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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1971)
mm History Department offers special courses, The following seminars and special courses will be offered by the UNL History Department next semester: Seminars: 321. Readings and Problems in English History (Duly): expansion of the British Umpire in the 19th and early 20th century. 321. Reading and Wednesday. Oct. 20 1:30 p Union Days. m. Nebraska Builders College p.m. Nebraska Union-ASUNi Senate Meeting, p.m. East Union Publicity Committee. : 3 0 p.m. Nebraska Union -Union Board Planning Committee. :30 p.m. Nebraska Union Builders Calendar and Directory. :30 p.m. Nebraska Union-Special Services Indian Students Dinner. :30 p.m. Nebraska Union Engineering Toast makers, p.m. Nebraska Union Wo mens Division Chamber of Commerce, p m. ebraka Union-Kappa kappa Psi. p.m. Nebraska Union-Special Services Tutoring, p.m. Nebraska Union - Kosmel Klub Exec. p.m. Nebraska Union-Red Cross. 6:30 p.m. Union-NFU " Organizations.' 6:30 p.m. Nebraska 'International Nebraska Union - Builders Exec. 6:3 0 p.m. Nebraska Union Kosmet Klub. 6:30 p.m. Nebraska Union -U of Rtm ifif Climb. 7 p.m.. i-brj4.j Union CUE. 7 p.m. Nebrjska Union-NT U ""Language Awjirenevs."" 7 p.m. Nebraska L' union- B milder BojiJ.. BIAEIEHJ cjSFnucwus lllSSTajCT0 FOR EVCnvOME "SOPHISTICATED SELF-OEFFJNSE"" FOR ALL AGES PRIVATE ft GROUP MrSTRUCTtOM - HOURS -IM tW 2117 "XT Street Lincoln, Nc&rasfca Phone.47S072S MATTHIAS DAVID CHIEF INSTRUCTOR 5th DEGREE BLACKBELT HOLY HANNAH- SALI MO. 2 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, Problems in English History (Snow): Readings will focus on the Tudor period of English history. 331. Readings and Problems in Modern E u ropean History (Anderson): the phenomenon of revolution (primarily in Europe) in the 19th and 20th century. 7 p.m. Nebraska Union-NFU "Educational Innovation." 7 p.m. Nebraska Union-NFU "Magic & Witchcraft." 7:30 p.m. Nebraska Union-Alpha Zeta. 7:30 p.m. Nebraska Union-Student Activities Volunteer Council. 7:30 p.m. Nebraska Union -Math Counselors. 7:30 p.m. Nebraska Union-Marketing Club. 8 p.m. Nebraska Union-School of Environmental' Development. 8 p.m. Nebraska Union-Sigma Delta Chi. 9 p.m. Nebraska Union Kappa Alpha Psi. Roffler Sculpture Kut I r7 Z Avcnfe - m Mote Shcg Long Hair is in Good grooming demands custom care. . . Today's long hair fashions demand even more attention to main tain that well-groomed lock. Nebraska Union Barber Shop is the mod place where it all happens! Nebraska Union Berber Shop Lower Levet IMletoratlka iHmon Bum 1971 332. Seminar in Modern European History (Yost): interrelationship of religious reform and social change in the Northern Renaissance and the Reformation. 341. Readings and Problems in American History (Sosin): the era of the American Revolution. 341. Readings and Problems in American History (Rader): American intellectual history, Civil War to present. 342. Seminar in American History (Luebke): social bases of Nebraska Politics in the 1920s. 342. Seminar in American History (Rawley): U.S. In mid-1 9th century. 372. Seminar in Latin American History (Meyer): focus on first five years of Mexican Revolution. Special Courses: 197. Slavery and Antislavery in America (Rawley): black and white relations in the U.S. to 1865. -197A. Rise of U.S. Cities (Schneider): growth of U.S. urban areas to 1900. 1 9 7 D. Hapsburg Monarchy (Houser): Hapsburg Monarchy from 1699 to 1918. 197t. tastern Europe in Walk in or awsomimenl, 472 2459 JOHN CHAPPELL (I If HKH I U1M1I11 1 f 111 ft M 1 m mm mm mm m IVWllB ' A SPCCtAL PRODUCTION of HAL HOLBROOrCS famous "ACTOR'S PORTRAIT" 8:30 PiL SAL, OCT. 23 UUIQU COLLEGE AUDITORIUM THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 20th Century (Misiunas): Eastern Europe from origins !!BEAT THE LANDLORD ESTABLISHMENT!! Tell dad to save on rent costs! Buy a house with a small down payment. Maybe Dad can co-sign? Rent out the extra rooms to make your monthly payments and utility bills. Can't live much cheaper than that. Sell the house when you graduate. COME DOWN and ask for Dallas, 4754831; Mary. 475-1770; Mike. 423-8088; Jerry. 432-7810 or Craig, 466-3258 HARRINGTON ASSOCIATES 1201 'J' 475-2678 I Saw $3 and Csie Alive) vitli Leatfaercralt I Sow discover the "Come Alive" Hobby J J and receive Tandy's famous "Lets Do .f I Modern Leatbercraft" Kit vritb tools, f-Sr i I finishes, instructions and eight pro- -T" Unly I jects to make for a $3.00 savings T ?4fl95 off tbe regular $13.95 price. 4iW s--s-'.. y" "'- With This Uft Do MODERN I Ad I (T-. OFFER GOOD THRU OCTOBER 31 I VdffJi J 1 1 ASK ABOUT CLASSES START! IMG SOON I JjjCi I I Vi M 316 Sooth 13th Street f40aar MliiMitOMri.iii. CAMPUS BOOKSTORE TODAY & THURS. mmmmmammmmmmmmmmmm seminars to incorporation into Soviet sphere. I r--Mfi4 PAGE 3 . mm