Knaub raps about A M T,i.,.n nin ii , "' ' V """i"' People are disillusioned with the traditional marriage norm and are looking for alternatives, A UNL instructor in human development and the family said Tuesday, Our society only accepts the '"two person heterosexual monogamous marital form," Patricia Knaub told a small group of students in an informal rap session in the Nebraska Union. Such a form is not realistic for many people, Knaub said . the primary goal of marriage mow is the constant pursuit of happiness, Knaub said. ""This its the main basis for the different kinds of marriage we have today,'" she said. "Self-fulfillment seems to keep people Hooking for new mates," The longer life span is too long for an unacceptable union, she added, Knaub said children don't usually hold a family together today because of the decreasing number of children and the decreasing age of the mother at the lime of the last child's birth. In I960 the average age at which women had their last child was 26, she said . Knaub said dating and engagement can be harmful to the marriage relationship, "The engagement period is often not used Turn to page 8, 3A si JLLdu WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1971 UNCOLM, NEBRASKA VOL. 95, NO. 26 NU attorneys won't defend AS UN University attorneys will not defend the Associated Students -of the University of Nebraska in an upcoming legal attempt to -enjoin ASUN and other University activities from using madatory student fees. Ely Meyerson, acting executive dean of Student Affairs, said university attorneys will not -defend ASUN because they could be placed in a -conflict of interest Tole. "The Board and ASUN may not agree on some issues,"" Meyerson said. '"This -could present problems for -counsel representing both parties." Meyerson said that ASUN is free to use fee money to hire its own counsel. ASUN President Steve 'Fowler noted that there is S3S0 in the ASUN budget for legal fees. He said this money might be used foT the legal fees, but that ASUN is also investigating other sources of financing. FowIct said he was not upset that University attorneys would not -defend ASUN. "I feel a little more secure with us having our own attorney," he said. He added that ASUN is consulting with a private lawyer and Trying to obtain legal service at the most reasonable possible cost. The next round in the student fees fight is scheduled for Friday at 31 a.m. in the court of District 3 udge Herbert A. Ronin. At that time a petition by University students Ralph Larson and Bruce Wimmer will "be considered . The pet it ion asks for a -court order to force the University to produce records on the use of student fees for Larson and Wimmer and their attorneys to examine and copy . Records named in the petition include written allocations of student fees for the fall semester including subscription charges for The Daily Nebraslcan, fees allocated foT the Nebraska Union and its programs, and fees for ASUN. The petition also asks for access to all otrier student fee records for the fall semester Also sought in the pet it ion is the -document adopted by the Board of Regents which allegedly -delegates -decision making on the use of student fee money to the Nebraska Union and ASUN. Documents -concerning the use of student fees during the May, 3-97-0 student strike are also sought. The petition also asks for access to all expenditure records for past Time-Out and World in Revolution conferences since H?66. The petition alleges that Larson attempted to obtain this information from the university and was tunable to -do so, Environmental Improvement Inc gives Lincoln's garbage life by H. 3. Cummins Up to three tons of paper and 6,000 tin cans per week are now channeled to a "second life" through a recycling pick-up station in Lincoln, according to Russ Miller, a member of Lincoln's Citizens for Environmental Improvement, Inc. He said the 48th and Normal Streets site receives nothing from the University and "easily half to two-thirds of the people who come arc over 50 years old." MILLER CALLED THE quantity of paper and tin cans turned back "nothing." He said Lincoln's -daily newspapers turn out 161 tons of paper a week, and the National Association of Tin Can Manufacturers estimates that each person uses half a can a day. Open Saturdays, 10 a.m. -5 p.m. the renovated "Burger Barn" is manned by volunteers, according to Jim Pattavina, 41 University student and executive secretary of the environmental group. The current site accepts newsprint, cardboard, paper sacks and magazines. The magazines must be separate from all ol her paper. Miller