48) was a I loci tod to salaries of ASUN executives and office 1m rJ1 J .7 J iiniiiiiiiiiiiHTriilliiin James Boren. . ."the 1971 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA -VOL. 95, NO. 28 personnel. Since the executives' salaries are based on dorm rates and these rates went up. ASUN salaries also were raised. Fowler said. The Human Rights Committee received the second largest slice. The S.V1N allocation to the Committee includes funds for PACT'. Tenant's Rights and minority group organizations. FUNDS FROM Human Rights are given to organizations such as the Afro-American Student Association and University Women's Action droup because they sponsor programs open to the total student body and "with educational benefit in areas of ASUN concern." Fowler explained. Areas concerned with educational reform received one of the lamest buduet CSL presenied with modified visitation policy A modification of the current coed visitation policy was presented to the Council on Student Life Thursdjy before close to 250 students in Abel Hall who indicated that some are prepared to force the issue if the Board of Regents fail to liberalize the policy. CSL is scheduled to meet with the Regents for a half hour Nov. 5 to determine what type of visitation proposal the Board would accept, said CSL chairman Franklin Fldridge, Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture. The Board rejected a liberalized, CSL-approved coed visitation bureaucrats choice.' court test increases this year. The Center for Iducational Change, charged with finding alternatives to current educational programs, was allocated SI. 150. about S-00 more i h.m last year. Free University was given $1,800. compared jo SK400 last vear. STUDENT SERVICES with control over the ASUN record - and gift shop, child and infant care centers and book exchange, received S2.250. Student Services received about S4.000 last year. $3,000 of which bought a van for the Student Volunteers Bureau, chairman Roy Baldwin said. Allocations for Time-Out and World in Revolution conferences also were increased this vear. Time-Out received S 3.0 00. and World in Turn to page 6. proposal last summer. Wayne Kuncl, coordinator of Residence Hall programs, offered a modified version of current RH A Hours as simply a "guideline for CSL negotiations" with the Regents. If the Regents accept his proposal, Kuncl said it would have to be approved by residence hall students and CSL. K unci's proposal, a residence hall and housing office "staff position," doesn't change the RHA Hours program in that visitation is Turn to page 7.