said. ALUMINUM OF ANY kind is taken, he continued, as are tin cans, flattened and with the labels removed. Salvation Army trucks pick up the gathered paper and lake (hem to a local recycling company which buys it for b u ton and resells it, usually in Chicago. A new site -will hopefully be established "in two to four weeks." Miller said. The new site will also take brown and clear glass bottles or jars. He said the old site would be -discontinued, because "everyone comes in cars,"" so it would be bad for the environment to -drive to two sites and emit extra exhaust fumes. MILLER SAID THERE will be no recycling of green glass because there is not enough sold in Lincoln to cover the costs. "And 3 think I'll be lucky to get 5 per cent," of all the glass sold in town, he added. Two storage bins will crush and store the glass until it goes to an 'Illinois glass company. Miller explained. He added the Lincoln group must ship 50 tons of glass to cover handling expenses. Miller said his committee is investigating recycling plastic and milk containers. THE RECYCLING COMMITTEE is one of 12 of the Citizens for Environmental Improve me Inc. Other committees concern themselves with problems that include water, ail and over-population. The 200-member group started on the University campus during the Earth Day observances two years ago. Pat lavina -said. Last year Nancy Roman led a Free University course on environmental control, he said, and the group decided to incorporate under -state laws and become ;i civic rather than cam pus organization. PATTAVINA SAID EIGHT temporary sites were set up on Earth Day las; year to advertize their first recycling -site that opened in April. 1971. NU seeks alternate disposal procedures The University burns an estimated 5-0 tons of paper per week according to Ronald Wright, assistant -direct or of business and finance, but different methods of disposal are now being explored at t he urging of the ASUN Environmental Task Force The estimate was made in April, W71, according to Task Force Chairman Ciary Cabelhouse, and it does not include trash from Greek 'houses. Cabelhouse said a 067 estimate showed the University burned over five million tons of solid waste t hat year. Data processing cards used in University computers are not burned., but sold hack to the company from which t he University bough t t hem, Gabel house said . But Carl Donaldson, special consultant to the NU president, clarified that, saying, "sometimes the companies !bw them to be recycled and sometimes they don't want them, depending on the market." Donaldson said any paper likely to have "foreign matter such as cloth with it-like paper towels, napkins, etc cannot be sold to recycling companies because t hey "can't afford to separate it ." Cabelhouse expressed his belief that the University must "work d irectly and regularly wit h a recycling company." "Enter into a business -deal," he said. "That's the only way to get anything done." UNE's student newspaper. The Daily Nebraskan, plans to recycle it s newsprint , according to editor C a ry Seacrest. Twelve barrels will be dispersed over the two linco'ln campuses in which "any newsprint but only newsprint" can be thrown. Seacrest said . He said the project, slated to begin soon, will partially he paid for by the profits from selling the newsprint for recycling. Sierra Club formed to help conservation Nebraska's first Sierra C 1 u b -- a n outing and conservat ionist organization-is being formed in Lincoln, organizer Dwight Hoxie said Tuesday. Hoxie said the club is just being formed and has 40 members, including .a -dozen Universit y of Nebraska-Lincoln students and some faculty members. lie said the club will work politically to influence 1 e g i a 1 a 1 i o n o f good co nse r v a t i o n 111 e a s u res i n Nebraska. "Nebraska's environment is its primary resource," Hoxie said. Two -specif ic projects he mentioned were the Norden Dam and Reservoir on the Niobrara River, -and walercontr-ol and irrigation projects on t he Platte River, such as Mid -St ate. The lincoln group of Sierra Club is a -division of a Rocky Mountain Region which includes Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, North Dakota and South Dakota. So far Lincoln's young chapter is the only one in Nebraska, but Hoxie said Omaha is also thinking of organizing a branch. The Sierra Club will bold monthly meetings .and one, possibly two, outings each month. Hoxie said an Oct. 22 walk in the Wilderness Park south of Lincoln is the next event scheduled. The next meeting will be Oct. 20 at the Bethany Branch of f he City library. v i f..